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  1. Löher, Bernhard Ludwig [Author] ; Magnus Württemberg, Herzog [Other]; Rößlin, Johann Weyrich <der Ältere> [Printer]

    Zwo Christliche Predigten Gehalten Vber der Leich Weilund deß ... Herren Magni, Hertzogen zu Würtemberg vnd Teckh, Graven zu Mümpelgart, Herren zu Heydenheim, etc : Welcher Freytags den 26. Aprilis dises 1622. Jahrs, in dem; zwischen etc. Ihr. Durchl. Herren Maximiliano, Hertzogen in Ober: vnd NiderBayern, etc. Vnd etc. Herren Georg Friderichen Marggraven zu Baden vnd Hochberg, etc. Fürstl. Gn. Bey Obereißheim vorgangenem Treffen, auff Würtembergischen Grund vnd Boden umbkommen: Vnd Freytags den 24. Maii, zu Stuttgardten ... bestattet worden



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    Stuttgardt: Rößlin, 1622

  2. Geuffroy, Antoine [Author] ; Bessarion Kardinal [Other]; Bizzarri, Pietro [Other]; Breydenbach, Bernhard von [Other]; Demosthenes [Other]; Emili, Paolo [Other]; Godelevaeus, Wilhelm [Adapter]; Baptista Mantuanus [Other]; Aventinus, Johannes [Other]; Pius II. Papst [Other]; Milesius, David [Contributor]; Milesius, David [Other]; Quintin, Jean [Contributor]; Quintin, Jean [Other]; Stigel, Johann [Contributor]; Stigel, Johann [Other]; Wolf, Hieronymus [Contributor]; Wolf, Hieronymus [Other]; Sabinus, Georg [Contributor]; Sabinus, Georg [Other]; Henricpetri, Sebastian [Printer] Katholische Kirche, Papst Pius II

    AVLAE || TVRCICAE,|| OTHOMANNICIQ´VE || IMPERII, DESCRIPTIO, QVA || TVRCARVM PALATINA OFFICIA,|| mores ... || primùm ab Antonio Geufraeo || Gallicè edita: recens autem in La-||tinam linguam conuersa,|| Per || VVILHELMVM GODELEVAEVM.|| His commode accesserunt:|| Belli Cyprij inter Venetos, et Zelymum Turcarum || Imp. nouissimè gesti, Libri III.|| Item,|| Bellum Pannonicum, contra D. Maximilianum II.|| Romanorum Imp. à Sylomanno Turc. Imp. motum.|| Vnà, cum|| Epitome insigniorum, at#[que] recentiorum Europae histo=||riarum, hinc inde gestarum, ab anno M.D.LXIIII.|| usq´q; in praesentem LXXIII. deducta.|| Authore,|| PETRO BIZARO.|| Omnia nunc primùm ... || in lucem edita.||(EX PAVLI || AEMILII VERONEN=||SIS DE REBVS GESTIS || FRANCORVM,|| LIB.IIII.||)(ex Bridenbacchio || ... DE ARMENIIS, ET || EORVM ERRORIBVS.||)(BESSA=||RIONIS CARDINALIS, AD || ITALOS DE PERICVLIS IM=||minentibus, Oratio.||) (EIVSDEM DE DI=||SCORDIIS SEDANDIS,|| ET BELLO IN TVR-||cum decernendo.||) (DEMOSTHENIS || ORATIO, PRO FEREN-||DA OPE OLYNTHIIS, ADVER-||sus Philippum, regem Macedo-||num.||)(ORATIO || AENAE SYLVII PII || PONTIFICIS DE CON=||STANTINOPOLITANA || clade, et bello contra Turcos || congregando.||)(BAPTISTAE MAN=||TVANI ... || OBIVRGATIO, CVM EXHOR=||tatione ad capienda arma contra infi-||deles ... ||)(PANEGY-||RICA ORATIO AD || CAROLVM V. CAESAREM || AVGVSTVM ... || de suscepto || bello in Turcas ... || Ioanne Auentino ... || autore.||)



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    Basel: Henricpetri, Sebastian, 1573

  3. Baptista Mantuanus [Author] ; Badius Ascensius, Jodocus [Adapter]; Gallinarius, Johannes [Contributor]; Gallinarius, Johannes [Other]; Wimpfeling, Jakob [Contributor]; Wimpfeling, Jakob [Other]; Wolf, Thomas [Contributor]; Wolf, Thomas [Other]

    Baptiste Mantuani || Buccolica seu Adolescẽtia in decem aeglo||gas diuisa.Ab Iodoco Badio Ascen||sio familiariter exposita:cum in||dice dictionum.|| Carmen eiusdem de sancto Iohanne baptista.|| ... ||



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    Straßburg: Prüß, Johann d.Ä., 1506

