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  1. Alter, Joseph S. [Author]; Amaladass, Anand [Author]; Baker, Ian [Author]; Birch, Jason [Author]; Bühnemann, Gudrun [Author]; Burger, Maya [Author]; Hauser, Beatrix [Author]; Kiehnle, Catharina [Author]; Koch, Anne [Author]; Mallinson, James [Author]; Newcombe, Suzanne [Author]; Rastelli, Marion [Author]; Wujastyk, Dominik [Author]; Verdon, Noémie [Author] ; Baier, Karl [Editor]; Maas, Philipp André [Editor]; Preisendanz, Karin [Editor]; Ketz, Dominik [Illustrator] V & R unipress GmbH

    Yoga in transformation : historical and contemporary perspectives

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    Göttingen: V&R unipress, [2018]

    Published in: Wiener Forum für Theologie und Religionswissenschaft ; 16

  2. Kiehnle, Catharina

    Dattātreya: The Immortal Guru, Yogin, and Avatāra: A Study of the Transformative and Inclusive Character of a Multi-Faceted Hindu Deity. By Antonio Rigopoulos. SUNY Series in Religious Studies. Edited by Harold Coward. Albany: State University of New York Press, 1998. xvi, 342 pp

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    Duke University Press, 1999

    Published in: The Journal of Asian Studies, 58 (1999) 2, Seite 554-555