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  1. Geisthardt, Hans-Joachim [Author] ; Rühlemann, Otto [Performer] Berliner Festtage 22 1978 Berlin, Ost

    2 Flötenstücke (1 Tonband)

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    [S.l.], 1986

  2. Geisthardt, Hans-Joachim [Author] ; Brauer, Dieter [Performer]

    Diptychon : für Klavier (1 Tonband)

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    [S.l.], 1987

  3. Geisthardt, Hans-Joachim [Author]

    Drei Stücke für Bläserquintett

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    Berlin: Verlag Neue Musik, c 1981

    Published in: Reihe Kammermusik

  4. Geisthardt, Hans-Joachim [Author] ; Rögner, Heinz [Performer] Rundfunk-Sinfonieorchester Berlin, Rundfunkchor Berlin Frauenchor, Erben-Quartett

    Hans-Joachim Geisthardt : ein Komponistenporträt (1 Schallpl)

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    Berlin: Deutsche Schallplatten, 1982

    Published in: Nova

  5. Geisthardt, Hans-Joachim [Author] ; Benz, Charlotte [Other]; Hoffmann, Werner [Other]; Vogel, Ellinor [Performer]; Werzlau, Ingeborg [Performer]; Aßmann, Robert [Performer]; Nikolaus, Walter [Performer]; Medschinski, Ingeborg [Performer]; Geisthardt, Hans-Joachim [Performer]

    Das Geschenk des Zauberers : Ein japanisches Märchen (1 Schallpl)

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    Berlin DDR: Deutsche Schallplatten, [19]73

    Published in: Litera

  6. Geisthardt, Hans-Joachim [Author] ; Benz, Charlotte [Other]; Hoffmann, Werner [Other]; Kroszewski, Ursula [Other]; Hoyer, Ernst Peter [Other]; Popp, Theodor [Other]; Maršak, Samuil [Other]; Remané, Martin [Other]; Nagiškin, Dmitrij Dmitrievič [Other]; Wicht, Brigitte [Other]; Medschinsky, Ingeborg [Performer]; Links, Friedrich [Performer]; Bautzmann, Gerhard [Performer]; Christoph, Rudolf [Performer]; Richter-Reinick, Walter [Performer]; Witte, Barbara [Performer]; Hübner, Maritta [Performer]; Toelg, Regine [Performer]; Beneckendorff, Wolf von [Performer]; Böhme, Grete [Performer]; Kullmann, Georgia [Performer]; Vogel, Ellinor [Performer]; Enders, Siegfried [Performer]; Murche, Gerhard [Performer]; Michalke, Reinhard [Performer]; [...] Berliner Rundfunk Großer Chor, Klubhaus der Eisenbahner Erich Steinfurth Kinderchor

    Märchen aus aller Welt (1 Schallpl)

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    Berlin DDR: Deutsche Schallplatten, 19[71]

    Published in: Litera

  7. Ostrovskij, Nikolaj A. [Author] ; Schmidt, Jürgen [Other]; Geisthardt, Hans-Joachim [Other]; Christian, Norbert [Performer]; Höchst, Siegfried [Performer]; Kluckert, Jürgen [Performer]; Florin, Elfriede [Performer] Rundfunk-Sinfonieorchester Berlin

    Wie der Stahl gehärtet wurde : Pawels Lehrjahre (1 Schallpl)

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    Berlin: Deutsche Schallplatten, [19]73

    Published in: Litera

  8. Rodrian, Fred [Other]; Popp, Theodor [Other]; Wolf, Friedrich [Other]; Milster, Ingeborg [Other]; Ludwig, Rolf [Other]; Ruge, Antje [Other]; Mack, Theo [Other]; Hase, Annemarie [Other]; Geisthardt, Hans-Joachim [Performer] ; Rundfunk-Sinfonieorchester Berlin

    Das Wolkenschaf (1 Tonkassette)

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    Berlin, DDR: Deutsche Schallplatten, [ca. 1975]

    Published in: Litera

  9. Rodrian, Fred [Other]; Popp, Theodor [Other]; Wolf, Friedrich [Other]; Milster, Ingeborg [Other]; Ludwig, Rolf [Other]; Ruge, Antje [Other]; Mack, Theo [Other]; Hase, Annemarie [Other]; Geisthardt, Hans-Joachim [Performer] ; Rundfunk-Sinfonieorchester Berlin

    Das Wolkenschaf (1 Schallpl)