  4. Baptista Mantuanus [Author] ; Murrho, Sebastian [Adapter]; Cereti, Francesco [Contributor]; Cereti, Francesco [Other]; Brant, Sebastian [Contributor]; Brant, Sebastian [Other]; Gallinarius, Johannes [Contributor]; Gallinarius, Johannes [Other]; Wimpfeling, Jakob [Contributor]; Wimpfeling, Jakob [Other]

    Baptistae Mantuani Poetae Ora=||toris#[que] clarissimi duarum Par||thenicum libri: cum cõmenta/||rio Sebastiani Murrhonis Ger=||mani Colmariensis: Haebraicę || Gręcae Latinę#[que] lingua#[RUM] inter||praetis doctissimi.|| (contra Poetas im/||pudice loquentes Carmen.||)



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    Straßburg: Schott, Johann, 1501

  5. Baptista Mantuanus [Author] ; Busche, Hermann von dem [Other]; Badius Ascensius, Jodocus [Adapter]; Gallinarius, Johannes [Contributor]; Gallinarius, Johannes [Other]; Wimpfeling, Jakob [Contributor]; Wimpfeling, Jakob [Other]; Wolf, Thomas [Contributor]; Wolf, Thomas [Other]

    Baptiste Mantuani bucolica || seu adolescentia in decẽ aeglogas diuisa.Ab || Iodoco Badio Ascensio familiariter ex||posita,cum indice dictionum || Carmen eiusdem de sancto Ioanne Baptista || Dialogus eiusdem de uita beata || Hermanni Buschij oda de contemnendo mundo || & amanda sola uirtute & scientia.|| ... ||



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    Tübingen: Anshelm, Thomas, 1511

  6. Löher, Bernhard Ludwig [Author] ; Magnus Württemberg, Herzog [Other]

    Zwo Christliche Predigten Gehalten Uber der Leich deß ... Herren Magni, Hertzogen zu Würtemberg und Teckh ... Welcher Freytags den 26. Aprilis dises 1622. Jahrs in dem; zwischen [et]c. Ihr. Durchl. Herren Maximiliano, Hertzogen in Ober: und Nider Bayern, [et]c. Und [et]c. Herren Georg Friderichen Marggraven zu Baden und Hochberg, [et]c. Fürstl. Gn. Bey Obereißheim vorgangenem Treffen ... umbkommen: Und Freytags den 24. Maij zu Stuttgardten ... bestattet worden

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    Stuttgardt: Rößlin, 1622 ; Online-Ausg., Dresden: SLUB, 2016

  7. Weinmann, Erhard [Other]; Löher, Bernhard Ludwig [Other]; Heinrica Württemberg, Herzogin [Other]

    Zwo christliche Predigten, Gehalten Vber der Leich Weylund der Durchleuchtigen Hochgebornen Fürstin vnd Fräwlin, Fräwlin Heinrica, Hertzogin zu Würtemberg vnd Teckh, Grävin zu Mümpelgart, etc : Welche Dinstags den 18. Februarij, dises lauffenden 1623. Jahrs, Mittags vmb eilff Vhren, allhie zu Stuttgarten, in Christo seeliglich entschlaffen, vnd Sambstag den ersten Martij in der StifftsKirchen mit Fürstlichen Solenniteten bestattet worden

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    Stuttgardt: Rößlin, 1623 ; Online-Ausg., Stuttgart: Württembergische Landesbibliothek, 2016

  8. Bacon, John Mackenzie [Other]; Berger, Philippe [Other]; Berthelot, Marcelin [Other]; Bidwell, Shelford [Other]; Brabrook, Edward William [Other]; Dastre, Albert [Other]; Dewar, James [Other]; Dubois, Eugene [Other]; Frobenius, Leo [Other]; Geikie, James [Other]; Gilbert, Grove Karl [Other]; Gray, Thomas [Other]; Gregory, John Walter [Other]; Guillaume, Charles-Edouard [Other]; Haeckel, Ernst Heinrich Philipp August [Other]; Hale, George Ellery [Other]; Howard, Leland Ossian [Other]; Langkavel, Bernhard August [Other]; Langley, Samuel Pierpont [Other]; Peiser, Felix Ernst [Other]; Reynaud, G. [Other]; Niewenglowski, Gaston-Henri [Other]; Lechalas, Georges [Other]; Le Sage, Georges-Louis [Other]; [...] ; United States Congress House, Smithsonian Institution Board of Regents

    Annual report of the Board of Regents of the Smithsonian Institution, showing the operations, expenditures, and condition of the Institution for the year ending June 30, 1898

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    Washington, DC, 1899 ; Online-Ausg.: Chester, Vt: NewsBank, inc, 2006

    Published in: United States congressional serial set ; serial set no. 3833- House document / 55th Congress, 3rd session. House ; no. 309, pt. 1

