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  1. Thian, Marini [Author]; Höger, Birgit [Author]; Kamnev, Anton [Author]; Poyer, Fiona [Author]; Köstel Bal, Sevgi [Author]; Caldera, Michael [Author]; Jiménez-Heredia, Raúl [Author]; Huemer, Jakob [Author]; Pickl, Winfried F. [Author]; Gross, Miriam [Author]; Ehl, Stephan [Author]; Lucas, Carrie L. [Author]; Menche, Jörg [Author]; Hutter, Caroline [Author]; Attarbaschi, Andishe [Author]; Dupré, Loïc [Author]; Boztug, Kaan [Author]

    Germline biallelic PIK3CG mutations in a multifaceted immunodeficiency with immune dysregulation : letter to the editor

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    Pavia: Ferrata Storti Foundation, 2020

    Published in: Haematologica ; 105, 10 (2020), e488

  2. HASKOLOĞLU, Zehra Şule; KÖSTEL BAL, Sevgi; İSLAMOĞLU, Candan; BASKIN, Avniye; BEŞLİ, Dilara; AYTEKİN, Caner; DOĞU, Figen; İKİNCİOĞULLARI, Aydan

    Lökosit Adezyon Defekti (Tip I ve Tip III) Tanısıyla İzlenen 14 Hastanın Klinik, İmmünolojik Özellikleri ve Tedavi Sonuçlarının Değerlendirilmesi

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    Turkish Journal of Pediatric Disease, 2020

    Published in: Turkish Journal of Pediatric Disease (2020), Seite 1-9

  3. Haskologlu, Sule; Kostel Bal, Sevgi; Islamoglu, Candan; Aytekin, Caner; Guner, Sukru; Sevinc, Selin; Keles, Sevgi; Kendirli, Tanil; Ceylaner, Serdar; Dogu, Figen; Ikinciogullari, Aydan

    Clinical, immunological features and follow up of 20 patients with dedicator of cytokinesis 8 (DOCK8) deficiency

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    Wiley, 2020

    Published in: Pediatric Allergy and Immunology, 31 (2020) 5, Seite 515-527

  4. Kavgacı, Akif; Doğu, Figen; Arıkan, Meltem; İslamoğlu, Candan; Okulu, Emel; Topçu, Seda; Çullas-İlarslan, Nisa Eda; Haskoloğlu, Şule; Bal, Sevgi Köstel; Bayrakoğlu, Deniz; İkincioğulları, Kamile Aydan

    Evaluation of thymopoiesis in healthy Turkish children aged 0-6 years

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    Hacettepe University Institute of Child Health, 2023

    Published in: The Turkish Journal of Pediatrics, 65 (2023) 1, Seite 73-80

  5. Haskoloğlu, Şule; Öztürk, Ayşenur; Öztürk, Gökcan; Kostel Bal, Sevgi; İslamoğlu, Candan; Baskın, Kübra; Ceylaner, Serdar; Tufan Satıroğlu, Lale; Doğu, Figen; İkincioğulları, Aydan

    Clinical Features and Outcomes of 23 Patients with Wiskott- Aldrich Syndrome: A Single-Center Experience

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    Galenos Yayinevi, 2020

    Published in: Turkish Journal of Hematology, 37 (2020) 4, Seite 271-281

  6. Bayram, Ozlem; Haskologlu, Sule; Bayrakoğlu, Deniz; Bal, Sevgi Kostel; Islamoglu, Candan; Cipe, Funda Erol; Kendirli, Tanil; Kursun, Nazmiye; Guner, Sukru Nail; Yildiran, Alisan; Bozdogan, Gunseli; Yuksek, Mutlu; Reisli, Ismail; Dalva, Klara; Aytekin, Caner; Boztug, Kaan; Dogu, Figen; Ikinciogullari, Aydan

    Single-Center Study of 72 Patients with Severe Combined Immunodeficiency: Clinical and Laboratory Features and Outcomes

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    Springer Science and Business Media LLC, 2021

    Published in: Journal of Clinical Immunology, 41 (2021) 7, Seite 1563-1573

  7. Marini Thian; Birgit Hoeger; Anton Kamnev; Fiona Poyer; Sevgi Köstel Bal; Michael Caldera; Raúl Jiménez-Heredia; Jakob Huemer; Winfried F. Pickl; Miriam Groß; Stephan Ehl; Carrie L. Lucas; Jörg Menche; Caroline Hutter; Andishe Attarbaschi; Loïc Dupré; Kaan Boztug

    Germline biallelic PIK3CG mutations in a multifaceted immunodeficiency with immune dysregulation

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    Ferrata Storti Foundation (Haematologica), 2020

