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  1. Kamphausen, Michael [Author]; Wiesa, Peter [Author]

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    Düsseldorf: Data-Becker, 1990

    Published in: Der Data-Becker-Führer

  2. Hsieh, Tzung-Chien [Author]; Mensah, Martin Atta [Author]; Pantel, Jean T. [Author]; Aguilar, Dione [Author]; Bar, Omri [Author]; Bayat, Allan [Author]; Becerra-Solano, Luis [Author]; Bentzen, Heidi B. [Author]; Biskup, Saskia [Author]; Borisov, Oleg [Author]; Braaten, Oivind [Author]; Ciaccio, Claudia [Author]; Coutelier, Marie [Author]; Cremer, Kirsten [Author]; Danyel, Magdalena [Author]; Daschkey, Svenja [Author]; Eden, Hilda David [Author]; Devriendt, Koenraad [Author]; Wilson, Sandra [Author]; Douzgou, Sofia [Author]; Đukić, Dejan [Author]; Ehmke, Nadja [Author]; Fauth, Christine [Author]; Fischer-Zirnsak, Björn [Author]; [...]

    PEDIA : prioritization of exome data by image analysis

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    Published in: Genetics in medicine ; 21(2019), 12, Seite 2807-2814

  3. Isocrates [Author] ; Gymnich, Johann [Printer]

    ISOKRA=||TUS NIKOKLĒS.|| Ē SYMMACHIKOS.|| ISOCRATIS || NICOCLES VEL AVXILIARIS,|| In qua oratione disertißimè et prudentißimè || de subditorum erga Magistratum et || Rempub. officio, sub persona Nico-||clis regis disserit Isocrates.||TU AUTU EUAGORAS.|| Eiusdem Euagoras, oratio elegantissima de virtu-||tibus rebusq́; praeclarè gestis Euagorae.||

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    Köln: Gymnich, Johann III., 1575 ; Online-Ausgabe, Freiburg i. Br.: Universitätsbibliothek, 2021

  4. Isocrates [Author] ; Pythagoras [Other]; Gymnich, Johann [Printer]

    PARAINESIS || ISOCRA=||TIS ORATORIS || DISERTISSIMI SERMO AD-||MONITORIVS, AD DEMO-||nicum: generosae iuuentutis || moribus formandis || idoneus.|| EIVSDEM || Ad Nicoclem Oratio, quibus melior euasurus sit || Princeps: atque adeò omnes, qui publicis || funguntur muneribus.||(CHRISA EPĒ TU || PYTHAGORU. ||)

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    Köln: Gymnich, Johann III., 1587 ; Online-Ausgabe, Freiburg i. Br.: Universitätsbibliothek, 2022

  5. Isocrates [Author] ; Pythagoras [Other]; Gymnich, Johann [Printer]

    PARAINESIS || ISOCRA=||TIS ORATORIS || DISERTISSIMI SERMO || ADMONITORIVS, AD DEMONI-||cum: generosae iuuentutis mori-||bus formandis idoneus.|| EIVSDEM || Ad Nicoclem Oratio quibus melior euasu-||rus sit Princeps: at#[que] adeò omnes,|| qui publicis funguntur || muneribus.||(CHRISA EPĒ TU || PYTHAGORU.||)

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    Köln: Gymnich, Johann III., 1575 ; Online-Ausgabe, Freiburg i. Br.: Universitätsbibliothek, 2023

  6. Saur, Abraham [Author] ; Fischer, Samuel [Contributor]; Fischer, Samuel [Other]; Goclenius, Rudolph [Contributor]; Goclenius, Rudolph [Other]; P., Johannes [Contributor]; P., Johannes [Other]; Pegie, Martin [Contributor]; Pegie, Martin [Other]; Saur, Alexander [Contributor]; Saur, Alexander [Other]; Stein, Nikolaus [Contributor]; Stein, Nikolaus [Other]; Stemper, Kaspar [Contributor]; Stemper, Kaspar [Other]; Steuerlein, Caspar [Contributor]; Steuerlein, Caspar [Other]; Stockhausen, Daniel [Contributor]; Stockhausen, Daniel [Other]

