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  1. Nachreiner, Friedhelm [Other]; Meyer, Inga [Other]; Schomann, Carsten [Other]; Hillebrand, Martin F. [Other] ; Bundesanstalt für Arbeitsschutz und Arbeitsmedizin

    Überprüfung der Umsetzbarkeit der Empfehlungen der ISO 10075-2 in ein Beurteilungsverfahren zur Erfassung der psychischen Belastung

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    Bremerhaven: Wirtschaftsverl. NW, Verl. für Neue Wiss., 1998

    Published in: Bundesanstalt für Arbeitsschutz und Arbeitsmedizin: Schriftenreihe der Bundesanstalt für Arbeitsschutz und Arbeitsmedizin / Forschung ; 799

  2. Mann, Thomas [Other]; Jacques, Norbert [Other]; Paquet, Alfons [Other]; Werfel, Franz [Other]; Hesse, Hermann [Other]; Ulitz, Arnold [Other]; Mann, Heinrich [Other]; Zweig, Stefan [Other]; Flake, Otto [Other]; Frank, Bruno [Other]; Stoessl, Otto [Other]; Schäfer, Wilhelm [Other]

    Ewige Gegenwart : zwölf Erzählungen



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    Berlin: Die Buchgemeinde, 1928

    Published in: Buchgemeinde: Jahresreihe ; 1928/29,1

  3. Lange, Matthias; Alako, Blaise T F; Cochrane, Guy; Ghaffar, Mehmood; Mascher, Martin; Habekost, Pia-Katharina; Hillebrand, Upneet; Scholz, Uwe; Schorch, Florian; Freitag, Jens; Scholz, Amber Hartman

    Quantitative monitoring of nucleotide sequence data from genetic resources in context of their citation in the scientific literature

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    Oxford University Press (OUP), 2021

    Published in: GigaScience, 10 (2021) 12

  4. Augner, Daniel; Krut, Oleg; Slavov, Nikolay; Gerbino, Dario C.; Sahl, Hans-Georg; Benting, Jürgen; Nising, Carl F.; Hillebrand, Stefan; Krönke, Martin; Schmalz, Hans-Günther

    On the Antibiotic and Antifungal Activity of Pestalone, Pestalachloride A, and Structurally Related Compounds

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    American Chemical Society (ACS), 2013

    Published in: Journal of Natural Products, 76 (2013) 8, Seite 1519-1522

  5. Stevens, Carly J.; Lind, Eric M.; Hautier, Yann; Harpole, W. Stanley; Borer, Elizabeth T.; Hobbie, Sarah; Seabloom, Eric W.; Ladwig, Laura; Bakker, Jonathan D.; Chu, Chengjin; Collins, Scott; Davies, Kendi F.; Firn, Jennifer; Hillebrand, Helmut; Pierre, Kimberly J. La; MacDougall, Andrew; Melbourne, Brett; McCulley, Rebecca L.; Morgan, John; Orrock, John L.; Prober, Suzanne M.; Risch, Anita C.; Schuetz, Martin; Wragg, Peter D.

    Anthropogenic nitrogen deposition predicts local grassland primary production worldwide

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    Wiley, 2015

    Published in: Ecology, 96 (2015) 6, Seite 1459-1465

  6. Stevens, Carly J.; Lind, Eric M.; Hautier, Yann; Harpole, W. Stanley; Borer, Elizabeth T.; Hobbie, Sarah; Seabloom, Eric W.; Ladwig, Laura; Bakker, Jonathan D.; Chu, Chengjin; Collins, Scott; Davies, Kendi F.; Firn, Jennifer; Hillebrand, Helmut; La Pierre, Kimberly J.; MacDougall, Andrew; Melbourne, Brett; McCulley, Rebecca L.; Morgan, John; Orrock, John L.; Prober, Suzanne M.; Risch, Anita C.; Schuetz, Martin; Wragg, Peter D.

