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  1. Berndt, Marvin [Author]; Boysen-Urban, Kirsten [Author]; Ehjeij, Simon [Author]; Espey, Amelia [Author]; Feuerbacher, Arndt [Author]; Flaig, Dorothee [Author]; Heimann, Tobias [Author]; Hess, Sebastian [Author]; Kempen, Markus [Author]; Schünemann, Franziska [Author]; Wieck, Christine [Author]

    Implications of Russia's War in Ukraine for the Global Agri-Food Sector - An Ex-Ante Assessment using Different Simulation Models

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    Frankfurt a. M.: Deutscher Fachverlag, 2022

  2. Le Noble, Eustache [Author] ; Wilhelmine Amalie Heiliges Römisches Reich, Kaiserin [Dedicatee]; Engmann, Marco Antonio [Printer]; Thomas von Kempen [Other]

    Eckel Der Welt Erwecket Durch Grund-Sätz, So Auß der Schrifft/ und denen Vättern gezogen : Nach dem Geist und Arth Thomä von Kempen in der Nachfolg Christi. Auß dem Frantzösischen übersetzt. Zum besten der Armen. Mit Bewilligung deren Oberen - [Zweyte Aufflag]

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    Würtzburg: gedruckt und zu finden bey Marco Antonio Engmann/ Univ. Buchdr., Anno 1731. ; Wie auch Franckfurt und Augspurg: [Verlag nicht ermittelbar], Anno 1731. ; Online-Ausgabe, Greifswald: Universitätsbibliothek, [2018]

  3. Fritscher, Markus [Author]; Singh, Simranjeet [Author]; Kahmen, Gerhard [Author]; Fey, Dietmar [Author]; Rana, Vikas [Author]; Menzel, Stephan [Author]; Reichenbach, Marc [Author]; Krstic, Milos [Author]; Merchant, Farhad [Author]; Wenger, Christian [Author]; Rizzi, Tommaso [Author]; Baroni, Andrea [Author]; Reiser, Daniel [Author]; Mallah, Maen [Author]; Hartmann, David [Author]; Bende, Ankit [Author]; Kempen, Tim [Author]; Uhlmann, Max [Author]

    A flexible and fast digital twin for RRAM systems applied for training resilient neural networks

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    Macmillan Publishers Limited, part of Springer Nature, 2024

    Published in: Scientific reports 14(1), 23695 (2024). doi:10.1038/s41598-024-73439-z

  4. Buchholz, Michael [Author]; Gies, Fabian [Author]; Danzer, Andreas [Author]; Henning, Matti [Author]; Hermann, Charlotte [Author]; Herzog, Manuel [Author]; Horn, Markus [Author]; Schön, Markus [Author]; Rexin, Nils [Author]; Dietmayer, Klaus [Author]; Fernandez, Carlos [Author]; Janosovits, Johannes [Author]; Kamran, Danial [Author]; Kinzig, Christian [Author]; Lauer, Martin [Author]; Molinos, Eduardo [Author]; Stiller, Christoph [Author]; Wang, Lingguang [Author]; Ackermann, Stefan Martin [Author]; Homolla, Tobias [Author]; Winner, Hermann [Author]; Gottschalg, Grischa [Author]; Leinen, Stefan [Author]; Becker, Mathias [Author]; [...]

    Automation of the UNICARagil Vehicles

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    Darmstadt: Universitäts- und Landesbibliothek, 2022

  5. Buchholz, Michael [Author]; Gies, Fabian [Author]; Danzer, Andreas [Author]; Henning, Matti [Author]; Hermann, Charlotte [Author]; Herzog, Manuel [Author]; Horn, Markus [Author]; Schön, Markus [Author]; Rexin, Nils [Author]; Dietmayer, Klaus [Author]; Fernandez, Carlos [Author]; Janosovits, Johannes [Author]; Kamran, Danial [Author]; Kinzig, Christian [Author]; Lauer, Martin [Author]; Molinos, Eduardo [Author]; Stiller, Christoph [Author]; Ackermann, Stefan [Author]; Homolla, Tobias [Author]; Winner, Hermann [Author]; Gottschalg, Grischa [Author]; Leinen, Stefan [Author]; Becker, Matthias [Author]; Feiler, Johannes [Author]; [...]

