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  1. Borneman, John [Contributor]; Fontein, Joost [Contributor]; Kernaghan, Richard [Contributor]; Kristensen, Benedikte Møller [Contributor]; Kristensen, Regnar [Contributor]; Myrttinen, Henri [Contributor]; Robben, Antonius C.G.M [Contributor]; Robert, Christophe [Contributor]; Stepputat, Finn [Contributor]; Stepputat, Finn [Editor]; Sørensen, Ninna Nyberg [Contributor]; Trans, Lars Ove [Contributor]

    Governing the dead : Sovereignty and the politics of dead bodies

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    Manchester: Manchester University Press, [2020]

    Published in: Human Remains and Violence

  2. Kristensen, Benedikte Møller

    The Human Perspective

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    Brill, 2007

    Published in: Inner Asia, 9 (2007) 2, Seite 275-289

  3. Smith, Claire Friedemann; Kristensen, Benedikte Møller; Andersen, Rikke Sand; Ziebland, Sue; Nicholson, Brian D

    Building the case for the use of gut feelings in cancer referrals: perspectives of patients referred to a non-specific symptoms pathway

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    Royal College of General Practitioners, 2022

    Published in: British Journal of General Practice, 72 (2022) 714, Seite e43-e50