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  1. Bourel, Michel [Editor]; Homann, Ralf [Other]; Metzel, Olaf [Other] ; Galerie de la Villa, Villa Arson Nizza, Exposition Personne Sait Plus 1998 Nizza

    Personne sait plus : dieses Buch dokumentiert die Ausstellung "personne sait plus" und den vorhergehenden mehrwöchigen Aufenthalt der beteiligten Künstler und Künstlerinnen in der Villa Arson in Nizza, Anfang 1998



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    München: Luther Verl., 1998

  2. Heuck, Farida [Illustrator]; Homann, Ralf [Other]; Unverdorben, Manuela [Other]; Effinger, Birgit [Editor]; Kruse, Hannah [Editor]; Eberhardt, Simone [Other] ; Kunstraum Kreuzberg, Bethanien, Goldrausch-Frauennetzwerk e.V, Ausstellung Goldrausch 14 2004 Berlin

    Symbolproduktion : Farida Heuck, Ralf Homann, Manuela Unverdorben ; [anlässlich der Ausstellung "Goldrausch 2004" im Kunstraum Kreuzberg, Bethanien, Berlin, 28.8. - 3.10.2004]



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    Berlin: Goldrausch-Künstlerinnenprojekt Art IT, Frauennetzwerk, 2004

    Published in: Goldrausch / hrsg. von Goldrausch-Künstlerinnenprojekt Art IT

  3. Hofheinz, Ralf-Dieter [Author]; Hegewisch-Becker, Susanne [Author]; Kunzmann, Volker [Author]; Thuss-Patience, Peter [Author]; Fuchs, Martin [Author]; Homann, Nils [Author]; Graeven, Ullrich [Author]; Schulte, Nadine [Author]; Merx, Kirsten [Author]; Pohl, Michael [Author]; Held, Swantje [Author]; Keller, Ralph [Author]; Tannapfel, Andrea [Author]; Al-Batran, Salah-Eddin [Author] ; Deutsche Krebsgesellschaft Arbeitsgemeinschaft für Internistische Onkologie

    Trastuzumab in combination with 5-fluorouracil, leucovorin, oxaliplatin and docetaxel as perioperative treatment for patients with human epidermal growth factor receptor 2-positive locally advanced esophagogastric adenocarcinoma : a phase II trial of the Arbeitsgemeinschaft Internistische Onkologie Gastric Cancer Study Group

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    Published in: International journal of cancer ; 149(2021), 6, Seite 1322-1331

  4. Tintelnot, Joseph [Author]; Stein, Alexander [Author]; Batran, Salah-Eddin al- [Author]; Ettrich, Thomas J. [Author]; Götze, Thorsten [Author]; Grün, Barbara [Author]; Haag, Georg Martin [Author]; Heuer, Vera [Author]; Hofheinz, Ralf-Dieter [Author]; Homann, Nils [Author]; Bröring, Tobias Sebastian [Author]; Cruz, Mariana Santos [Author]; Kurreck, Annika [Author]; Lorenzen, Sylvie [Author]; Moosmann, Nicolas [Author]; Müller, Christian [Author]; Schuler, Markus [Author]; Siegler, Gabriele Margareta [Author]; Binder, Mascha [Author]; Gökkurt, Eray [Author]

    Pembrolizumab and trastuzumab in combination with FLOT in the perioperative treatment of HER2-positive, localized esophagogastric adenocarcinoma : a phase II trial of the AIO study group (AIO STO 0321)

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    16 October 2023

    Published in: Frontiers in oncology ; 13(2023), Seite 1-14

  5. Batran, Salah-Eddin al- [Author]; Goetze, Thorsten O. [Author]; Mueller, Daniel W. [Author]; Vogel, Arndt [Author]; Winkler, Michael [Author]; Lorenzen, Sylvie [Author]; Novotny, Alexander Rudolf [Author]; Pauligk, Claudia [Author]; Homann, Nils [Author]; Jungbluth, Thomas [Author]; Reißfelder, Christoph [Author]; Caca, Karel [Author]; Retter, Steffen [Author]; Horndasch, Eva [Author]; Gumpp, Julia [Author]; Bolling, Claus [Author]; Fuchs, Karl-Hermann [Author]; Blau, Wolfgang [Author]; Padberg, Winfried [Author]; Pohl, Michael [Author]; Wunsch, Andreas [Author]; Michl, Patrick [Author]; Mannes, Frank [Author]; Schwarzbach, Matthias [Author]; [...]