    Anthropogenic nitrogen deposition predicts local grassland primary production worldwide

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    Ecological Society of America, 2015

    Published in: Ecology, 96 (2015) 6, Seite 1459-1465

  7. Harpole, W. Stanley; Sullivan, Lauren L.; Lind, Eric M.; Firn, Jennifer; Adler, Peter B.; Borer, Elizabeth T.; Chase, Jonathan; Fay, Philip A.; Hautier, Yann; Hillebrand, Helmut; MacDougall, Andrew S.; Seabloom, Eric W.; Williams, Ryan; Bakker, Jonathan D.; Cadotte, Marc W.; Chaneton, Enrique J.; Chu, Chengjin; Cleland, Elsa E.; D’Antonio, Carla; Davies, Kendi F.; Gruner, Daniel S.; Hagenah, Nicole; Kirkman, Kevin; Knops, Johannes M. H.; [...]

    Addition of multiple limiting resources reduces grassland diversity

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    Springer Science and Business Media LLC, 2016

    Published in: Nature, 537 (2016) 7618, Seite 93-96

  8. Hautier, Yann; Seabloom, Eric W.; Borer, Elizabeth T.; Adler, Peter B.; Harpole, W. Stanley; Hillebrand, Helmut; Lind, Eric M.; MacDougall, Andrew S.; Stevens, Carly J.; Bakker, Jonathan D.; Buckley, Yvonne M.; Chu, Chengjin; Collins, Scott L.; Daleo, Pedro; Damschen, Ellen I.; Davies, Kendi F.; Fay, Philip A.; Firn, Jennifer; Gruner, Daniel S.; Jin, Virginia L.; Klein, Julia A.; Knops, Johannes M. H.; La Pierre, Kimberly J.; Li, Wei; [...]

    Eutrophication weakens stabilizing effects of diversity in natural grasslands

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    Springer Science and Business Media LLC, 2014

    Published in: Nature, 508 (2014) 7497, Seite 521-525

  9. Borer, Elizabeth T.; Seabloom, Eric W.; Gruner, Daniel S.; Harpole, W. Stanley; Hillebrand, Helmut; Lind, Eric M.; Adler, Peter B.; Alberti, Juan; Anderson, T. Michael; Bakker, Jonathan D.; Biederman, Lori; Blumenthal, Dana; Brown, Cynthia S.; Brudvig, Lars A.; Buckley, Yvonne M.; Cadotte, Marc; Chu, Chengjin; Cleland, Elsa E.; Crawley, Michael J.; Daleo, Pedro; Damschen, Ellen I.; Davies, Kendi F.; DeCrappeo, Nicole M.; Du, Guozhen; [...]

    Herbivores and nutrients control grassland plant diversity via light limitation

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    Springer Science and Business Media LLC, 2014

    Published in: Nature, 508 (2014) 7497, Seite 517-520

  10. Seabloom, Eric W.; Borer, Elizabeth T.; Buckley, Yvonne M.; Cleland, Elsa E.; Davies, Kendi F.; Firn, Jennifer; Harpole, W. Stanley; Hautier, Yann; Lind, Eric M.; MacDougall, Andrew S.; Orrock, John L.; Prober, Suzanne M.; Adler, Peter B.; Anderson, T. Michael; Bakker, Jonathan D.; Biederman, Lori A.; Blumenthal, Dana M.; Brown, Cynthia S.; Brudvig, Lars A.; Cadotte, Marc; Chu, Chengjin; Cottingham, Kathryn L.; Crawley, Michael J.; Damschen, Ellen I.; [...]

