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  1. Fischer, Peter [Editor]; Neubauer, Susanne [Other]; Abakanowicz, Magdalena [Other]; Ali, Laylah [Other]; Bleckner, Ross [Other]; Gormley, Antony [Other]; Jusidman, Yishai [Other]; Kruger, Barbara [Other]; Krystufek, Elke [Other]; Lüthi, Urs [Other]; Marusic, Tatjana [Other]; Xiaochun, Miao [Other]; Neto, Ernesto [Other]; Piene, Chloe [Other]; Smith, Kiki [Other]; Zhang, Huan [Other] ; Kunstmuseum Luzern, Ausstellung Me & More 2003 Luzern

    Me & more : [Magdalena Abakanowicz, Laylah Ali, Ross Bleckner, Antony Gormley, Yishai Jusidman, Barbara Kruger, Elke Krystufek, Urs Lüthi, Tatjana Marusic, Miao Xiaochun, Ernesto Neto, Chloe Piene, Kiki Smith, Zhang Huan ; Katalog der Ausstellung "me and more", 9. August - 23. November 2003]



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    Luzern; Poschiavo: Ed. Periferia, 2003