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  1. Lützel, Jakob Heinrich [Composer]; Schein, Johann Hermann [Composer]; Schütz, Heinrich [Composer]; Händel, Georg Friedrich [Composer]; Gluck, Christoph Willibald [Composer]; Bruch, Max [Composer]; Frommelt, Dieter [Composer]; Breas, Gerard [Composer]; Rutter, John [Composer]; Zipp, Friedrich [Composer]; Colley, Frank [Composer]; Mauersberger, Rudolf [Composer]; Riedel, Carl [Composer]; Praetorius, Michael [Composer]; Bach, Johann Sebastian [Composer]; Gruber, Franz Xaver [Composer]; Kindermann, Johann Erasmus [Composer]; Hairston, Jester J. [Composer]; Schulz, Johann Abraham Peter [Composer]; Elgar, Edward [Composer]; Franck, César [Composer] ; Eger, Wolfgang [Conductor] Knabenchor Freiberg

    Freiberger Knabenchor : Weihnachten - Jahresausklang im Rückblick (1 CD)

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    [Chemnitz]: auris subtilis, [2020]

    Saxon Bibliography (Sächsische Bibliografie)

  2. Krauss, Annette [Author] ; Lontzek, Laura [Other]; Meyer, Julia [Other]; Frommelt, Maria [Other]

    Lack of Access or Crowded Markets? Towards a Better Understanding of Microfinance Market Penetration

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    [S.l.]: SSRN, [2015]

    Published in: CMF Working Paper Series ; No. 01-2012

  3. Lungwitz, Matthaeus [Author] ; Lindener, Johann [Dedicatee]; Braun, Matthes [Dedicatee]; Frommelt, Christianus [Dedicatee]; Schantze, Wolff [Dedicatee]; Stüber, Bernhard [Dedicatee]; Dümler, Jeremias [Printer] Hamburg, Bürgermeister und Rat, Breslau, Bürgermeister und Rat, Leipzig, Bürgermeister und Rat, Delitzsch, Bürgermeister und Rat, Großen Hain, Bürgermeister und Rat, Döbeln, Bürgermeister und Rat

    Neundter Theil Der Biblischen Hertz-Postilla / 9, Uber die hohen Fest und Sontags Episteln/ vom XIX Sontage nach Trinitatis/ biß auff den XXVII. und letzten Sontag nach dem Fest der Heiligen und Hochgelobten Dreyfaltigkeit/ und also biß zu Ende deß Kirchen Jahres

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    Nürnberg: Dümler, 1642 ; Online-Ausgabe, Wolfenbüttel: Herzog August Bibliothek, [2019]

    Published in: Neundter Theil Der Biblischen Hertz-Postilla ... / Durch M. Matthaeum Lungwitium den Eltern ... ; 9.1642

  4. Ryssel, Christian von [Honoree]; Hanmann, Enoch [Honoree]; Kretschmar, Simon [Honoree]; Naumann, Johann [Honoree]; Lautenschläger, Georg [Honoree]; Gutbier, Justus [Honoree]; Frommelt, Christian [Honoree]; Ritzsch, Timotheus [Printer]; Heinrich X. Reuß-Lobenstein [Other] ; Universität Leipzig

    Decanvs Facultatis Philosophicæ In Academia Lipsiensi : Non Est Dvbitanvm, Lectoribvs hvjvs Programmatis [et] in eo occurrentis exigui numeri Candidatorum Magisterii, in mentem venire illud Virgilis ... Prorsus istius boni commatis sunt etiam, qui nun sunt, Candidati Magisterii Philosophici, hi seqventes numero VII: videlicet ... P.P. die V. Mensis Maji Anno Christi Jesu M.DC.XLI

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    [Leipzig]: Excribebat Timotheus Ritzsch, MDCXLI ; Online-Ausgabe, Jena: Thüringer Universitäts- und Landesbibliothek, 2020

  5. Mastroianni, Chiara; Piredda, Michela; Taboga, Chiara; Mirabella, Fiorino; Marfoli, Elisabetta; Casale, Giuseppe; Matarese, Maria; Murray Frommelt, Katherine H.; De Marinis, Maria Grazia

    Frommelt Attitudes Toward Care of the Dying Scale Form B : Psychometric Testing of the Italian Version for Students : Psychometric Testing of the Italian Version for Students