    The RENAISSANCE (AIO-FLOT5) trial : effect of chemotherapy alone vs. chemotherapy followed by surgical resection on survival and quality of life in patients with limited-metastatic adenocarcinoma of the stomach or esophagogastric junction : a phase III trial of the German AIO/CAO-V/CAOGI

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    28 December 2017

    Published in: BMC cancer ; 17(2017) Artikel-Nummer 893, 7 Seiten

  6. Kripp, Melanie; Al-Batran, Salah-Eddin; Rosowski, Johanna; Pauligk, Claudia; Homann, Nils; Hartmann, Jörg Thomas; Moehler, Markus; Hofheinz, Ralf-Dieter

    Quality of life of older adult patients receiving docetaxel-based chemotherapy triplets for esophagogastric adenocarcinoma: a randomized study of the Arbeitsgemeinschaft Internistische Onkologie (AIO)

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    Springer Science and Business Media LLC, 2014

    Published in: Gastric Cancer, 17 (2014) 1, Seite 181-187

  7. Bolt, Toki Anna; Pauligk, Claudia; Werner, Dominique; Mayer, Frank; Hofheinz, Ralf Dieter; Homann, Nils; Luley, Kim; Al-Batran, Salah-Eddin

    The association of objective response and overall survival in patients with inoperable or metastatic gastric and esophagogastric junction (EGJ) cancer: A pooled analysis of individual patient data from first-line clinical trials

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    American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO), 2013

    Published in: Journal of Clinical Oncology, 31 (2013) 15_suppl, Seite 4095-4095

  8. Erber, Ralf; Conradt, Christian; Homann, Nils; Enders, Christel; Finckh, Martin; Dietz, Andreas; Weidauer, Hagen; Bosch, Franz X

    TP53 DNA contact mutations are selectively associated with allelic loss and have a strong clinical impact in head and neck cancer

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    Springer Science and Business Media LLC, 1998

    Published in: Oncogene, 16 (1998) 13, Seite 1671-1679

  9. Waberer, Lisa; Homann, Nils; Wirtz, Ralph M; Schmalenberg, Harald; Haag, Georg Martin; Schuler, Martin H.; Kasper, Stefan; Goetze, Thorsten Oliver; Pauligk, Claudia; Hofheinz, Ralf; Al-Batran, Salah-Eddin

    PD-L1 mRNA expression in patients with resectable gastric cancer and adenocarcinoma of the oesophago-gastric junction undergoing perioperative chemotherapy: Results from the FLOT4 phase III trial of the AIO

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    American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO), 2018

    Published in: Journal of Clinical Oncology, 36 (2018) 15_suppl, Seite e24277-e24277

  10. Hofheinz, Ralf; Hegewisch-Becker, Susanna; Thuss-Patience, Peter C.; Kunzmann, Volker; Fuchs, Martin; Graeven, Ullrich; Homann, Nils; Heinemann, Volker; Pohl, Michael; Tannapfel, Andrea; Al-Batran, Salah-Eddin

    HER-FLOT: Trastuzumab in combination with FLOT as perioperative treatment for patients with HER2-positive locally advanced esophagogastric adenocarcinoma: A phase II trial of the AIO Gastric Cancer Study Group

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    American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO), 2014

    Published in: Journal of Clinical Oncology, 32 (2014) 15_suppl, Seite 4073-4073

  11. Bolt, Toki Anna; Pauligk, Claudia; Werner, Dominique; Hofheinz, Ralf Dieter; Mayer, Frank; Luley, Kim Barbara; Homann, Nils; Schmalenberg, Harald; Egger, Matthias; Al-Batran, Salah-Eddin

    Impact of objective response and overall survival in patients with inoperable or metastatic gastric and esophagogastric junction (EGJ) cancer: Landmark analysis of 10-year data from first-line clinical trials

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    American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO), 2014

    Published in: Journal of Clinical Oncology, 32 (2014) 3_suppl, Seite 57-57

  12. Thomaidis, Thomas; Maderer, Annett; Al-Batran, Salah-Eddin; Kany, Janis; Pauligk, Claudia; Steinmetz, Kristina; Schad, Arno; Hofheinz, Ralf; Schmalenberg, Harald; Homann, Nils; Galle, Peter Robert; Moehler, Markus

    VEGFR-3 and CXCR4 as predictive markers for treatment with fluorouracil, leucovorin plus either oxaliplatin or cisplatin in patients with advanced esophagogastric cancer: a comparative study of the Arbeitsgemeinschaft Internistische Onkologie (AIO)

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    Springer Science and Business Media LLC, 2014

    Published in: BMC Cancer, 14 (2014) 1

  13. Lorenzen, Sylvie; Stocker, Gertraud; Möhler, Markus; Götze, Thorsten Oliver; Stein, Alexander; Gökkurt, Eray; Haag, Georg Martin; Albatran, Salah-E.; Hofheinz, Ralf; Homann, Nils; Schmalenberg, Harald; Stahl, Michael K.; Heinrich, Kathrin; Mönig, Stefan; Thuss-Patience, Peter

    Studien der Arbeitsgruppe Magen-Ösophagus-Tumoren der Arbeitsgemeinschaft Internistische Onkologie (AIO)

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    Springer Science and Business Media LLC, 2022

    Published in: Der Onkologe, 28 (2022) S1, Seite 23-29

  14. Hofheinz, Ralf‐Dieter; Hegewisch‐Becker, Susanne; Kunzmann, Volker; Thuss‐Patience, Peter; Fuchs, Martin; Homann, Nils; Graeven, Ullrich; Schulte, Nadine; Merx, Kirsten; Pohl, Michael; Held, Swantje; Keller, Ralph; Tannapfel, Andrea; Al‐Batran, Salah‐Eddin