    Gueldiner Fluß vnd Außzug || Von Erbschafften || dero Erbaigen vnnd Lehen,|| Gueter/ Wie die nach art allgemeiner be=||schriebenen Keyserlichen/ Auch vieler besondern Landt vnd Stætt=||Rechten/ [et]c. ohne Testament/ vnd ab intestato vererbt vnd verfellt werden ... || Ordentlich vnd eigentlich in VI. Theile/ Mit einem vierfachigem || Register ... || zusammen bracht vnd zum andernmal mit fleiß in Truck geben/|| Durch || Den ... Rechtserfahrnen M. Abrahamum Saurn/|| deß Fuerstlichen Hessischen Hofgerichts zu Marpurg verordneten || Aduocatum vnd Procuratorem, &c.|| ... ||

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    Frankfurt/Main: Basse, Nikolaus, 1583 ; Online-Ausg., Weimar: Herzogin Anna Amalia Bibliothek; Dresden: Alpha Com Sachsen, 2009

  7. Wagner, Carina; Khan, Abdul Salam; Kamphausen, Thilo; Schmausser, Bernd; Ünal, Can; Lorenz, Udo; Fischer, Gunter; Hacker, Jörg; Steinert, Michael

    Collagen binding protein Mip enables Legionella pneumophila to transmigrate through a barrier of NCI-H292 lung epithelial cells and extracellular matrix

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    Hindawi Limited, 2007

    Published in: Cellular Microbiology, 9 (2007) 2, Seite 450-462

  8. Horstmann, Martin; Ehses, Philipp; Schweimer, Kristian; Steinert, Michael; Kamphausen, Thilo; Fischer, Gunter; Hacker, Jörg; Rösch, Paul; Faber, Cornelius

    Domain Motions of the Mip Protein from Legionella pneumophila,

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    American Chemical Society (ACS), 2006

    Published in: Biochemistry, 45 (2006) 40, Seite 12303-12311

  9. Horstmann, Martin; Kamphausen, Thilo; Schweimer, Kristian; Steinert, Michael; Hacker, J�rg; Haase, Axel; R�sch, Paul; Schweimer, Gunter; Faber, Cornelius

    Letter to the Editor: 1H, 13C, 15N backbone and sidechain resonance assignment of Mip(77?213) the PPIase domain of the Legionella pneumophila Mip protein

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    Springer Science and Business Media LLC, 2005

    Published in: Journal of Biomolecular NMR, 31 (2005) 1, Seite 77-78

  10. Riester, Daniel; Wirsching, Frank; Salinas, Gabriela; Keller, Martina; Gebinoga, Michael; Kamphausen, Stefan; Merkwirth, Christian; Goetz, Ruediger; Wiesenfeldt, Martin; Stürzebecher, Jörg; Bode, Wolfram; Friedrich, Rainer; Thürk, Marcel; Schwienhorst, Andreas

    Thrombin inhibitors identified by computer-assisted multiparameter design

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    Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 2005

    Published in: Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 102 (2005) 24, Seite 8597-8602

  11. Riester, Daniel; Wirsching, Frank; Salinas, Gabriela; Keller, Martina; Gebinoga, Michael; Kamphausen, Stefan; Merkwirth, Christian; Goetz, Ruediger; Wiesenfeldt, Martin; Stürzebecher, Jörg; Bode, Wolfram; Friedrich, Rainer; Thürk, Marcel; Schwienhorst, Andreas; Eigen, Manfred

    Thrombin Inhibitors Identified by Computer-Assisted Multiparameter Design

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    National Academy of Sciences, 2005

    Published in: Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 102 (2005) 24, Seite 8597-8602

  12. Chopra, Maya; McEntagart, Meriel; Clayton-Smith, Jill; Platzer, Konrad; Shukla, Anju; Girisha, Katta M.; Kaur, Anupriya; Kaur, Parneet; Pfundt, Rolph; Veenstra-Knol, Hermine; Mancini, Grazia M.S.; Cappuccio, Gerarda; Brunetti-Pierri, Nicola; Kortüm, Fanny; Hempel, Maja; Denecke, Jonas; Lehman, Anna; Kleefstra, Tjitske; Stuurman, Kyra E.; Wilke, Martina; Thompson, Michelle L.; Bebin, E. Martina; Bijlsma, Emilia K.; Hoffer, Mariette J.V.; [...]

    Heterozygous ANKRD17 loss-of-function variants cause a syndrome with intellectual disability, speech delay, and dysmorphism

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    Elsevier BV, 2021

    Published in: The American Journal of Human Genetics, 108 (2021) 6, Seite 1138-1150