Whale, James
Shelley, Mary
Karloff, Boris
Clive, Colin
Clarke, Mae
Fort, Garrett
Edeson, Arthur
Broekman, David
Whale, James
Shelley, Mary
Fort, Garrett
Balderston, John Lloyd
Webling, Peggy
Karloff, Boris
Clive, Colin
Clarke, Mae
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Hamburg: Universal Pictures, 2010
Published in:Universal Horror
Grothe, Franz
Rotter, Fritz
Rotter, Fritz
Sanders, Julio César
Platen, August Graf von
Schwarz, Friedrich
Schwarz, Friedrich
Meisel, Will
Stransky, Otto
Jurmann, Walter
Borchert, Wolfgang
Krome, Hermann
Dostal, Nico
Rillo, Richard
May, Hans
Neubach, Ernst
Kálmán, Emmerich
Grünwald, Alfred
Llossas, Juan
Löhner, Fritz
Lander, Roderich
Krausz, Michael
Hardt-Warden, Bruno
Stolz, Robert
Kaper, Bronislaw
Rosvaenge, Helge
[Singer]Paul Godwin & das Künstlerensemble,
Tanzorchester Ilja Livschakoff
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[S.l.]: SSRN, [2023]
Carretero, Stephanie
Stewart, James
Centeno, Clara
Barbabella, Francesco
Schmidt, Andrea
Lamontagne-Godwin, Frédérique
Lamura, Giovanni
European Commission Joint Research Centre
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[S.l.]: SSRN, 2022
Chaffee, Steven
Chu, Godwin
Hawkridge, David
Himmelweit, Hilde
Hudson, Robert
Kato, Hidetoshi
Kleinjans, Everett
Lasswell, Harold
Lazarsfeld, Paul
Lerner, Daniel
Lerner, Daniel
Lumsdaine, Arthur
Lyle, Jack
Nelson, Lyle
Nelson, Lyle
Osgood, Charles
Pool, Ithiel
Reid, James
Rogers, Everett
Schramm, Elizabeth
Stegner, Wallace
Yu, Frederick
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Honolulu: University of Hawaii Press, [2021]
Published in:East-West Center Books
Abramson, Jill
Achenbach, Joel
Applebome, Peter
Armstrong, Ken
Barringer, Felicity
Bartholet, Jeffrey
Begleiter, Ralph J
Berg, A. Scott
Bogdanich, Walt
Bondy, Filip
Bronner, Ethan
Cambanis, Thanassis
Christgau, Robert
Cohen, Lisa
Cohen, Roger
Darling, Juanita
Demick, Barbara
Dobbs, Michael
Duff, Craig
Duffy, Michael
Dwyer, Jim
Eder, Richard
Eilperin, Juliet
Feeney, Mark