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  1. Doublet, Vincent [Author]; Pöschl, Yvonne [Author]; Gogol-Döring, Andreas [Author]; Alaux, Cédric [Author]; Annoscia, Desiderato [Author]; Aurori, Christian [Author]; Barribeau, Seth M. [Author]; Bedoya-Reina, Oscar C. [Author]; Brown, Mark J. F. [Author]; Bull, James C. [Author]; Flenniken, Michelle L. [Author]; Galbraith, David A. [Author]; Genersch, Elke [Author]; Gisder, Sebastian [Author]; Große, Ivo [Author]; Holt, Holly L. [Author]; Hultmark, Dan [Author]; Lattorff, H. Michael G. [Author]; Le Conte, Yves [Author]; Manfredini, Fabio [Author]; McMahon, Dino P. [Author]; Moritz, Robin F. A. [Author]; Nazzi, Francesco [Author]; Niño, Elina L. [Author]; [...]

    Unity in defence: honeybee workers exhibit conserved molecular responses to diverse pathogens

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    Published in: BMC genomics ; 18 (2017), article number 207, 17 Seiten

  2. Hultmark, Dan

    Ancient relationships

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    Springer Science and Business Media LLC, 1994

    Published in: Nature, 367 (1994) 6459, Seite 116-117

  3. Burke, Paul Komponist; Carlile, Solfa Komponist; Hultmark, Torbjörn Komponist; Locklair, Dan Komponist ; Illumina Duo

    Instrumental Ensemble Music (Contemporary) - BURKE, P. / CARLILE, S. / HULTMARK, T. / LOCKLAIR, D. (Illuminations, Dances and Poems) (Illumina Duo)

    Sound Recordings
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    Convivium Records, 191224

    Published in: Convivium Records