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  1. May, Paul Regisseur [Other]; Knittel, John [Other]; Fröbe, Gert [Other]; Kaufmann, Christine [Other]; Heuser, Kurt [Other]; Hansen, Joachim [Other]; Wilhelm, Rolf Alexander [Other]; Angst, Richard [Other]

    Via Mala (1 DVD-Video)



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    [S.l.]: Filmverlag Fernsehjuwelen, 2014

    Published in: Filmjuwelen - Juwelen der Filmgeschichte

  2. Menon, Manoj B.; Sawada, Akihiro; Chaturvedi, Anuhar; Mishra, Pooja; Schuster-Gossler, Karin; Galla, Melanie; Schambach, Axel; Gossler, Achim; Förster, Reinhold; Heuser, Michael; Kotlyarov, Alexey; Kinoshita, Makoto; Gaestel, Matthias

    Genetic Deletion of SEPT7 Reveals a Cell Type-Specific Role of Septins in Microtubule Destabilization for the Completion of Cytokinesis

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    Public Library of Science (PLoS), 2014

    Published in: PLoS Genetics, 10 (2014) 8, Seite e1004558