  9. Baptista Mantuanus [Author] ; Gallinarius, Johannes [Contributor]; Wolf, Thomas [Contributor]; Wimpfeling, Jakob [Contributor]; Beck, Reinhard [Printer]

    Baptiste Mantuani || Bucolica seu Adolescẽtia in decem || aeglogas diuisa: a Iodoco Badio || Ascensio familiariter exposi||ta: cum indice dictio=||num.|| Carmen eiusdẽ de sancto Ioanne Baptista.|| Dialogus eiusdẽ de vita beata.|| Hermãni Buschij oda de cõtemnendo mũ|| do & amanda sola virtute & scientia.|| ... ||

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    Straßburg: Beck, Reinhard d.Ä., 1517 ; Online-Ausgabe, Freiburg i. Br.: Universitätsbibliothek, 2021

  10. Baptista Mantuanus [Author] ; Badius Ascensius, Jodocus [Commentator]; Gallinarius, Johannes [Contributor]; Gallinarius, Johannes [Other]; Wimpfeling, Jakob [Contributor]; Wimpfeling, Jakob [Other]; Wolff, Thomas [Contributor]; Wolff, Thomas [Other]; Busche, Hermann von dem [Other]; Prüß, Johann [Printer]

    Baptiste Mantuani Bucolica seu adolescentia in decem aeglogas diuisa : Ab Iodoco Badio Ascensio familiariter exposita: cum indice dictionu[m]

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    Argentorati: Prüß, 1507 ; Online-Ausg., Heidelberg: Universitätsbibliothek Heidelberg, 2018

  11. Baptista Mantuanus [Author] ; Busche, Hermann von dem [Other]; Badius Ascensius, Jodocus [Adapter]; Gallinarius, Johannes [Contributor]; Wolf, Thomas [Contributor]; Wimpfeling, Jakob [Contributor]; Prüss, Johann [Printer]

    F. Baptiste Mantuani || Bucolica seu adolescentia in decem aeglogas || diuisa. Ab Iodoco Badio Ascensio familiari||ter exposita: cum indice dictionum.|| Carmen eiusdem de sancto Iohanne Baptista || Dialogus eiusdem de vita beata.|| ... ||

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    Straßburg: Prüß, Johann d.Ä., 1507 ; Online-Ausgabe, Freiburg i. Br.: Universitätsbibliothek, 2022

  12. Boeddha, Navin P.; Atkins, Lucy; de Groot, Ronald; Driessen, Gertjan; Hazelzet, Jan; Zenz, Werner; Carrol, Enitan D.; Anderson, Suzanne T.; Martinon-Torres, Federico; Agyeman, Philipp K. A.; Galassini, Rachel; Herberg, Jethro; Levin, Michael; Schlapbach, Luregn J.; Emonts, Marieke; Levin, Michael; Coin, Lachlan; Gormley, Stuart; Hamilton, Shea; Herberg, Jethro; Hourmat, Bernardo; Hoggart, Clive; Kaforou, Myrsini; Sancho-Shimizu, Vanessa; [...]

    Correction to: Group A streptococcal disease in paediatric inpatients: a European perspective

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    Springer Science and Business Media LLC, 2023

    Published in: European Journal of Pediatrics

  13. Boeddha, Navin P.; Atkins, Lucy; de Groot, Ronald; Driessen, Gertjan; Hazelzet, Jan; Zenz, Werner; Carrol, Enitan D.; Anderson, Suzanne T.; Martinon-Torres, Federico; Agyeman, Philipp K. A.; Galassini, Rachel; Herberg, Jethro; Levin, Michael; Schlapbach, Luregn J.; Emonts, Marieke; Levin, Michael; Coin, Lachlan; Gormley, Stuart; Hamilton, Shea; Herberg, Jethro; Hourmat, Bernardo; Hoggart, Clive; Kaforou, Myrsini; Sancho-Shimizu, Vanessa; [...]

    Group A streptococcal disease in paediatric inpatients: a European perspective

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    Springer Science and Business Media LLC, 2022

    Published in: European Journal of Pediatrics

  14. Borghini, Lisa; Png, Eileen; Binder, Alexander; Wright, Victoria J.; Pinnock, Ellie; de Groot, Ronald; Hazelzet, Jan; Emonts, Marieke; Van der Flier, Michiel; Schlapbach, Luregn J.; Anderson, Suzanne; Secka, Fatou; Salas, Antonio; Fink, Colin; Carrol, Enitan D.; Pollard, Andrew J.; Coin, Lachlan J.; Kuijpers, Taco W.; Martinon-Torres, Federico; Zenz, Werner; Levin, Michael; Hibberd, Martin L.; Davila, Sonia; Gormley, Stuart; [...]

    Identification of regulatory variants associated with genetic susceptibility to meningococcal disease

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    Springer Science and Business Media LLC, 2019

    Published in: Scientific Reports