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  1. Hiltscher, Reinhard [Editor]; Klingner, Stefan [Editor]

    Friedrich Wilhelm Joseph Schelling

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    Darmstadt: WBG (Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft), [2012]

    Published in: Neue Wege der Forschung ; Philosophie - WBG - Wissen verbindet

  2. Gesualdo, Carlo [Composer]; Caplet, André [Composer]; Schubert, Franz [Composer]; Haßler, Hans Leo [Composer]; Sweelinck, Jan Pieterszoon [Composer]; Monteverdi, Claudio [Composer]; Schein, Johann Hermann [Composer]; Reger, Max [Composer]; Hummel, Bertold [Composer]; Badings, Henk [Composer]; Giesen, Willy [Composer]; Pärt, Arvo [Composer] ; Winkler, Frank [Other]; Mendelssohn Bartholdy, Felix [Other]; Chačaturjan, Aram [Other]; Klingner, Christoph [Other]; Josquin Desprez [Other]; Hartl, Heinrich J. [Other]; Schack, Benedikt [Other]; Walther, Marc [Other]; Schütz, Heinrich [Other]; Richter, Sören [Other]; Ritschel, Marcus [Performer]; Bosselmann, Clemens [Performer] Förderverein Dresdner Kreuzchor, Dresdner Kreuzchor Männerchor

    Dresdner Kreuzchor - Archiv / 8, Abschiedskonzerte der Abiturienten des Kreuzchores 1998 - 2003 : Schola crucis - schola lucis - imus - domine - quo ducis (1 CD)

    Sound Recordings


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    Dresden: Förderverein Dresdner Kreuzchor, [ca. 2003]

    Published in: Dresdner Kreuzchor - Archiv ; 8

    Saxon Bibliography (Sächsische Bibliografie)

  3. Kusche, Beate [Author]; Michel, Stefan [Author]; Strohm, Christoph [Author]; Schneider-Ludorff, Gury [Author]; Deflers, Isabelle [Author]; Weeber, Urte [Author]; Roth, Michael [Author]; Brendle, Franz [Author]; Haug-Moritz, Gabriele [Author]; Bahn, Steve [Author]; Jähnigen, Saskia [Author]; Enge, Konstantin [Author]; Winter, Christian [Author]; Klingner, Jens [Author]; Adler, Lars [Author]; Stiebert, Gregor [Author]; Wennemuth, Udo [Author]; Baar-Cantoni, Regina [Author]; Hepp, Frieder [Author]; Plate, Oliver [Author]; Maissen, Thomas [Author]; Lausten, Martin Schwarz [Author]; Schütte, Sebastian [Author]; Natour, Elisabeth [Author]; [...] ; Richter, Susan [Editor]; Kohnle, Armin [Editor]; Wolgast, Eike [Honoree]

    Herrschaft und Glaubenswechsel : die Fürstenreformation im Reich und in Europa in 28 Biographien

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    Heidelberg: Universitätsverlag Winter, [2016]

    Published in: Heidelberger Abhandlungen zur mittleren und neueren Geschichte ; 240000

    Saxon Bibliography (Sächsische Bibliografie)

  4. Nürnberger, Matthias [Author]; Klingner, Carsten [Author]; Witte, Otto W. [Author]; Brodoehl, Stefan [Author]

    Mismatch of Visual-Vestibular Information in Virtual Reality : Is Motion Sickness Part of the Brains Attempt to Reduce the Prediction Error?

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    29 October 2021

    Published in: Frontiers in human neuroscience ; 15(2021) Artikel-Nummer 757735, 11 Seiten

  5. Brodoehl, Stefan [Author]; Gaser, Christian [Author]; Dahnke, Robert [Author]; Witte, Otto W. [Author]; Klingner, Carsten [Author]

    Surface-based analysis increases the specificity of cortical activation patterns and connectivity results

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    31 March 2020

    Published in: Scientific reports ; 10(2020) Artikel-Nummer 5737, 13 Seiten

  6. Klingner, Carsten [Author]; Denker, Michael [Author]; Grün, Sonja [Author]; Hanke, Michael [Author]; Oeltze-Jafra, Steffen [Author]; Ohl, Frank W. [Author]; Radny, Janina [Author]; Rotter, Stefan [Author]; Scherberger, Hansjörg [Author]; Stein, Alexandra [Author]; Wachtler, Thomas [Author]; Witte, Otto W. [Author]; Ritter, Petra [Author]

    Research data management and data sharing for reproducible research : results of a community survey of the German national research data infrastructure initiative neuroscience

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    Published in: eNeuro ; 10(2023), 2, Artikel-ID ENEURO.0215-22.2023

  7. Götz, Theresa [Author]; Baumbach, Philipp [Author]; Reuken, Philipp [Author]; Huonker, Ralph [Author]; Kranczioch, Cornelia [Author]; Debener, Stefan [Author]; Brunkhorst, Frank [Author]; Witte, Otto [Author]; Klingner, Carsten [Author]; Günther, Albrecht [Author]

    The loss of neural synchrony in the post septic brain

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    Elsevier Science, 2016