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    Berlin, DDR: Deutsche Schallplatten, [19]70

    Published in: Litera

  10. Lucchesi, Immanuel [Editor]; Lampe, Günter [Other]; Glöckner, Gottfried [Other]; Meyer, Ernst Hermann [Other]; Buttkewitz, Jürgen [Other]; Zechlin, Ruth [Other]; Schubert, Manfred [Other]; Weiss, Manfred [Other]; Goldmann, Friedrich [Other]; Thiele, Siegfried [Other]; Voigtländer, Lothar [Other]; Geisthardt, Hans-Joachim [Other]; Matthus, Siegfried [Other]

    Per flauto solo : zeitgenössische Flötenmusik von Komponisten der Deutschen Demokratischen Republik

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    Leipzig: Deutscher Verl. für Musik, c 1980

  11. Wolf, Friedrich [Other]; Winkler-Göhler, Barbara [Adapter]; Milster, Ingeborg [Director]; Milster, Ingeborg [Other]; Ruge, Antje [Performer]; Mack, Theo [Performer]; Hase, Annemarie [Performer]; Winkler-Göhler, Barbara [Performer]; Geisthardt, Hans-Joachim [Performer] ; Deutschland DDR Rundfunkkomitee Instrumentalgruppe

    Die Weihnachtsgans Auguste (1 Schallpl)

    Sound Recordings


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    Berlin: Deutsche Schallplatten, 1962

    Published in: Eterna

  12. Hirsch, Ferdinand [Editor]; Werzlau, Joachim [Other]; Wilbrandt, Jürgen [Other]; Asriel, Andre [Other]; Richter, Kurt Dietmar [Other]; Geisthardt, Hans-Joachim [Other]; Zechlin, Ruth [Other]; Kochan, Günter [Other]; Gruner, Joachim [Other]; Ragwitz, Erhard [Other]; Matthus, Siegfried [Other]; Butting, Max [Other]; Brauer, Dieter [Other]; Schubert, Manfred [Other]; Buttkewitz, Jürgen [Other]; Ihme, Hans-Friedrich [Other]; Goldmann, Friedrich [Other]; Jäger, Karl-Heinz [Other]; Zerbe, Hannes [Other]; Voigtländer, Lothar [Other]; Keller, Hermann [Other]; Thiel, Wolfgang [Other]; Dessau, Paul [Other]; Poulheim, Bert [Other]; [...]

    Berliner Klavierbuch : Klavierstücke von Andre Asriel, Dieter Brauer, Max Butting, Jürgen Buttkewitz, Paul Dessau, Hanns Eisler, Jean Kurt Forest, Hans-Joachim Geisthardt, Friedrich Goldmann, Joachim Gruner, Hans-Friedrich Ihme, Karl-Heinz Jäger, Hermann Keller, Günter Kochan, Siegfried Matthus, Ernst Hermann Meyer, Bert Poulheim, Erhard Ragwitz, Kurt Dietmar Richter, Eberhard Schmidt, Manfred Schubert, Kurt Schwaen, Leo Spies, Michael Stöckigt, Wolfgang Thiel, Lothar Voigtländer, Joachim Werzlau, Jürgen Wilbrandt, Ruth Zechlin, Hannes Zerbe

    Notated Music


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    Berlin: Verl. Neue Musik, c 1987

  13. Heyer, Wolfgang [Director]; Hafke, Heinz [Other]; Geisthardt, Hans-Joachim [Other]; Zepernick, Kurt [Other]; Simon, Heinz [Other] ; DEFA, Adam Matthew Digital (Firm)

    Cobalt 60 - Healing Rays

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    Marlborough, Wiltshire: Adam Matthew Digital, 2019

    Published in: Socialism on Film- Health & Medicine- Culture & Society

  14. Götze, Paul [Honoree]; Götze, Gesa [Honoree]; Beck, Johannes [Printer]; Schuccelius, Johannes [Contributor]; Schuccelius, Johannes [Other]; Steutzel, Johann [Contributor]; Steutzel, Johann [Other]; Caesar, Christoph [Contributor]; Caesar, Christoph [Other]; Champier, Symphorien [Contributor]; Champier, Symphorien [Other]; Heden, Erasmus [Contributor]; Heden, Erasmus [Other]; Fischer, Nikolaus [Contributor]; Fischer, Nikolaus [Other]; Zimmermann, Matthäus [Contributor]; Zimmermann, Matthäus [Other]; Manard, Joachim [Contributor]; Manard, Joachim [Other]; Götze, Johann Carl [Contributor]; Götze, Johann Carl [Other]; Geisthardt, Valentin [Contributor]; Geisthardt, Valentin [Other]; Caesar, Joachim [Contributor]; [...]

