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  1. Züghart, Wiebke [Editor]; Stenzel, Stefanie [Editor]; Fritsche, Beate [Editor] ; Tagung "Das Umfassende Bundesweite Biodiversitätsmonitoring - Aktuelle Entwicklungen und Perspektiven" 2017 Putbus- Insel Vilm, Deutschland Bundesamt für Naturschutz

    Umfassendes bundesweites Biodiversitätsmonitoring : Ergebnisse einer Vilmer Fachtagung

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    Bonn-Bad Godesberg: Bundesamt für Naturschutz, 2020

    Published in: Deutschland: BfN-Skripten ; 585

  2. di Giuseppe, Romina; Pechlivanis, Sonali; Fisher, Eva; Arregui, Maria; Weikert, Beate; Knüppel, Sven; Buijsse, Brian; Fritsche, Andreas; Willich, Stefan N; Joost, Hans-Georg; Boeing, Heiner; Moebus, Susanne; Weikert, Cornelia

    Microsomal triglyceride transfer protein -164 T  C gene polymorphism and risk of cardiovascular disease: results from the EPIC-Potsdam case-cohort study

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    Springer Science and Business Media LLC, 2013

    Published in: BMC Medical Genetics, 14 (2013) 1

  3. Thamer, Claus; Machann, Jürgen; Bachmann, Oliver; Haap, Michael; Dahl, Dominik; Wietek, Beate; Tschritter, Otto; Niess, Andreas; Brechtel, Klaus; Fritsche, Andreas; Claussen, Claus; Jacob, Stephan; Schick, Fritz; Häring, Hans-Ulrich; Stumvoll, Michael

    Intramyocellular Lipids: Anthropometric Determinants and Relationships with Maximal Aerobic Capacity and Insulin Sensitivity

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    The Endocrine Society, 2003

    Published in: The Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism, 88 (2003) 4, Seite 1785-1791

  4. Tal, Tamara; Myhre, Oddvar; Fritsche, Ellen; Rüegg, Joëlle; Craenen, Kai; Aiello-Holden, Kiara; Agrillo, Caroline; Babin, Patrick J.; Escher, Beate I.; Dirven, Hubert; Hellsten, Kati; Dolva, Kristine; Hessel, Ellen; Heusinkveld, Harm J.; Hadzhiev, Yavor; Hurem, Selma; Jagiello, Karolina; Judzinska, Beata; Klüver, Nils; Knoll-Gellida, Anja; Kühne, Britta A.; Leist, Marcel; Lislien, Malene; Lyche, Jan L.; [...]

    New approach methods to assess developmental and adult neurotoxicity for regulatory use: a PARC work package 5 project

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    Frontiers Media SA, 2024

    Published in: Frontiers in Toxicology, 6 (2024)

  5. Gassowski, Martyna; Poethko-Müller, Christina; Schlaud, Martin; Sailer, Andrea; Dehmel, Kerstin; Bremer, Viviane; Dudareva, Sandra; Jansen, Klaus; Baier, Michael; Straube, Eberhard; Baillot, Armin; Bartsch, Patricia; Brüning, Thomas; Cremer, Josef; Dallügge-Tamm, Helga; Gröning, Arndt; Eicke, Stephan; Emrich, Dagmar; Fritsche, Gundula; Gjavotchanoff, Rosi; Gohl, Peter; Götzrath, Matthias; Meye, Axel; Ehrhard, Ingrid; [...]

    Prevalence of Chlamydia trachomatis in the general population in Germany – a triangulation of data from two population-based health surveys and a laboratory sentinel system

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    Springer Science and Business Media LLC, 2022

    Published in: BMC Public Health, 22 (2022) 1

  6. Neuhaus, Winfried; Reininger-Gutmann, Birgit; Rinner, Beate; Plasenzotti, Roberto; Wilflingseder, Doris; De Kock, Joery; Vanhaecke, Tamara; Rogiers, Vera; Jírová, Dagmar; Kejlová, Kristina; Knudsen, Lisbeth E.; Nielsen, Rasmus Normann; Kleuser, Burkhard; Kral, Vivian; Thöne-Reineke, Christa; Hartung, Thomas; Pallocca, Giorgia; Rovida, Costanza; Leist, Marcel; Hippenstiel, Stefan; Lang, Annemarie; Retter, Ida; Krämer, Stephanie; Jedlicka, Peter; [...]

    The Current Status and Work of Three Rs Centres and Platforms in Europe*

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    SAGE Publications, 2022

    Published in: Alternatives to Laboratory Animals, 50 (2022) 6, Seite 381-413

  7. Neuhaus, Winfried; Reininger-Gutmann, Birgit; Rinner, Beate; Plasenzotti, Roberto; Wilflingseder, Doris; De Kock, Joery; Vanhaecke, Tamara; Rogiers, Vera; Jírová, Dagmar; Kejlová, Kristina; Knudsen, Lisbeth E.; Nielsen, Rasmus Normann; Kleuser, Burkhard; Kral, Vivian; Thöne-Reineke, Christa; Hartung, Thomas; Pallocca, Giorgia; Leist, Marcel; Hippenstiel, Stefan; Lang, Annemarie; Retter, Ida; Krämer, Stephanie; Jedlicka, Peter; Ameli, Katharina; [...]

