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  1. Traina, Michelangelo [Author]; Aguilar-Arevalo, A. [Author]; Arnquist, I. [Author]; Avalos, N. [Author]; Barak, L. [Author]; Baxter, D. [Author]; Bertou, X. [Author]; Bloch, I. M. [Author]; Botti, A. M. [Author]; Cababie, M. [Author]; Cancelo, G. [Author]; Castello-Mor, N. [Author]; Cervantes-Vergara, B. A. [Author]; Chavarria, A. E. [Author]; Cortabitarte-Gutiérrez, J. [Author]; Crisler, M. [Author]; Cuevas-Zepeda, J. [Author]; Dastgheibi-Fard, A. [Author]; De Dominicis, C. [Author]; Deligny, O. [Author]; Drlica-Wagner, A. [Author]; Duarte-Campderros, J. [Author]; D'Olivo, J. C. [Author]; Essig, R. [Author]; [...]

    Confirmation of the excess of ionization events in DAMIC at SNOLAB with skipper CCDs

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    Published in: International Conference on Topics in Astroparticle and Underground Physics (18. : 2023 : Wien): XVIII International Conference on Topics in Astroparticle and Underground Physics ; (2024), Artikel-ID 059

  2. Kou, E. [Author]; Urquijo, P. [Author]; Bona, M. [Author]; Teubner, T. [Author]; Vairo, A. [Author]; van Dyk, D. [Author]; Virto, J. [Author]; Was, Z. [Author]; Watanabe, R. [Author]; Watson, I. [Author]; Westhoff, S. [Author]; Zupan, J. [Author]; Zwicky, R. [Author]; Brambilla, N. [Author]; Abudinén, F. [Author]; Adachi, I. [Author]; Adamczyk, K. [Author]; Ahlburg, P. [Author]; Aihara, H. [Author]; Aloisio, A. [Author]; Andricek, L. [Author]; Anh Ky, N. [Author]; Arndt, M. [Author]; Asner, D. M. [Author]; [...]

    The Belle II Physics Book

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    Oxford Univ. Press, 2019

    Published in: Progress of theoretical and experimental physics 2019(12), 123C01 (2019). doi:10.1093/ptep/ptz106

  3. Kou, E. [Author]; Urquijo, P. [Author]; Brambilla, N. [Author]; Zwicky, R. [Author]; Abudinen, F. [Author]; Adachi, I. [Author]; Adamczyk, K. [Author]; Ahlburg, P. [Author]; Aihara, H. [Author]; Aloisio, A. [Author]; Andricek, L. [Author]; Ky, N. Anh [Author]; Arndt, M. [Author]; Braun, V. M. [Author]; Asner, D. M. [Author]; Atmacan, H. [Author]; Aushev, T. [Author]; Aushev, V. [Author]; Ayad, R. [Author]; Aziz, T. [Author]; Baehr, S. [Author]; Bahinipati, S. [Author]; Bambade, P. [Author]; Ban, Y. [Author]; [...]

    The Belle II Physics Book

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    Forschungszentrum Jülich: JuSER (Juelich Shared Electronic Resources), 2018

  4. CMS Collaboration [Author]; Sirunyan, A. M. [Author]; Tumasyan, A. [Author]; Adam, W. [Author]; Ambrogi, F. [Author]; Asilar, E. [Author]; Bergauer, T. [Author]; Brandstetter, J. [Author]; Dragicevic, M. [Author]; Erö, J. [Author]; Escalante Del Valle, A. [Author]; Flechl, M. [Author]; Frühwirth, R. [Author]; Ghete, V. M. [Author]; Hrubec, J. [Author]; Jeitler, M. [Author]; Krammer, N. [Author]; Krätschmer, I. [Author]; Liko, D. [Author]; Madlener, T. [Author]; Mikulec, I. [Author]; Rad, N. [Author]; Rohringer, H. [Author]; Schieck, J. [Author]; [...]

    Search for resonant tt production in proton-proton collisions at √s=13 TeV

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    Scuola Internazionale Superiore di Studi Avanzati, 2019-04-23

    Published in: Journal of high energy physics, 2019 (4), Article: 31 ; ISSN: 1029-8479

  5. CMS Collaboration [Author]; Sirunyan, A. M. [Author]; Tumasyan, A. [Author]; Adam, W. [Author]; Ambrogi, F. [Author]; Asilar, E. [Author]; Bergauer, T. [Author]; Brandstetter, J. [Author]; Dragicevic, M. [Author]; Erö, J. [Author]; Escalante Del Valle, A. [Author]; Flechl, M. [Author]; Frühwirth, R. [Author]; Ghete, V. M. [Author]; Hrubec, J. [Author]; Jeitler, M. [Author]; Krammer, N. [Author]; Krätschmer, I. [Author]; Liko, D. [Author]; Madlener, T. [Author]; Mikulec, I. [Author]; Rad, N. [Author]; Rohringer, H. [Author]; Schieck, J. [Author]; [...]

