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  1. Robert, Pierre-Olivier [Author]; Grard, Adeline [Author]; Mélard, Nora [Author]; Mlinarić, Martin [Author]; Rimpelä, Arja [Author]; Richter, Matthias [Author]; Kunst, Anton E. [Author]; Lorant, Vincent [Author]

    The effect of school smoke-free policies on smoking stigmatization : A European comparison study among adolescents

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    Published in: PLOS ONE ; 15(2020), Artikel-ID 0235772

  2. Mélard, Nora [Author]; Grard, Adeline [Author]; Robert, Pierre-Olivier [Author]; Kuipers, Mirte A. G. [Author]; Schreuders, Michael [Author]; Rimpelä, Arja H. [Author]; Leão, Teresa [Author]; Hoffmann, Laura [Author]; Richter, Matthias [Author]; Kunst, Anton E. [Author]; Lorant, Vincent [Author]

    School tobacco policies and adolescent smoking in six European cities in 2013 and 2016 : a school-level longitudinal study

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    Published in: Preventive medicine ; 138(2020) vom: Sept., Seite 106142

  3. Lagerweij, Naomi A. [Author]; Kuipers, Mirte A. G. [Author]; Schreuders, Michael [Author]; Grard, Adeline [Author]; Mlinarić, Martin [Author]; Richter, Matthias [Author]; Leão, Teresa [Author]; Kinnunen, Jaana M. [Author]; Kunst, Anton E. [Author]

    The visibility of smoking in Europe and its relationship with youth's positive beliefs about smoking

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    Published in: International journal of public health ; 64(2019), Seite 1335–1344

  4. Nuyts, Paulien A. W. [Author]; Hewer, Rebecca M. F. [Author]; Kuipers, Mirte A. G. [Author]; Lorant, Vincent [Author]; Grard, Adeline [Author]; Hill, Sarah [Author]; Amos, Amanda [Author]; Kunst, Anton E. [Author]; Schreuderes, Michael [Author]; Clancy, Luke [Author]; Breslin, Elisabeth [Author]; Kinnunen, Jaana M. [Author]; Alves, Joana [Author]; Leao, Teresa [Author]; Mlinarić, Martin [Author]; Hoffmann, Laura [Author]

    Youth access to cigarettes across seven European countries : a mixed-methods study

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    Published in: Nicotine & tobacco research ; 22(2020), 11, Seite 1989-1996

  5. Mélard, Nora; Grard, Adeline; Delvenne, Jean-Charles; Mercken, Liesbeth; Perelman, Julian; Kunst, Anton E.; Lorant, Vincent

    The Diffusion of Smoking: Association Between School Tobacco Policies and the Diffusion of Adolescent Smoking in 38 Schools in 6 Countries

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    Springer Science and Business Media LLC, 2023

    Published in: Prevention Science, 24 (2023) 4, Seite 752-764

  6. Lorant, Vincent; Grard, Adeline; Van Audenhove, Chantal; Leys, Mark; Nicaise, Pablo

    Effectiveness of Health and Social Service Networks for Severely Mentally Ill Patients’ Outcomes: A Case–Control Study

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    Springer Science and Business Media LLC, 2019

    Published in: Administration and Policy in Mental Health and Mental Health Services Research, 46 (2019) 3, Seite 288-297

  7. Lorant, Vincent; Grard, Adeline; Mélard, Nora; Robert, Pierre-Olivier; -coauthors, SILNER; Kunst, Anton

    Trends in adolescents smoking in 6 countries

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    E.U. European Publishing, 2018

    Published in: Tobacco Prevention & Cessation, 4 (2018) Supplement

  8. Linnansaari, Anu; Schreuders, Michael; Kunst, Anton E.; Rimpelä, Arja; Kinnunen, Jaana M; Lorant, Vincent; Grard, Adeline; Mélard, Nora; Robert, Pierre- Olivier; Richter, Matthias; Mlinarić, Martin; Hoffman, Laura; Clancy, Luke; Keogan, Sheila; Breslin, Elisabeth; Hanafin, Joan; Federico, Bruno; Marandola, Diego; Marco, Anna di; Nuyts, Paulien; Kuipers, Mirte; Perelman, Julian; Leão, Teresa; Alves, Joana;

    Facilitating conditions for staff’s confidence to enforce school tobacco policies: qualitative analysis from seven European cities

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    Springer Science and Business Media LLC, 2022

    Published in: Implementation Science Communications, 3 (2022) 1