    Trastuzumab in combination with 5‐fluorouracil, leucovorin, oxaliplatin and docetaxel as perioperative treatment for patients with human epidermal growth factor receptor 2‐positive locally advanced esophagogastric adenocarcinoma: A phase II trial of the Arbeitsgemeinschaft Internistische Onkologie Gastric Cancer Study Group

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    Wiley, 2021

    Published in: International Journal of Cancer, 149 (2021) 6, Seite 1322-1331

  15. Gaiser, Maria R.; Lorenzen, Sylvie; Merx, Kirsten; Trojan, Jörg; Ocvirk, Janja; Ettrich, Thomas J.; Al‐Batran, Salah‐Eddin; Schulz, Holger; Homann, Nils; Feustel, Hans‐Peter; Schatz, Michael; Kripp, Melanie; Schulte, Nadine; Heeger, Steffen; Vlassak, Soetkin; Koch, Winfried; Hofheinz, Ralf‐Dieter

    Evaluation of EGFR inhibitor‐mediated acneiform skin toxicity within the double‐blind randomized EVITA trial: A thorough gender‐specific analysis using the WoMo score

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    Wiley, 2019

    Published in: Cancer Medicine, 8 (2019) 9, Seite 4169-4175

  16. Al-Batran, Salah-Eddin; Pauligk, Claudia; Goetze, Thorsten Oliver; Riera-Knorrenschild, Jorge; Goekkurt, Eray; Angermeier, Stefan; Kullmann, Frank; Thuss-Patience, Peter C.; Homann, Nils; Ettrich, Thomas Jens; Junge, Sabine; Hofheinz, Ralf; Lorenzen, Sylvie

    Modified FOLFOX versus modified FOLFOX plus nivolumab and ipilimumab in patients with previously untreated advanced or metastatic adenocarcinoma of the stomach or gastroesophageal junction: Moonlight, a randomized phase 2 trial of the German Gastric Group of the AIO

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    American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO), 2019

    Published in: Journal of Clinical Oncology, 37 (2019) 15_suppl, Seite TPS4144-TPS4144

  17. Al-Batran, Salah-Eddin; Pauligk, Claudia; Hofheinz, Ralf; Lorenzen, Sylvie; Wicki, Andreas; Siebenhuener, Alexander Rheinhard; Schenk, Michael; Welslau, Manfred; Heuer, Vera; Goekkurt, Eray; Schmalenberg, Harald; Thuss-Patience, Peter C.; Waberer, Lisa; Talbot, Jonathan; Goetze, Thorsten Oliver; Homann, Nils

    Perioperative atezolizumab in combination with FLOT versus FLOT alone in patients with resectable esophagogastric adenocarcinoma: DANTE, a randomized, open-label phase II trial of the German Gastric Group of the AIO and the SAKK

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    American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO), 2019

    Published in: Journal of Clinical Oncology, 37 (2019) 15_suppl, Seite TPS4142-TPS4142

  18. Al-Batran, Salah-Eddin; Pauligk, Claudia; Homann, Nils; Hartmann, Jörg T.; Moehler, Markus; Probst, Stephan; Rethwisch, Volker; Stoehlmacher-Williams, Jan; Prasnikar, Nicole; Hollerbach, Stephan; Bokemeyer, Carsten; Mahlberg, Rolf; Hofheinz, Ralf D.; Luley, Kim; Kullmann, Frank; Jäger, Elke

    The feasibility of triple-drug chemotherapy combination in older adult patients with oesophagogastric cancer: A randomised trial of the Arbeitsgemeinschaft Internistische Onkologie (FLOT65+)

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    Elsevier BV, 2013

    Published in: European Journal of Cancer, 49 (2013) 4, Seite 835-842

  19. Lorenzen, Sylvie; Götze, Thorsten Oliver; Thuss-Patience, Peter; Biebl, Matthias; Homann, Nils; Schenk, Michael; Lindig, Udo; Heuer, Vera; Kretzschmar, Albrecht; Goekkurt, Eray; Haag, Georg Martin; Riera-Knorrenschild, Jorge; Bolling, Claus; Hofheinz, Ralf-Dieter; Zhan, Tianzuo; Angermeier, Stefan; Ettrich, Thomas Jens; Siebenhuener, Alexander Reinhard; Elshafei, Moustafa; Bechstein, Wolf Otto; Gaiser, Timo; Loose, Maria; Sookthai, Disorn; Kopp, Christina; [...]

    Perioperative Atezolizumab Plus Fluorouracil, Leucovorin, Oxaliplatin, and Docetaxel for Resectable Esophagogastric Cancer: Interim Results From the Randomized, Multicenter, Phase II/III DANTE/IKF-s633 Trial

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    American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO), 2024

    Published in: Journal of Clinical Oncology, 42 (2024) 4, Seite 410-420