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  1. Alain, Jehan [Composer]; Bresgen, Cesar [Composer]; Brosig, Moritz [Composer]; Bryan, Paul [Composer]; Buchner, Hans [Composer]; Buxtehude, Dietrich [Composer]; Calvière, Guillaume Antoine [Composer]; Demessieux, Jeanne [Composer]; Doerr, Ludwig [Composer]; Dornel, Antoine [Composer]; Dubois, Théodore [Composer]; Bach, Johann Michael [Composer]; Dufay, Guillaume [Composer]; Dupré, Marcel [Composer]; Eben, Petr [Composer]; Eberlin, Johann Ernst [Composer]; Elgar, Edward [Composer]; Essl, Jürgen [Composer]; Fasolo, Giovanni Battista [Composer]; Fischer, Johann Caspar Ferdinand [Composer]; Fletcher, Andrew [Composer]; Franck, César [Composer]; Bach, Johann Sebastian [Composer]; Frescobaldi, Girolamo [Composer]; [...]

    Freiburger Orgelbuch / 1, Hauptteil

    Notated Music


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    Stuttgart: Carus-Verl., c 2004

    Published in: Freiburger Orgelbuch / hrsg. vom Amt für Kirchenmusik der Erzdiözese Freiburg (Ltg. DKMD Wilm Geismann); als Orgelbuch-Kommission erarb. das Freiburger Orgelbuch die Bezirkskantoren Michael Meuser ... Meinrad Walter (Amt für Kirchenmusik, Freiburg) ... ; 1

  2. Faggian, Silvia [Author] ; Gozzi, Fausto [Other]; Kort, Peter M. [Other]

    Optimal Investment with Vintage Capital : Equilibrium Distributions

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    [S.l.]: SSRN, [2019]

    Published in: University Ca' Foscari of Venice, Dept. of Economics Research Paper Series ; No. 12/WP/2019

  3. Dawid, Herbert [Author] ; Kopel, Michael [Other]; Kort, Peter M. [Other]

    Product Innovation With Partial Capacity Rollover

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    [S.l.]: SSRN, [2019]

    Published in: Bielefeld Working Papers in Economics and Management ; No. 02-2019

  4. Dawid, Herbert [Author] ; Keoula, Michel [Other]; Kort, Peter M. [Other]

    Numerical Analysis of Markov-Perfect Equilibria with Multiple Stable Steady States : A Duopoly Application with Innovative Firms

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    [S.l.]: SSRN, [2016]

    Published in: Bielefeld Working Papers in Economics and Management ; No. 05-2016

  5. Wen, Xingang [Author] ; Kort, Peter M. [Other]; Talman, Dolf [Other]

    Volume Flexibility and Capacity Investment : A Real Options Approach

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    [S.l.]: SSRN, [2015]

    Published in: CentER Discussion Paper Series ; No. 2015-022

  6. Dawid, Herbert [Author] ; Kopel, Michael [Other]; Kort, Peter M. [Other]

    New Product Introduction and Capacity Investment by Incumbents : Effects of Size on Strategy

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    [S.l.]: SSRN, [2014]

  7. Dawid, Herbert [Author] ; Kort, Peter M. [Other]; Kopel, Michael [Other]

    R&D Competition Versus R&D Cooperation in Oligopolistic Markets with Evolving Structure

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    [S.l.]: SSRN, [2013]

    Published in: Bielefeld Working Papers in Economics and Management ; No. 06-2013