    Measurement of the top quark polarization and t¯t spin correlations using dilepton final states in proton-proton collisions at √s=13 TeV

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    American Physical Society, 2019-10-31

    Published in: Physical review / D, 100 (7), 072002 ; ISSN: 2470-0010, 2470-0029

  6. CMS Collaboration [Author]; Sirunyan, A. M. [Author]; Tumasyan, A. [Author]; Adam, W. [Author]; Ambrogi, F. [Author]; Asilar, E. [Author]; Bergauer, T. [Author]; Brandstetter, J. [Author]; Dragicevic, M. [Author]; Erö, J. [Author]; Escalante Del Valle, A. [Author]; Flechl, M. [Author]; Frühwirth, R. [Author]; Ghete, V. M. [Author]; Hrubec, J. [Author]; Jeitler, M. [Author]; Krammer, N. [Author]; Krätschmer, I. [Author]; Liko, D. [Author]; Madlener, T. [Author]; Mikulec, I. [Author]; Rad, N. [Author]; Rohringer, H. [Author]; Schieck, J. [Author]; [...]

    Search for new physics in final states with a single photon and missing transverse momentum in proton-proton collisions at √s =13 TeV

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    Scuola Internazionale Superiore di Studi Avanzati, 2019-03-06

    Published in: Journal of high energy physics, 2019 (2), Article: 74 ; ISSN: 1029-8479

  7. Curras, E.; Virto, A. L.; Moya, D.; Vila, I.; Carrion, J. G.; Frovel, M.; Garcia-Lopez, J.; Jimenez, M. C.; Morilla, Y.; Palomo, F. R.

    Influence of the Fiber Coating Type on the Strain Response of Proton-Irradiated Fiber Bragg Gratings

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    Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), 2012

    Published in: IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science, 59 (2012) 4, Seite 937-942

  8. Arnquist, I.; Avalos, N.; Baxter, D.; Bertou, X.; Castelló-Mor, N.; Chavarria, A. E.; Cuevas-Zepeda, J.; Gutiérrez, J. Cortabitarte; Duarte-Campderros, J.; Dastgheibi-Fard, A.; Deligny, O.; De Dominicis, C.; Estrada, E.; Gadola, N.; Gaïor, R.; Hossbach, T.; Iddir, L.; Khalil, L.; Kilminster, B.; Lantero-Barreda, A.; Lawson, I.; Lee, S.; Letessier-Selvon, A.; Loaiza, P.; [...]

    First Constraints from DAMIC-M on Sub-GeV Dark-Matter Particles Interacting with Electrons

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    American Physical Society (APS), 2023

    Published in: Physical Review Letters, 130 (2023) 17

  9. Norcini, D.; Castelló-Mor, N.; Baxter, D.; Corso, N. J.; Cuevas-Zepeda, J.; De Dominicis, C.; Matalon, A.; Munagavalasa, S.; Paul, S.; Privitera, P.; Ramanathan, K.; Smida, R.; Thomas, R.; Yajur, R.; Chavarria, A. E.; McGuire, K.; Mitra, P.; Piers, A.; Settimo, M.; Gutiérrez, J. Cortabitarte; Duarte-Campderros, J.; Lantero-Barreda, A.; Lopez-Virto, A.; Vila, I.; [...]

    Precision measurement of Compton scattering in silicon with a skipper CCD for dark matter detection

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    American Physical Society (APS), 2022

    Published in: Physical Review D, 106 (2022) 9

  10. Arnquist, I.; Avalos, N.; Baxter, D.; Bertou, X.; Castelló-Mor, N.; Chavarria, A. E.; Cuevas-Zepeda, J.; Dastgheibi-Fard, A.; De Dominicis, C.; Deligny, O.; Duarte-Campderros, J.; Estrada, E.; Gadola, N.; Gaïor, R.; Hossbach, T.; Iddir, L.; Kavanagh, B. J.; Kilminster, B.; Lantero-Barreda, A.; Lawson, I.; Lee, S.; Letessier-Selvon, A.; Loaiza, P.; Lopez-Virto, A.; [...]

    Search for Daily Modulation of MeV Dark Matter Signals with DAMIC-M

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    American Physical Society (APS), 2024

    Published in: Physical Review Letters, 132 (2024) 10

  11. Militaru, O.; Bergauer, T.; Bergholz, M.; Blüm, P.; de Boer, W.; Borras, K.; Cortina Gil, E.; Dierlamm, A.; Dragicevic, M.; Eckstein, D.; Erfle, J.; Fernandez, M.; Feld, L.; Frey, M.; Friedl, M.; Fretwurst, E.; Gaubas, E.; Gonzalez, F.J.; Grabiec, P.; Grodner, M.; Hartmann, F.; Hänsel, S.; Hoffmann, K.-H.; Hrubec, J.; [...]

