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  1. Kienzle, Michael [Adapter]; Ott, Ulrich [Editor]; Pfau, Ludwig [Other] ; Stadtbücherei Heilbronn, Ausstellung Plakatanschlag für Ludwig Pfau 1994 Heilbronn

    Ludwig Pfau : ein schwäbischer Radikaler; 1821 - 1894; [Sonderheft für die Ausstellung "Plakatanschlag für Ludwig Pfau" in der Stadtbücherei Heilbronn April/Mai 1994, zur Erinnerung an den 100. Todestag von Ludwig Pfau]



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    Marbach am Neckar: Dt. Schillerges., 1994

    Published in: Marbacher Magazin ; 67

  2. Depping, Malte Sebastian [Author]; Schmitgen, Mike [Author]; Bach, Claudia [Author]; Listunova, Lena [Author]; Kienzle, Johanna [Author]; Kubera, Katharina Maria [Author]; Roesch-Ely, Daniela [Author]; Wolf, Robert Christian [Author]

    Abnormal cerebellar volume in patients with remitted major depression with persistent cognitive deficits

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    8 July 2020

    Published in: The cerebellum ; 19(2020), 6, Seite 762-770

  3. Scholz, Thomas D; Kienzle, Michael G

    Optimizing utilization of pediatric echocardiography and implications for telemedicine11The content of this article does not necessarily reflect the views or policies of the Department of Health and Human Services, nor does mention of trade names commercial products, or organizations imply endorsement by the U.S. government

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    Elsevier BV, 1999

    Published in: The American Journal of Cardiology, 83 (1999) 12, Seite 1645-1648