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    SAGE Publications, 2015

    Published in: OMEGA - Journal of Death and Dying, 70 (2015) 3, Seite 227-250

  6. Meraviglia, Viviana; Cattelan, Giada; De Bortoli, Marzia; Motta, Benedetta Maria; Volpato, Claudia; Frommelt, Laura Sophie; Rauhe, Werner; Di Segni, Marina; Silipigni, Rosamaria; Pramstaller, Peter P.; Rossini, Alessandra

    Generation and characterization of three human induced pluripotent stem cell lines (EURACi007-A, EURACi008-A, EURACi009-A) from three different individuals of the same family with arrhythmogenic cardiomyopathy (ACM) carrying the plakophillin2 p.N346Lfs*12 mutation

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    Elsevier BV, 2021

    Published in: Stem Cell Research, 55 (2021), Seite 102466

  7. Metry, Denise; Heyer, Geoffrey; Hess, Christopher; Garzon, Maria; Haggstrom, Anita; Frommelt, Peter; Adams, Denise; Siegel, Dawn; Hall, Karla; Powell, Julie; Frieden, Ilona; Drolet, Beth

    Consensus Statement on Diagnostic Criteria for PHACE Syndrome

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    American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP), 2009

    Published in: Pediatrics, 124 (2009) 5, Seite 1447-1456

  8. Galvan Ruiz, Saray; Hernandez Sosa, Maria; Hernandez Sarmiento, Samuel; Mori de Santiago, Marta; Blanco Sánchez, Maria Jesus; Jimenez Gallego, Pedro; Saura Grau, Salvador; Aguiar Bujanda, David; Hanselmann Frommelt, Rinaldo; Fiuza Perez, Maria Dolores; Batista, Norberto; Bohn, Uriel

    Tailored treatment with targeted therapies in non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) based on the epidermal growth factor receptor gene (EGFR) mutation testing

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    American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO), 2014

    Published in: Journal of Clinical Oncology, 32 (2014) 15_suppl, Seite e19150-e19150

  9. Raote, Ishier; Rosendahl, Ann-Helen; Häkkinen, Hanna-Maria; Vibe, Carina; Küçükaylak, Ismail; Sawant, Mugdha; Keufgens, Lena; Frommelt, Pia; Halwas, Kai; Broadbent, Katrina; Cunquero, Marina; Castro, Gustavo; Villemeur, Marie; Nüchel, Julian; Bornikoel, Anna; Dam, Binita; Zirmire, Ravindra K.; Kiran, Ravi; Carolis, Carlo; Andilla, Jordi; Loza-Alvarez, Pablo; Ruprecht, Verena; Jamora, Colin; Campelo, Felix; [...]

    TANGO1 inhibitors reduce collagen secretion and limit tissue scarring

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    Springer Science and Business Media LLC, 2024

    Published in: Nature Communications, 15 (2024) 1

  10. Olsen, Gerilyn M.; Hansen, Leanna M.; Stefanko, Nicole S.; Mathes, Erin; Puttgen, Katherine B.; Tollefson, Megha M.; Lauren, Christine; Mancini, Anthony J.; McCuaig, Catherine C.; Frieden, Ilona J.; Adams, Denise; Baselga, Eulalia; Chamlin, Sarah; Gupta, Deepti; Frommelt, Peter; Garzon, Maria C.; Horii, Kimberly; Klajn, Justyna; Maheshwari, Mohit; Newell, Brandon; Nguyen, Henry L.; Nopper, Amy; Powell, Julie; Siegel, Dawn H.;

    Evaluating the Safety of Oral Propranolol Therapy in Patients With PHACE Syndrome

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    American Medical Association (AMA), 2020

    Published in: JAMA Dermatology, 156 (2020) 2, Seite 186

  11. Huang, Yun; Mouttet, Brice; Warnatz, Hans-Jörg; Risch, Thomas; Rietmann, Fabian; Frommelt, Fabian; Ngo, Quy A.; Dobay, Maria Pamela; Marovca, Blerim; Jenni, Silvia; Tsai, Yi-Chien; Matzk, Sören; Amstislavskiy, Vyacheslav; Schrappe, Martin; Stanulla, Martin; Gstaiger, Matthias; Bornhauser, Beat; Yaspo, Marie-Laure; Bourquin, Jean-Pierre