    Plant species’ origin predicts dominance and response to nutrient enrichment and herbivores in global grasslands

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    Springer Science and Business Media LLC, 2015

    Published in: Nature Communications, 6 (2015) 1

  11. Adler, Peter B.; Seabloom, Eric W.; Borer, Elizabeth T.; Hillebrand, Helmut; Hautier, Yann; Hector, Andy; Harpole, W. Stanley; O'Halloran, Lydia R.; Grace, James B.; Anderson, T. Michael; Bakker, Jonathan D.; Biederman, Lori A.; Brown, Cynthia S.; Buckley, Yvonne M.; Calabrese, Laura B.; Chu, Cheng-Jin; Cleland, Elsa E.; Collins, Scott L.; Cottingham, Kathryn L.; Crawley, Michael J.; Damschen, Ellen I.; Davies, Kendi F.; DeCrappeo, Nicole M.; Fay, Philip A.; [...]

    Productivity Is a Poor Predictor of Plant Species Richness

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    American Association for the Advancement of Science, 2011

    Published in: Science, 333 (2011) 6050, Seite 1750-1753

  12. Timofeev, Igor; Kenemans, Leon; Fabene, P. F.; Ahnaou, A.; Olbrich, Sebastian; Oostenveld, Robert; Arns, Martijn; Boutros, Nash; da Silva, Fernando Lopes; Timofeev, Igor; Jensen, Ole; Loo, Sandra K.; Landolt, Hans-Peter; Schoffelen, Jan Mathijs; Gouw, Alida A.; Hillebrand, Arjan; Demuru, Matteo; Ris, Peterjan; Scheltens, Philip; Stam, Cornelis J.; Nissen, Ida A.; Stam, Cornelis J.; van Straaten, Ilse E. C. W.; Reijneveld, Jaap C.; [...]

    19th biennial IPEG Meeting : Nijmegen, The Netherlands. 26-30 October 2016 : Nijmegen, The Netherlands. 26-30 October 2016

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    Springer Science and Business Media LLC, 2016

    Published in: Neuropsychiatric Electrophysiology, 2 (2016) S1

  13. Aiello, S.; Albert, A.; Garre, S. Alves; Aly, Z.; Ameli, F.; Anassontzis, E.G.; Andre, M.; Androulakis, G.; Anghinolfi, M.; Anguita, M.; Anton, G.; Ardid, M.; Aublin, J.; Bagatelas, C.; Bakker, R.; Barbarino, G.; Baret, B.; Pree, S. Basegmez du; Bendahman, M.; Berbee, E.; Berg, A.M. van den; Bertin, V.; Biagi, S.; Billault, M.; [...]

    Deep-sea deployment of the KM3NeT neutrino telescope detection units by self-unrolling

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    IOP Publishing, 2020

    Published in: Journal of Instrumentation, 15 (2020) 11, Seite P11027-P11027

  14. Roth, P.; Silginer, M.; Goodman, S. L.; Hasenbach, K.; Thies, S.; Schraml, P.; Tabatabai, G.; Moch, H.; Tritschler, I.; Weller, M.; Perin, A.; Verginelli, F.; Dali, R.; Hei Man Fung, K.; Lo, R.; Longatti, P.; Guiot, M.; Del Maestro, R. F.; Rossi, S.; Di Porzio, U.; Stechishin, O.; Weiss, S.; Stifani, S.; Sanzey, M.; [...]


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    Oxford University Press (OUP), 2012

    Published in: Neuro-Oncology, 14 (2012) suppl 3, Seite iii1-iii94

  15. Ogawa, H.; Koyanagi, R.; Kawada-Watanabe, E.; Yamaguchi, J.; Takagi, A.; Hagiwara, N.; Deedwania, P. C.; Demicco, D. A.; Breazna, A.; Wun, C. C.; Pedersen, T.; Colhoun, H. M.; Neil, A.; Hitman, G.; Nakanishi, K.; Fukuda, S.; Shimada, K.; Ehara, S.; Inanami, H.; Matsumoto, K.; Taguchi, H.; Muro, T.; Yoshikawa, J.; Yoshiyama, M.; [...]

    Tuesday, 28 August 2012

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    Oxford University Press (OUP), 2012

    Published in: European Heart Journal, 33 (2012) suppl 1, Seite 655-939