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Frankfurt (Main): Sony Music Entertainment, [1996]
Thompson, D'Arcy Wentworth
Albus, Anita
Bonner, John Tyler
Gould, Stephen Jay
Fountain, Ella M.
Neff, Magdalena
Gould, Glenn
Brott, Boris
Rideout, Patricia
Bach, Johann Sebastian
Walton, William Sir
Skrjabin, Aleksandr N.
Monsaingeon, Bruno
Ribadeau, François-Louis
Hirvy, Michel
Gibbons, Orlando
Byrd, William
Schönberg, Arnold
Webern, Anton
Berg, Alban
Bach, Johann Sebastian
Gould, Glenn
Bach, Johann Sebastian
Beethoven, Ludwig van
Schönberg, Arnold
Berg, Alban
Webern, Anton
Gould, Glenn
MacMillan, Ernest
Scherman, Paul
Schneider, Alexander
Nelsova, Zara
Unger, Heinz
Beaudet, Jean-Marie
Toronto Symphony Orchestra,
Startime Orchestra,
CBC Symphony Orchestra
Čajkovskij, Pëtr Ilʹič
Rachmaninov, Sergej Vasilʹevič
Debussy, Claude
Schubert, Franz
Rosen, Peter
Dubal, David
Liszt, Franz
Beethoven, Ludwig van
Skrjabin, Aleksandr N.
Bach, Johann Sebastian
Mendelssohn Bartholdy, Felix
Chopin, Frédéric
Arrau, Claudio
Hofmann, Josef
Grainger, Percy
Cortot, Alfred
Cliburn, Van
Kondrašin, Kirill P.
Serkin, Rudolf
Horowitz, Vladimir
Gould, Glenn
Landowska, Wanda
Hess, Myra
Rubinstein, Artur
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[S.l.]: Philips Classics, 1994
Published in:Great pianists of the 20th century
Anderson, H.
Baker, H.W
Bilhorn, Peter Philip
Bellerby, Edward J.
Beveridge, N.F
Beveridge, R.F
Bliss, Philip Paul
Boole, Dora
Borthwick-Brown, R.
Bourne, Annie F.
Bryant, J. R.
Bullinger, E. W.
Clapperton, C. J.
Clauderus, J.
Colburn, S. C.
Colquhoun, Michael
Colville, James
Crosbie, R.
Crosby, Fanny
Danks, Hart Pease
Davis, Frank Marshall
Degen, Ferdinand
Dennis, T.
Dixon, R.W
Dolman, Dirk Hermanis
[Author of introduction, etc.];
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Warsaw; Berlin: De Gruyter, [2018]
Arneson, Richard J
Baechler, Jean
Berry, Christopher J
Chapman, John W
Chapman, John W
Dahl, Robert A
Golding, Martin P
Gould, Carol C
Gutmann, Amy
Mansbridge, Jane
Minogue, Kenneth
Post, Robert C
Richards, David A. J
Rosenberg, Gerald N
Rutherford, Bruce K
Ryan, Alan
Shapiro, Ian
Shapiro, Ian
Sirianni, Carmen