    Quod sospitet aether!|| DOCTISS. ET OR=||NATISS. V. IVVENIS, M. PAVLVS || GOTSIVS, PRO TEMPORE IN SCHOLA || ARNSTATENSI CONRECTOR;|| ... D.|| IOHANNIS GOTSII, DECANI SVVARTZ-||burgici, et Pastoris in ... Sondershusâ || ... filius:|| ET ... || GESA SVVERS,|| ... Comitissae Suuartzburgicae,|| CLARAE, ad multos jam annos Therapaena || officiosissima ... || SOLENNES NVPTIAS CELE-||brabunt ... || A. D. VIII. XBR. Anno:|| M.D.C.|| Eas apprecatione hac melicâ ... || ad postgenitos clarare & || perennare dignantur:|| FRATER, ADFINES, COLLEGAE,|| ET AMICI.||

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    Erfurt: Beck, Johann, 1600 ; Online-Ausgabe, Gotha: Forschungsbibliothek Gotha, 2016

  15. Hesling, Quirin [Honoree]; Hesling, Maria [Honoree]; Beck, Johannes [Printer]; Evander, Justus Elias [Contributor]; Evander, Justus Elias [Other]; Leonhart, Sebastian [Contributor]; Leonhart, Sebastian [Other]; Heden, Erasmus [Contributor]; Heden, Erasmus [Other]; Schuccelius, Johannes [Contributor]; Schuccelius, Johannes [Other]; Zimmermann, Matthäus [Contributor]; Zimmermann, Matthäus [Other]; Bermel, Bartholomaeus [Contributor]; Bermel, Bartholomaeus [Other]; Petersdorf, Christoph [Contributor]; Petersdorf, Christoph [Other]; Geisthardt, Valentin [Contributor]; Geisthardt, Valentin [Other]; Förster, Johann Friedrich [Contributor]; Förster, Johann Friedrich [Other]; Hempel, Andreas [Contributor]; Hempel, Andreas [Other]; Mylius, Wolfgang [Contributor]; [...] ; Officina Pistoriana

    Theu symprattontos.|| ORNATISS. ET || DOCTISS. PRVDEN-||TISS. QVE V. DN. QVIRINO HESE-||LINGIO, Camerario Reipub. Arnstaten. & Scholae || ibidem inspectori digniss. & quartùm Sponso ... || virginem || MARIAM || ... DN. IOHANNIS LINDEMANI,|| Scholae et Ecclesiae Gotthanae Musici celeberrimi, F. ad 17.|| d. M. Septemb. A.O.R. 1599.|| Felix et faustum connubium apprecantur || AMICI.||

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    Erfurt: Beck, Johann, 1599 ; Online-Ausgabe, Gotha: Forschungsbibliothek Gotha, 2016

  16. Schuccelius, Johannes [Contributor]; Schuccelius, Johannes [Other]; Heden, Erasmus [Contributor]; Heden, Erasmus [Other]; Zimmermann, Matthäus [Contributor]; Zimmermann, Matthäus [Other]; Hesling, Quirin [Contributor]; Hesling, Quirin [Other]; Steger, Johannes [Contributor]; Steger, Johannes [Other]; Holstein, Hieronymus [Contributor]; Holstein, Hieronymus [Other]; Manard, Joachim [Contributor]; Manard, Joachim [Other]; Kirchberger, Christoph [Other]; Beck, Johannes [Printer]

    LACRYMAE ET LVCTVS || de obitu || DN. CHRISTO=||PHORI KIRCHBERGE-||RI ... || Comitt. à Schvartz=||burg, etc. Consiliarij et Quaestoris provinci=||alis auctoritate et fide specta=||tißimi,|| QVI AD 21. D.M. IIXbr.|| A.O.R. 1593. CIRCA HORAM 6.|| matut. morte subitâ quidem, sed placidà tamen & pia,|| ex hac vita in coelestem inter preces & suspiria fide || in Christum plena in manibus & com-||plexu suorum Arnstadii evoca-||tus est.||

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    Erphordiae: Pistorius, 1593 ; Online-Ausg., Gotha: UFB Erfurt/Gotha, 2012