    The Leukemogenic TCF3-HLF Complex Rewires Enhancers Driving Cellular Identity and Self-Renewal Conferring EP300 Vulnerability

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    Elsevier BV, 2019

    Published in: Cancer Cell, 36 (2019) 6, Seite 630-644.e9

  12. Bayer, Michelle L.; Frommelt, Peter C.; Blei, Francine; Breur, Johannes M.P.J.; Cordisco, Maria R.; Frieden, Ilona J.; Goddard, Deborah S.; Holland, Kristen E.; Krol, Alfons L.; Maheshwari, Mohit; Metry, Denise W.; Morel, Kimberly D.; North, Paula E.; Pope, Elena; Shieh, Joseph T.; Southern, James F.; Wargon, Orli; Siegel, Dawn H.; Drolet, Beth A.

    Congenital Cardiac, Aortic Arch, and Vascular Bed Anomalies in PHACE Syndrome (from the International PHACE Syndrome Registry)

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    Elsevier BV, 2013

    Published in: The American Journal of Cardiology, 112 (2013) 12, Seite 1948-1952

  13. Martin, Kari; Bleib, Francine; Chamlin, Sarah L.; Chiu, Yvonne E.; Frieden, Ilona J.; Frommelt, Peter C.; Garzon, Maria C.; Kwon, Eun‐Kyung M.; MacLellan‐Tobert, Susan; Mancini, Anthony J.; Seefeldt, Marcia; Sidbury, Robert; Siegel, Dawn H.; Drolet, Beth A.; Boucek, Robert J.

    Propranolol Treatment of Infantile Hemangiomas: Anticipatory Guidance for Parents and Caretakers

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    Wiley, 2013

    Published in: Pediatric Dermatology, 30 (2013) 1, Seite 155-159

  14. Metry, Denise W.; Garzon, Maria C.; Drolet, Beth A.; Frommelt, Peter; Haggstrom, Anita; Hall, Judith; Hess, Christopher P.; Heyer, Geoffrey L.; Siegel, Dawn; Baselga, Eulalia; Katowitz, William; Levy, Moise L.; Mancini, Anthony; Maronn, Mandi L.; Phung, Thuy; Pope, Elena; Sun, Grace; Frieden, Ilona J.

    PHACE Syndrome: Current Knowledge, Future Directions

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    Wiley, 2009

    Published in: Pediatric Dermatology, 26 (2009) 4, Seite 381-398

  15. Drolet, Beth A.; Frommelt, Peter C.; Chamlin, Sarah L.; Haggstrom, Anita; Bauman, Nancy M.; Chiu, Yvonne E.; Chun, Robert H.; Garzon, Maria C.; Holland, Kristen E.; Liberman, Leonardo; MacLellan-Tobert, Susan; Mancini, Anthony J.; Metry, Denise; Puttgen, Katherine B.; Seefeldt, Marcia; Sidbury, Robert; Ward, Kendra M.; Blei, Francine; Baselga, Eulalia; Cassidy, Laura; Darrow, David H.; Joachim, Shawna; Kwon, Eun-Kyung M.; Martin, Kari; [...]

    Initiation and Use of Propranolol for Infantile Hemangioma: Report of a Consensus Conference

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    American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP), 2013

    Published in: Pediatrics, 131 (2013) 1, Seite 128-140

  16. Di Maria, Michael V.; Goldberg, David J.; Zak, Victor; Hu, Chenwei; Lubert, Adam M.; Dragulescu, Andreea; Mackie, Andrew S.; McCrary, Andrew; Weingarten, Angela; Parthiban, Anitha; Goot, Benjamin; Goldstein, Bryan H.; Taylor, Carolyn; Lindblade, Christopher; Petit, Christopher J.; Spurney, Christopher; Harrild, David M.; Urbina, Elaine M.; Schuchardt, Eleanor; Beom Kim, Gi; Kyoung Yoon, Ja; Colombo, Jamie N.; Files, Matthew D.; Schoessling, Megan; [...]

    Impact of Udenafil on Echocardiographic Indices of Single Ventricle Size and Function in FUEL Study Participants

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    Ovid Technologies (Wolters Kluwer Health), 2022

    Published in: Circulation: Cardiovascular Imaging, 15 (2022) 11