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  1. Fritz, Steffen [Author]; See, Linda [Author]; Perger, Christoph [Author]; McCallum, Ian [Author]; Schill, Christian [Author]; Schepaschenko, Dmitry [Author]; Dürauer, Martina [Author]; Karner, Mathias [Author]; Dresel, Christopher [Author]; Laso Bayas, Juan Carlos [Author]; Lesiv, Myroslava [Author]; Moorthy, Inian [Author]; Salk, Carl F. [Author]; Danylo, Olha [Author]; Sturn, Tobias [Author]; Albrecht, Franziska [Author]; You, Liangzhi [Author]; Kraxner, Florian [Author]; Obersteiner, Michael [Author]

    A global dataset of crowdsourced land cover and land use reference data

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    London: Nature Publ. Group, 2017

    Published in: Scientific data ; 4 (2017), 170075

  2. Crespo Cuaresma, Jesús; Danylo, Olha; Fritz, Steffen; Hofer, Martin; Kharas, Homi; Laso Bayas, Juan Carlos

    What do we know about poverty in North Korea?

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    Springer Science and Business Media LLC, 2020

    Published in: Palgrave Communications, 6 (2020) 1

  3. Schepaschenko, Dmitry; Fritz, Steffen; See, Linda; Laso Bayas, Juan Carlos; Lesiv, Myroslava; Kraxner, Florian; Obersteiner, Michael

    Comment on “The extent of forest in dryland biomes”

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    American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS), 2017

    Published in: Science, 358 (2017) 6362

  4. Guzman-Bustamante, Ivan; Winkler, Thomas; Schulz, Rudolf; Müller, Torsten; Mannheim, Thomas; Laso Bayas, Juan Carlos; Ruser, Reiner

    N2O emissions from a loamy soil cropped with winter wheat as affected by N-fertilizer amount and nitrification inhibitor

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    Springer Science and Business Media LLC, 2019

    Published in: Nutrient Cycling in Agroecosystems, 114 (2019) 3, Seite 173-191

  5. Laso Bayas, Juan Carlos; Marohn, Carsten; Dercon, Gerd; Dewi, Sonya; Piepho, Hans Peter; Joshi, Laxman; van Noordwijk, Meine; Cadisch, Georg

    Influence of coastal vegetation on the 2004 tsunami wave impact in west Aceh

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    Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 2011

    Published in: Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 108 (2011) 46, Seite 18612-18617

  6. Bayas, Juan Carlos Laso; Marohn, Carsten; Dercon, Gerd; Dewi, Sonya; Piepho, Hans Peter; Joshi, Laxman; van Noordwijk, Meine; Cadisch, Georg

    Influence of coastal vegetation on the 2004 tsunami wave impact in west Aceh

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    National Academy of Sciences, 2011

    Published in: Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 108 (2011) 46, Seite 18612-18617

  7. Fritz, Steffen; Laso Bayas, Juan Carlos; See, Linda; Schepaschenko, Dmitry; Hofhansl, Florian; Jung, Martin; Dürauer, Martina; Georgieva, Ivelina; Danylo, Olga; Lesiv, Myroslava; McCallum, Ian

    A Continental Assessment of the Drivers of Tropical Deforestation With a Focus on Protected Areas

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    Frontiers Media SA, 2022

    Published in: Frontiers in Conservation Science, 3 (2022)

  8. Fraisl, Dilek; See, Linda; Bowers, Rachel; Seidu, Omar; Fredua, Kwame Boakye; Bowser, Anne; Meloche, Metis; Weller, Sarah; Amaglo-Kobla, Tyler; Ghafari, Dany; Bayas, Juan Carlos Laso; Campbell, Jillian; Cameron, Grant; Fritz, Steffen; McCallum, Ian

    The contributions of citizen science to SDG monitoring and reporting on marine plastics

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    Springer Science and Business Media LLC, 2023

    Published in: Sustainability Science, 18 (2023) 6, Seite 2629-2647

  9. McCallum, Ian; Kyba, Christopher Conrad Maximillian; Bayas, Juan Carlos Laso; Moltchanova, Elena; Cooper, Matt; Cuaresma, Jesus Crespo; Pachauri, Shonali; See, Linda; Danylo, Olga; Moorthy, Inian; Lesiv, Myroslava; Baugh, Kimberly; Elvidge, Christopher D.; Hofer, Martin; Fritz, Steffen

    Estimating global economic well-being with unlit settlements

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    Springer Science and Business Media LLC, 2022