    Simulation of electrical parameters of new design of SLHC silicon sensors for large radii

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    Elsevier BV, 2010

    Published in: Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment, 617 (2010) 1-3, Seite 563-564

  12. Aguilar-Arevalo, A.; Arnquist, I.; Avalos, N.; Barak, L.; Baxter, D.; Bertou, X.; Bloch, I. M.; Botti, A. M.; Cababie, M.; Cancelo, G.; Castelló-Mor, N.; Cervantes-Vergara, B. A.; Chavarria, A. E.; Cortabitarte-Gutiérrez, J.; Crisler, M.; Cuevas-Zepeda, J.; Dastgheibi-Fard, A.; De Dominicis, C.; Deligny, O.; Drlica-Wagner, A.; Duarte-Campderros, J.; D’Olivo, J. C.; Essig, R.; Estrada, E.; [...]

    Confirmation of the spectral excess in DAMIC at SNOLAB with skipper CCDs

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    American Physical Society (APS), 2024

    Published in: Physical Review D, 109 (2024) 6

  13. Alonso, O.; Casanova, R.; Dieguez, A.; Dingfelder, J.; Hemperek, T.; Kishishita, T.; Kleinohl, T.; Koch, M.; Kruger, H.; Lemarenko, M.; Lutticke, F.; Marinas, C.; Schnell, M.; Wermes, N.; Campbell, A.; Ferber, T.; Kleinwort, C.; Niebuhr, C.; Soloviev, Y.; Steder, M.; Volkenborn, R.; Yaschenko, S.; Fischer, P.; Kreidl, C.; [...]

    DEPFET Active Pixel Detectors for a Future Linear $e^{+}e^{-}$ Collider

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    Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), 2013

    Published in: IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science, 60 (2013) 2, Seite 1457-1465

  14. Forné, Carles; Cambray, Serafi; Bermudez-Lopez, Marcelino; Fernandez, Elvira; Bozic, Milica; Valdivielso, Jose M; Regidor, José Aladrén; Almirall, Jaume; Ponz, Esther; Coloma, Jesús Arteaga; Rubio, Auxiliadora Bajo; Díaz, Raquel; Rodríguez, Montserrat Belart; Gascón, Antonio; Sanjuan, Jordi Bover; Artero, Josep Bronsoms; Cabezuelo Romero, Juan B; Varela, Jesús Calviño; Acevedo, Pilar Caro; Bassa, Jordi Carreras; Amenós, Aleix Cases; Jiménez, Elisabet Massó; López, Rosario Moreno; Cigarrán Guldris, Secundino; [...]

    Machine learning analysis of serum biomarkers for cardiovascular risk assessment in chronic kidney disease

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    Oxford University Press (OUP), 2019

    Published in: Clinical Kidney Journal (2019)

  15. Arnquist, Isaac J.; Avalos, N.; Bailly, P.; Baxter, David; Bertou, Xavier; Bogdan, Mircea; Bourgeois, Christian; Brandt, J.; Cadiou, Arnaud; Castelló-Mor, Nuria; Chavarria, Alvaro E.; Conde, Marcel; Corso, Nicholas J.; Gutiérrez, J. C.; Cuevas-Zepeda, Julian; Dastgheibi-Fard, A.; De Dominicis, Claudia; Deligny, Olivier; Desani, R.; Dhellot, Marc; Dormard, Jean-Jacques; Duarte-Campderros, Jordi; Estrada, E.; Florin, D.; [...]

    The DAMIC-M experiment: Status and first results

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    Stichting SciPost, 2023

    Published in: SciPost Physics Proceedings (2023) 12

  16. Phillips, Helen R. P.; Bach, Elizabeth M.; Bartz, Marie L. C.; Bennett, Joanne M.; Beugnon, Rémy; Briones, Maria J. I.; Brown, George G.; Ferlian, Olga; Gongalsky, Konstantin B.; Guerra, Carlos A.; König-Ries, Birgitta; Krebs, Julia J.; Orgiazzi, Alberto; Ramirez, Kelly S.; Russell, David J.; Schwarz, Benjamin; Wall, Diana H.; Brose, Ulrich; Decaëns, Thibaud; Lavelle, Patrick; Loreau, Michel; Mathieu, Jérôme; Mulder, Christian; van der Putten, Wim H.; [...]

    Global data on earthworm abundance, biomass, diversity and corresponding environmental properties

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    Springer Science and Business Media LLC, 2021

    Published in: Scientific Data, 8 (2021) 1

  17. Phillips, Helen R. P.; Guerra, Carlos A.; Bartz, Marie L. C.; Briones, Maria J. I.; Brown, George; Crowther, Thomas W.; Ferlian, Olga; Gongalsky, Konstantin B.; van den Hoogen, Johan; Krebs, Julia; Orgiazzi, Alberto; Routh, Devin; Schwarz, Benjamin; Bach, Elizabeth M.; Bennett, Joanne M.; Brose, Ulrich; Decaëns, Thibaud; König-Ries, Birgitta; Loreau, Michel; Mathieu, Jérôme; Mulder, Christian; van der Putten, Wim H.; Ramirez, Kelly S.; Rillig, Matthias C.; [...]

    Global distribution of earthworm diversity

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    American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS), 2019

    Published in: Science, 366 (2019) 6464, Seite 480-485