Buchanan, John Hall
Jeffords, JamesMerrill
Perkins, Carl Dewey
Quie, Albert Harold
United States Congress House Committee on Education and Labor
Published in:United States congressional serial set ; serial set no. 13204-4
House report / 95th Congress, 2nd session. House ; no. 1137
Jeffords, JamesMerrill
Mink, Patsy Takemoto
Perkins, Carl Dewey
Pressler, Larry Lee
United States Congress House Committee on Education and Labor
Published in:United States congressional serial set ; serial set no. 13134-5
House report / 94th Congress, 2nd session. House ; no. 1085
Foley, Thomas Stephen
Glickman, Daniel Robert
Jeffords, JamesMerrill
Rose, Charles Grandison
Sebelius, Keith George
Thomas, William Marshall
United States Congress House Committee on Agriculture
Published in:United States congressional serial set ; serial set no. 13375
House report / 96th Congress, 2nd session. House ; no. 1287
Ashbrook, John Milan
Beard, Edward Peter
Coleman, Earl Thomas
Edwards, Marvin Henry
Erdahl, Arlen Ingolf
Erlenborn, John Neal
Jeffords, JamesMerrill
Petri, Thomas Evert
Tauke, Thomas Joseph
United States Congress House Committee on Education and Labor
Published in:United States congressional serial set ; serial set no. 13366
House report / 96th Congress, 2nd session. House ; no. 965
Crane, Daniel Bever
Edwards, Marvin Henry
Erdahl, Arlen Ingolf
Erlenborn, John Neal
Hinson, Jon Clifton
Jeffords, JamesMerrill
Kramer, Kenneth Bentley
Perkins, Carl Dewey
Tauke, Thomas Joseph
United States Congress House Committee on Education and Labor
Published in:United States congressional serial set ; serial set no. 13301
House report / 96th Congress, 1st session. House ; no. 504
Ashbrook, John Milan
Edwards, Marvin Henry
Erlenborn, John Neal
Goodling, William Franklin
Jeffords, JamesMerrill
Perkins, Carl Dewey
Pettis, Shirley Neil
Pursell, Carl Duane
Quie, Albert Harold
United States Congress House Committee on Education and Labor
Published in:United States congressional serial set ; serial set no. 13201-2
House report / 95th Congress, 2nd session. House ; no. 980
Edwards, Marvin Henry
Erlenborn, John Neal
Goodling, William Franklin
Jeffords, JamesMerrill
Perkins, Carl Dewey
Pursell, Carl Duane
Quie, Albert Harold
Sarasin, Ronald Arthur
United States Congress House Committee on Education and Labor
Published in:United States congressional serial set ; serial set no. 13172-2
House report / 95th Congress, 1st session. House ; no. 123
Ashbrook, John Milan
Buchanan, John Hall
Erlenborn, John Neal
Jeffords, JamesMerrill
Perkins, Carl Dewey
Pettis, Shirley Neil
Quie, Albert Harold
Sarasin, Ronald Arthur
United States Congress House Committee on Education and Labor
Published in:United States congressional serial set ; serial set no. 13172-12
House report / 95th Congress, 1st session. House ; no. 768
Ashbrook, John Milan
Buchanan, John Hall
Erlenborn, John Neal
Jeffords, JamesMerrill
Perkins, Carl Dewey
Quie, Albert Harold
Sarasin, Ronald Arthur
United States Congress House Committee on Education and Labor
Published in:United States congressional serial set ; serial set no. 13134-12
House report / 94th Congress, 2nd session. House ; no. 1571
Ashbrook, John Milan
Delaney, James Joseph
Erlenborn, John Neal
Goodling, William Franklin
Jeffords, JamesMerrill
Perkins, Carl Dewey
Pettis, Shirley Neil
Quie, Albert Harold
Sarasin, Ronald Arthur
Shuster, E.G
United States Congress House Committee on Education and Labor,
United States Congress House Committee on Rules
Published in:United States congressional serial set ; serial set no. 13201-1
House report / 95th Congress, 2nd session. House ; no. 895, pt. 1 & 2
Coleman, E.A
Foley, Thomas Stephen
Glickman, Daniel Robert
Grassley, Charles Ernest
Hagedorn, Thomas Michael
Heckler, Margaret M.