    Automation of the UNICARagil vehicles

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    Ulm: Universität Ulm, 2020

  6. van Kempen, Raphael [Author]; Lampe, Bastian [Author]; Leuffen, Marc [Author]; Wirtz, Lena [Author]; Thomsen, Fabian [Author]; Bilkei-Gorzo, Gergely [Author]; Busch, Jean-Pierre [Author]; Feger, Ida [Author]; Geller, Christian [Author]; Kehl, Christian [Author]; Uszynski, Olaf [Author]; Wagner-Douglas, Lotte [Author]; Zanger, Lukas [Author]; Eckstein, Lutz [Author]; Klüner, David [Author]; Beerwerth, Julius [Author]; Alrifaee, Bassam [Author]; Kowalewski, Stefan [Author]; Konersmann, Marco [Author]; Steinfurth, Felix [Author]; Rumpe, Bernhard [Author]; Hartmann, Max [Author]; Siepenkötter, Norbert [Author]; Moormann, Dieter [Author]; [...]

    AUTOtech.agil: Architecture and Technologies for Orchestrating Automotive Agility

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    Aachen: Universitätsbibliothek der RWTH Aachen, 2023

  7. Baldassari, Sara [Author]; Picard, Fabienne [Author]; Verbeek, Nienke E. [Author]; Kempen, Marjan van [Author]; Brilstra, Eva H. [Author]; Lesca, Gaetan [Author]; Conti, Valerio [Author]; Guerrini, Renzo [Author]; Bisulli, Francesca [Author]; Licchetta, Laura [Author]; Pippucci, Tommaso [Author]; Tinuper, Paolo [Author]; Hirsch, Edouard [Author]; Saint Martin, Anne de [Author]; Chelly, Jamel [Author]; Rudolf, Gabrielle [Author]; Chipaux, Mathilde [Author]; Ferrand-Sorbets, Sarah [Author]; Dorfmüller, Georg [Author]; Sisodiya, Sanjay [Author]; Balestrini, Simona [Author]; Schoeler, Natasha [Author]; Hernandez-Hernandez, Laura [Author]; Krithika, Sundararaman [Author]; [...]

    The landscape of epilepsy-related GATOR1 variants

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    Published in: Genetics in medicine ; 21(2019), 2, Seite 398-408

  8. Büttner, Sigismund [Praeses]; Schreiber, Bonifacius [Respondent] ; Jansenius, Cornelius [Other]; Engmann, Marco Antonio [Printer]; Quesnel, Pasquier [Other]

    Perpetuum Divinæ Providentiæ Miraculum In Monarchico Ecclesiæ Militantis Regimine, Ejusque Supremo, Visibili, Et Infallibili Hierarcha Theologice Adumbratum. Sive Dissertatio Theologica De Monarchia Visibilis Ecclesiæ, Et Summi Ejusdem Capitis Romani Pontificis Authoritate, Potestate, Jurisdictione Et Infallibilitate, Nec Non Conciliorum Ecclesiasticorum Essentia, Divisione, Necessitate, Utilitate &c : Ex variis Authoribus collecta, & contra ultima Jansenio-Quesnellistarum effugia concinnata - [Iteratò publico prælo ... data, Anno 1733.]

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    Herbipoli: Typis Marci Antonii Engmann, Universitatis Typographi, [1733] ; Online-Ausgabe, München: Bayerische Staatsbibliothek, 2010-2020

  9. Berndt, Marvin; Boysen-Urban, Kirsten; Ehjeij, Simon; Espey, Amelia; Feuerbacher, Arndt; Flaig, Dorothee; Heimann, Tobias; Hess, Sebastian; Kempen, Markus; Schünemann, Franziska; Wieck, Christine

    Implications of Russia’s War in Ukraine for the Global Agri-Food Sector – An Ex-Ante Assessment using Different Simulation Models

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    TIB Open Publishing, 2022

    Published in: German Journal of Agricultural Economics, 71 (2022) 3

  10. García-Feced, Celia; Weissteiner, Christof Jakob; Baraldi, Andrea; Paracchini, Maria Luisa; Maes, Joachim; Zulian, Grazia; Kempen, Markus; Elbersen, Berien; Pérez-Soba, Marta

    Semi-natural vegetation in agricultural land: European map and links to ecosystem service supply

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    Springer Science and Business Media LLC, 2015

    Published in: Agronomy for Sustainable Development, 35 (2015) 1, Seite 273-283