    Published in: Nature Communications, 13 (2022) 1

  10. See, Linda; Bayas, Juan Carlos Laso; Lesiv, Myroslava; Schepaschenko, Dmitry; Danylo, Olga; McCallum, Ian; Dürauer, Martina; Georgieva, Ivelina; Domian, Dahlia; Fraisl, Dilek; Hager, Gerid; Karanam, Santosh; Moorthy, Inian; Sturn, Tobias; Subash, Anto; Fritz, Steffen

    Lessons learned in developing reference data sets with the contribution of citizens: the Geo-Wiki experience

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    IOP Publishing, 2022

    Published in: Environmental Research Letters, 17 (2022) 6, Seite 065003

  11. Laso Bayas, Juan Carlos; Gardeazabal, Andrea; Karner, Mathias; Folberth, Christian; Vargas, Luis; Skalský, Rastislav; Balkovič, Juraj; Subash, Anto; Saad, Moemen; Delerce, Sylvain; Crespo Cuaresma, Jesús; Hlouskova, Jaroslava; Molina-Maturano, Janet; See, Linda; Fritz, Steffen; Obersteiner, Michael; Govaerts, Bram

    AgroTutor: A Mobile Phone Application Supporting Sustainable Agricultural Intensification

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    MDPI AG, 2020

    Published in: Sustainability, 12 (2020) 22, Seite 9309

  12. Schepaschenko, Dmitry; See, Linda; Lesiv, Myroslava; Bastin, Jean-François; Mollicone, Danilo; Tsendbazar, Nandin-Erdene; Bastin, Lucy; McCallum, Ian; Laso Bayas, Juan Carlos; Baklanov, Artem; Perger, Christoph; Dürauer, Martina; Fritz, Steffen

    Recent Advances in Forest Observation with Visual Interpretation of Very High-Resolution Imagery

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    Springer Science and Business Media LLC, 2019

    Published in: Surveys in Geophysics, 40 (2019) 4, Seite 839-862

  13. McCallum, Ian; Liu, Wei; See, Linda; Mechler, Reinhard; Keating, Adriana; Hochrainer-Stigler, Stefan; Mochizuki, Junko; Fritz, Steffen; Dugar, Sumit; Arestegui, Miguel; Szoenyi, Michael; Bayas, Juan-Carlos Laso; Burek, Peter; French, Adam; Moorthy, Inian

    Technologies to Support Community Flood Disaster Risk Reduction

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    Springer Science and Business Media LLC, 2016

    Published in: International Journal of Disaster Risk Science, 7 (2016) 2, Seite 198-204

  14. Van Tricht, Kristof; Degerickx, Jeroen; Gilliams, Sven; Zanaga, Daniele; Battude, Marjorie; Grosu, Alex; Brombacher, Joost; Lesiv, Myroslava; Bayas, Juan Carlos Laso; Karanam, Santosh; Fritz, Steffen; Becker-Reshef, Inbal; Franch, Belén; Mollà-Bononad, Bertran; Boogaard, Hendrik; Pratihast, Arun Kumar; Koetz, Benjamin; Szantoi, Zoltan

    WorldCereal: a dynamic open-source system for global-scale, seasonal, and reproducible crop and irrigation mapping

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    Copernicus GmbH, 2023

    Published in: Earth System Science Data, 15 (2023) 12, Seite 5491-5515

  15. Fritz, Steffen; See, Linda; Perger, Christoph; McCallum, Ian; Schill, Christian; Schepaschenko, Dmitry; Duerauer, Martina; Karner, Mathias; Dresel, Christopher; Laso-Bayas, Juan-Carlos; Lesiv, Myroslava; Moorthy, Inian; Salk, Carl F.; Danylo, Olha; Sturn, Tobias; Albrecht, Franziska; You, Liangzhi; Kraxner, Florian; Obersteiner, Michael

    A global dataset of crowdsourced land cover and land use reference data

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    Springer Science and Business Media LLC, 2017

    Published in: Scientific Data, 4 (2017) 1

  16. Laso Bayas, Juan Carlos; See, Linda; Georgieva, Ivelina; Schepaschenko, Dmitry; Danylo, Olga; Dürauer, Martina; Bartl, Hedwig; Hofhansl, Florian; Zadorozhniuk, Roman; Burianchuk, Maksym; Sirbu, Flavius; Magori, Brigitte; Blyshchyk, Kateryna; Blyshchyk, Volodymyr; Rabia, Ahmed Harb; Pawe, Chandra Kant; Su, Yuan-Fong; Ahmed, Merajuddin; Panging, Kripal; Melnyk, Oleksandr; Vasylyshyn, Olesia; Vasylyshyn, Roman; Bilous, Andrii; Bilous, Svitlana; [...]

    Drivers of tropical forest loss between 2008 and 2019

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    Springer Science and Business Media LLC, 2022

    Published in: Scientific Data, 9 (2022) 1