    The Rise of Three Rs Centres and Platforms in Europe*

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    SAGE Publications, 2022

    Published in: Alternatives to Laboratory Animals, 50 (2022) 2, Seite 90-120

  8. Allesøe, Rosa Lundbye; Lundgaard, Agnete Troen; Hernández Medina, Ricardo; Aguayo-Orozco, Alejandro; Johansen, Joachim; Nissen, Jakob Nybo; Brorsson, Caroline; Mazzoni, Gianluca; Niu, Lili; Biel, Jorge Hernansanz; Leal Rodríguez, Cristina; Brasas, Valentas; Webel, Henry; Benros, Michael Eriksen; Pedersen, Anders Gorm; Chmura, Piotr Jaroslaw; Jacobsen, Ulrik Plesner; Mari, Andrea; Koivula, Robert; Mahajan, Anubha; Vinuela, Ana; Tajes, Juan Fernandez; Sharma, Sapna; Haid, Mark; [...]

    Author Correction: Discovery of drug–omics associations in type 2 diabetes with generative deep-learning models

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    Springer Science and Business Media LLC, 2023

    Published in: Nature Biotechnology, 41 (2023) 7, Seite 1026-1026

  9. Allesøe, Rosa Lundbye; Lundgaard, Agnete Troen; Hernández Medina, Ricardo; Aguayo-Orozco, Alejandro; Johansen, Joachim; Nissen, Jakob Nybo; Brorsson, Caroline; Mazzoni, Gianluca; Niu, Lili; Biel, Jorge Hernansanz; Leal Rodríguez, Cristina; Brasas, Valentas; Webel, Henry; Benros, Michael Eriksen; Pedersen, Anders Gorm; Chmura, Piotr Jaroslaw; Jacobsen, Ulrik Plesner; Mari, Andrea; Koivula, Robert; Mahajan, Anubha; Vinuela, Ana; Tajes, Juan Fernandez; Sharma, Sapna; Haid, Mark; [...]

    Discovery of drug–omics associations in type 2 diabetes with generative deep-learning models

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    Springer Science and Business Media LLC, 2023

    Published in: Nature Biotechnology, 41 (2023) 3, Seite 399-408

  10. Brown, Andrew A.; Fernandez-Tajes, Juan J.; Hong, Mun-gwan; Brorsson, Caroline A.; Koivula, Robert W.; Davtian, David; Dupuis, Théo; Sartori, Ambra; Michalettou, Theodora-Dafni; Forgie, Ian M.; Adam, Jonathan; Allin, Kristine H.; Caiazzo, Robert; Cederberg, Henna; De Masi, Federico; Elders, Petra J. M.; Giordano, Giuseppe N.; Haid, Mark; Hansen, Torben; Hansen, Tue H.; Hattersley, Andrew T.; Heggie, Alison J.; Howald, Cédric; Jones, Angus G.; [...]

    Genetic analysis of blood molecular phenotypes reveals common properties in the regulatory networks affecting complex traits

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    Springer Science and Business Media LLC, 2023

    Published in: Nature Communications, 14 (2023) 1

  11. Bar, Noam; Korem, Tal; Weissbrod, Omer; Zeevi, David; Rothschild, Daphna; Leviatan, Sigal; Kosower, Noa; Lotan-Pompan, Maya; Weinberger, Adina; Le Roy, Caroline I.; Menni, Cristina; Visconti, Alessia; Falchi, Mario; Spector, Tim D.; Vestergaard, Henrik; Arumugam, Manimozhiyan; Hansen, Torben; Allin, Kristine; Hansen, Tue; Hong, Mun-Gwan; Schwenk, Jochen; Haussler, Ragna; Dale, Matilda; Giorgino, Toni; [...]

    A reference map of potential determinants for the human serum metabolome

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    Springer Science and Business Media LLC, 2020

    Published in: Nature, 588 (2020) 7836, Seite 135-140

  12. Bizzotto, Roberto; Jennison, Christopher; Jones, Angus G.; Kurbasic, Azra; Tura, Andrea; Kennedy, Gwen; Bell, Jimmy D.; Thomas, E. Louise; Frost, Gary; Eriksen, Rebeca; Koivula, Robert W.; Brage, Soren; Kaye, Jane; Hattersley, Andrew T.; Heggie, Alison; McEvoy, Donna; ’t Hart, Leen M.; Beulens, Joline W.; Elders, Petra; Musholt, Petra B.; Ridderstråle, Martin; Hansen, Tue H.; Allin, Kristine H.; Hansen, Torben; [...]

    Processes Underlying Glycemic Deterioration in Type 2 Diabetes: An IMI DIRECT Study

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    American Diabetes Association, 2021

    Published in: Diabetes Care, 44 (2021) 2, Seite 511-518

  13. Tura, Andrea; Grespan, Eleonora; Göbl, Christian S.; Koivula, Robert W.; Franks, Paul W.; Pearson, Ewan R.; Walker, Mark; Forgie, Ian M.; Giordano, Giuseppe N.; Pavo, Imre; Ruetten, Hartmut; Dermitzakis, Emmanouil T.; McCarthy, Mark I.; Pedersen, Oluf; Schwenk, Jochen M.; Adamski, Jerzy; De Masi, Federico; Tsirigos, Konstantinos D.; Brunak, Søren; Viñuela, Ana; Mahajan, Anubha; McDonald, Timothy J.; Kokkola, Tarja; Vangipurapu, Jagadish; [...]

    Profiles of Glucose Metabolism in Different Prediabetes Phenotypes, Classified by Fasting Glycemia, 2-Hour OGTT, Glycated Hemoglobin, and 1-Hour OGTT: An IMI DIRECT Study

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    American Diabetes Association, 2021

    Published in: Diabetes, 70 (2021) 9, Seite 2092-2106