    Published in: Haematologica, 105 (2020) 10, Seite e488

  8. Ilarslan, Nisa Eda Cullas; Gunay, Fatih; Haskologlu, Zehra Sule; Bal, Sevgi Kostel; Tezcaner, Zahide Ciler; Kirsaclioglu, Ceyda Tuna; Firat, Selma; Altuntas, Cansu; Ciftci, Bulent; Ozgursoy, Ozan Bagis; Cobanoglu, Nazan

    Evaluation of children with chronic cough including obstructive sleep apnea: a single-center experience

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    Springer Science and Business Media LLC, 2019

    Published in: European Journal of Pediatrics, 178 (2019) 2, Seite 189-197

  9. Kostel Bal, Sevgi; Haskologlu, Sule; Serwas, Nina K.; Islamoglu, Candan; Aytekin, Caner; Kendirli, Tanil; Kuloglu, Zarife; Yavuz, Gulsan; Dalgic, Buket; Siklar, Zeynep; Kansu, Aydan; Ensari, Arzu; Boztug, Kaan; Dogu, Figen; Ikinciogullari, Aydan

    Multiple Presentations of LRBA Deficiency: a Single-Center Experience

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    Springer Science and Business Media LLC, 2017

    Published in: Journal of Clinical Immunology, 37 (2017) 8, Seite 790-800

  10. Karakus, Ibrahim Serhat; Catak, Mehmet Cihangir; Frohne, Alexandra; Bayram Catak, Feyza; Yorgun Altunbas, Melek; Babayeva, Royala; Bal, Sevgi Kostel; Eltan, Sevgi Bilgic; Yalcin Gungoren, Ezgi; Esen, Fehim; Zemheri, Itir Ebru; Karakoc-Aydiner, Elif; Ozen, Ahmet; Caki-Kilic, Suar; Kraakman, Michael J.; Boztug, Kaan; Baris, Safa

    Rapamycin Controls Lymphoproliferation and Reverses T-Cell Responses in a Patient with a Novel STIM1 Loss-of-Function Deletion

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    Springer Science and Business Media LLC, 2024

    Published in: Journal of Clinical Immunology, 44 (2024) 4

  11. Shahin, Tala; Aschenbrenner, Dominik; Cagdas, Deniz; Bal, Sevgi Köstel; Conde, Cecilia Domínguez; Garncarz, Wojciech; Medgyesi, David; Schwerd, Tobias; Karaatmaca, Betül; Cetinkaya, Pınar Gur; Esenboga, Saliha; Twigg, Stephen R. F.; Cant, Andrew; Wilkie, Andrew O. M.; Tezcan, Ilhan; Uhlig, Holm H.; Boztug, Kaan

    Selective loss of function variants in IL6ST cause Hyper-IgE syndrome with distinct impairments of T-cell phenotype and function

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    Ferrata Storti Foundation (Haematologica), 2019

    Published in: Haematologica, 104 (2019) 3, Seite 609-621

  12. Pfajfer, Laurène; Mair, Nina K.; Jiménez-Heredia, Raúl; Genel, Ferah; Gulez, Nesrin; Ardeniz, Ömür; Hoeger, Birgit; Bal, Sevgi Köstel; Madritsch, Christoph; Kalinichenko, Artem; Chandra Ardy, Rico; Gerçeker, Bengü; Rey-Barroso, Javier; Ijspeert, Hanna; Tangye, Stuart G.; Simonitsch-Klupp, Ingrid; Huppa, Johannes B.; van der Burg, Mirjam; Dupré, Loïc; Boztug, Kaan

    Mutations affecting the actin regulator WD repeat–containing protein 1 lead to aberrant lymphoid immunity

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    Elsevier BV, 2018

    Published in: Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology, 142 (2018) 5, Seite 1589-1604.e11

  13. Kostel Bal, Sevgi; Giuliani, Sarah; Block, Jana; Repiscak, Peter; Hafemeister, Christoph; Shahin, Tala; Kasap, Nurhan; Ransmayr, Bernhard; Miao, Yirun; van de Wetering, Cheryl; Frohne, Alexandra; Jimenez Heredia, Raul; Schuster, Michael; Zoghi, Samaneh; Hertlein, Vanessa; Thian, Marini; Bykov, Aleksandr; Babayeva, Royala; Bilgic Eltan, Sevgi; Karakoc-Aydiner, Elif; Shaw, Lisa E.; Chowdhury, Iftekhar; Varjosalo, Markku; Argüello, Rafael J.; [...]

    Biallelic NFATC1 mutations cause an inborn error of immunity with impaired CD8+ T-cell function and perturbed glycolysis

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    American Society of Hematology, 2023

    Published in: Blood, 142 (2023) 9, Seite 827-845