Gruterus, Janus
Pistoris, Simon Ulrich
Siber, Adam Theodor
Wesenbec, Petrus
Baudimontius, Franciscus
Espich, Valentin
Memmius, Isaac
Voit, Albert
Theopold, Johannes
Hukenshauius, Johannes
Radaeus, Daniel
Dijk, Jakob van
Lehmann, Zacharias
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Neustadt/Haardt: Harnisch, Matthaeus, 1595
Cicero, Marcus Tullius
Gruterus, Janus
Gronovius, Jacobus
Wippel, Johann Jacob
Gulielmus, Janus
Behrendt, Johann Friedrich
Nicolai, Christoph Gottlieb
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Berolini: Nicolai, 1744
Cicero, Marcus Tullius
Gulielmus, Janus
Gruterus, Janus
Gronovius, Jacobus
Wippel, Johann Jacob
Nicolai, Christoph Gottlieb
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Berolini: Nicolai, 1745
Groh, Paul
Dornau, Caspar
Melanchthon, Philipp
Friedrich Wilhelm I. Sachsen-Weimar-Altenburg, Herzog
Luther, Martin
Zinzerling, Justus
Gellert, Christian Fürchtegott
Neumeister, Erdmann
Zinzendorf, Nikolaus Ludwig von
Arndt, Ernst Moritz
Treitschke, Heinrich von
Raumer, Karl von
Hartig, Johann Jacob von
Neumann, Johann Michael
Rechenberg, Adam
Neunherz, Johannes
Knorr, Martin
Mohr, Georg
Huthmann, Henning
Hoffmann, Friedrich
Hoffmann, Gottfried
Pauli, Matthaeus
Beyer, Christoph
Bose, Georg
Gruterus, Janus
Tschirnhaus, Ehrenfried Walther von
Weise, Christian
Reinhardt, Curt
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Saxon Bibliography (Sächsische Bibliografie)
Gruterus, Janus
Gude, Marquard
Scaliger, Joseph Juste
Welser, Marcus
Graevius, Johannes Georgius
Boissard, Jean Jacques
Cicero, Marcus Tullius
Gesner, Johann Matthias
Gruterus, Janus
Graevius, Johannes Georgius
Gronovius, Johann Friedrich
Bielcke, Johann Felix
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Lugd. Batav.: Ex Officina Hackiana, 1677
Cicero, Marcus Tullius
Gesner, Johann Matthias
Fischer, Johann Friedrich
Gruterus, Janus
Graevius, Johannes Georgius
Gronovius, Johann Friedrich
Böhme, Adam Friedrich
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Leipzig: Böhme, 1775
Florus, Lucius Annaeus
Livius, Titus
[Writer of added text];
Vinet, Elie
[Writer of added commentary];
Camers, Johannes
[Writer of added commentary];
Lipsius, Justus
[Writer of added commentary];
Gruterus, Janus
[Writer of added commentary];
Sigonio, Carlo
[Writer of added commentary];
Delrío, Martín Antonio
[Writer of added commentary];
Vignon, Jean