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  1. Cooper, David J. [Other]; Legg, Kristin [Other]; Levi, Taal [Other]; McWethy, David B. [Other]; Olliff, S. Thomas [Other]; Plumb, Glenn E. [Other]; Ram, Karthik [Other]; Reinhart, Daniel P. [Other]; Renkin, Roy A. [Other]; Robbins, Charles T. [Other]; Schullery, Paul [Other]; Cross, Wyatt F. [Other]; Schwartz, Charles C. [Other]; Smith, Doug [Other]; Stahler, Daniel R. [Other]; Treanor, John J. [Other]; Tronstad, Lusha M. [Other]; Wallen, Rick L. [Other]; Watson, Fred G.R [Other]; Wellington, Emily M. [Other]; White, Patrick James [Other]; Whitlock, Cathy [Other]; Frank, Douglas A. [Other]; Whittlesey, Lee H. [Other]; [...]

    Yellowstone's Wildlife in Transition

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    Berlin: De Gruyter, 2013 ; Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 2013