Hopkins, Larry Jones
Jeffords, JamesMerrill
Kelly, Richard
Marlenee, Ronald Charles
Sebelius, Keith George
Symms, Steven Douglas
Wampler, William Creed
United States Congress House Committee on Agriculture
Published in:United States congressional serial set ; serial set no. 13360
House report / 96th Congress, 2nd session. House ; no. 788
Ashbrook, John Milan
Coleman, Earl Thomas
Crane, Daniel Bever
Erdahl, Arlen Ingolf
Erlenborn, John Neal
Goodling, William Franklin
Jeffords, JamesMerrill
Kramer, Kenneth Bentley
Perkins, Carl Dewey
Petri, Thomas Evert
Tauke, Thomas Joseph
United States Congress House Committee on Education and Labor
Published in:United States congressional serial set ; serial set no. 13295
House report / 96th Congress, 1st session. House ; no. 197
Ashbrook, John Milan
Buchanan, John Hall
Erlenborn, John Neal
Goodling, William Franklin
Jeffords, JamesMerrill
Mahon, George Herman
Perkins, Carl Dewey
Pettis, Shirley Neil
Quie, Albert Harold
Sarasin, Ronald Arthur
Shuster, E.G
United States Congress House Committee on Education and Labor,
United States Congress House Committee on Appropriations
Published in:United States congressional serial set ; serial set no. 13201-5
House report / 95th Congress, 2nd session. House ; no. 1153, pt. 1 & 2
Ashbrook, John Milan
Buchanan, John Hall
Erlenborn, John Neal
Goodling, William Franklin
Jeffords, JamesMerrill
Perkins, Carl Dewey
Pursell, Carl Duane
Quie, Albert Harold
Sarasin, Ronald Arthur
Weiss, Theodore S.
United States Congress House Committee on Education and Labor
Published in:United States congressional serial set ; serial set no. 13172-5
House report / 95th Congress, 1st session. House ; no. 314
Ashbrook, John Milan
Biaggi, Mario
Erlenborn, John Neal
Esch, Marvin Leonel
Eshleman, Edwin Duing
Goodling, William Franklin
Jeffords, JamesMerrill
Perkins, Carl Dewey
Quie, Albert Harold
Sarasin, Ronald Arthur
United States Congress House Committee on Education and Labor
Published in:United States congressional serial set ; serial set no. 13134-4
House report / 94th Congress, 2nd session. House ; no. 1019
Ashbrook, John Milan
Erlenborn, John Neal
Esch, Marvin Leonel
Eshleman, Edwin Duing
Goodling, William Franklin
Jeffords, JamesMerrill
Perkins, Carl Dewey
Quie, Albert Harold
Sarasin, Ronald Arthur
Smith, Virginia Dodd
United States Congress House Committee on Education and Labor
Published in:United States congressional serial set ; serial set no. 13134-7
House report / 94th Congress, 2nd session. House ; no. 1164
Ashbrook, John Milan
Buchanan, John Hall
Erlenborn, John Neal
Eshleman, Edwin Duing
Goodling, William Franklin
Jeffords, JamesMerrill
Perkins, Carl Dewey
Pressler, Larry Lee
Quie, Albert Harold
Sarasin, Ronald Arthur
Smith, Virginia Dodd
United States Congress House Committee on Education and Labor
Published in:United States congressional serial set ; serial set no. 13099-9
House report / 94th Congress, 1st session. House ; no. 678
Ashbrook, John Milan
Bell, Alphonzo
Buchanan, John Hall
Erlenborn, John Neal
Goodling, William Franklin
Jeffords, JamesMerrill
Perkins, Carl Dewey
Peyser, Peter A.
Pressler, Larry Lee
Quie, Albert Harold
Sarasin, Ronald Arthur
United States Congress House Committee on Education and Labor
Published in:United States congressional serial set ; serial set no. 13099-6
House report / 94th Congress, 1st session. House ; no. 332
Ashbrook, John Milan
Chisholm, Shirley Anita
Clay, William Lacy
Erlenborn, John Neal
Eshleman, Edwin Duing
Goodling, William Franklin
Jeffords, JamesMerrill
Mottl, Ronald Milton
Perkins, Carl Dewey
Quie, Albert Harold
Sarasin, Ronald Arthur
United States Congress House Committee on Education and Labor
Published in:United States congressional serial set ; serial set no. 13099-10
House report / 94th Congress, 1st session. House ; no. 719
Ashbrook, John Milan
Bell, Alphonzo
Buchanan, John Hall
Erlenborn, John Neal
Eshleman, Edwin Duing
Goodling, William Franklin
Jeffords, JamesMerrill
Mottl, Ronald Milton
Perkins, Carl Dewey
Quie, Albert Harold
Sarasin, Ronald Arthur
United States Congress House Committee on Education and Labor