Bates, Henry Moore
Bawden, William Thomas
Briggs, Thomas Henry
Buchner, Edward Franklin
Calvin, Henrietta Willard
Capen, Samuel Paul
Colwell, N.P
Deffenbaugh, Walter Sylvanus
Evans, Henry Ridgely
Foght, Harold Waldstein
Fox, Florence C.
Hodge, George Baird
Hood, William Ross
Jesien, W.S
Lane, Charles Homer
Lombard, Ellen C.
Lyford, Carrie A.
Mann, C.R
McBrien, J. Lynn
Winchester, Almira M.
Smith, Anna Tolman
Monahan, Arthur Coleman
Thompson, F.V
Wheaton, H.H
United States Congress House,
United States Dept. of the Interior,
United States Dept. of the Interior Bureau of Education Commissioner of Education