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  1. Erdmenger, Christoph [Author]; Hermann, Hauke [Author]; Tambke, Jens [Author]; Bade, Michael [Author]; Beckers, Rolf [Author]; Berg, Holger [Author]; Bosecke, Thomas [Author]; Burger, Andreas [Author]; Eichler, Franziska [Author]; Georgi, Birgit [Author]; Gohlisch, Gunnar [Author]; Hain, Benno [Author]; Harders, Enno [Author]; Heinen, Falk [Author]; Hülsmann, Wulf [Author]; Juhrich, Kristina [Author]; Knoche, Guido [Author]; Kühleis, Christoph [Author]; Landgrebe, Jürgen [Author]; Langefeld, Lars [Author]; Langrock, Thomas [Author]; Lehmann, Harry [Author]; Lindemann, Hans-Heinrich [Author]; Machat, Marcus [Author]; [...] ; Erdmenger, Christoph [Editor]; Tambke, Jens [Editor]; Lehmann, Harry [Editor]; Müschen, Klaus [Editor] Deutschland Umweltbundesamt

    Klimaschutz in Deutschland : 40%-Senkung der CO2-Emissionen bis 2020 gegenüber 1990

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    Dessau: Umweltbundesamt, Juni 2007

    Published in: Climate change ; 2007,5

  2. Klaus, Thomas [Author]; Vollmer, Carla [Author]; Lehmann, Harry [Author]; Werner, Kathrin [Author]; Müschen, Klaus [Author] ; Klaus, Thomas [Editor]; Vollmer, Carla [Editor]; Lehmann, Harry [Editor]; Werner, Kathrin [Editor]; Müschen, Klaus [Editor]; Haufe, Stephan Gabriel [Editor]; Albert, Reinhard [Writer of added text] Deutschland Umweltbundesamt

    2050: 100% : Energieziel 2050: 100% Strom aus erneuerbaren Quellen

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    Dessau-Roßlau: Umweltbundesamt, Juli 2010

    Published in: Broschüren / Umweltbundesamt

  3. Lehmann, Harry [Author]; Müschen, Klaus [Author]; Richter, Steffi [Author]; Mäder, Claudia [Author] ; Deutschland Umweltbundesamt

    Und sie erwärmt sich doch : was steckt hinter der Debatte um den Klimawandel? - [1. Auflage]

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    Dessau-Roßlau: Umweltbundesamt, 2013

    Published in: Broschüren / Umweltbundesamt

  4. Knoche, Guido [Author]; Lünenbürger, Benjamin [Author]; Hain, Benno [Author]; Müschen, Klaus [Author] ; Knoche, Guido [Editor]; Lünenbürger, Benjamin [Editor]; Hain, Benno [Editor]; Müschen, Klaus [Editor]; Ahlberg, Malin [Contributor]; Bade, Michael [Contributor]; Becker, Ralf [Contributor]; Fee, Eric [Editor]; Berger, Juliane [Editor] Deutschland Umweltbundesamt

    Concept for a future climate policy : plotting a new course in 2009

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    Dessau-Roßlau: Federal Environment Agency (Umweltbundesamt), July 2010

    Published in: Climate change ; 2009,15

  5. Benndorf, Rosemarie [Author]; Bernicke, Maja [Author]; Bertram, Andreas [Author]; Butz, Wolfgang [Author]; Dettling, Folke [Author]; Drotleff, Johannes [Author]; Elsner, Cornelia [Author]; Fee, Eric [Author]; Gabler, Christopher [Author]; Galander, Christine [Author]; Hargita, Yvonne [Author]; Kuntze, David [Author]; Lambrecht, Martin [Author]; Lehmann, Christian [Author]; Lehmann, Harry [Author]; Leuthold, Sandra [Author]; Lütkehus, Insa [Author]; Martens, Kerstin [Author]; Müller, Felix [Author]; Müschen, Klaus [Author]; Nissler, Diana [Author]; Plickert, Sebastian [Author]; Purr, Katja [Author]; Reichart, Almut [Author]; [...] ; Nissler, Diana [Editor]; Purr, Katja [Editor]; Strenge, Ulla [Editor]; Werner, Kathrin [Editor]; Will, Manuela [Editor]; Knoche, Guido [Editor]; Volkens, Annette [Editor] Deutschland Umweltbundesamt

    Treibhausgasneutrales Deutschland im Jahr 2050

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    Dessau-Roßlau: Umweltbundesamt, April 2014

    Published in: Climate change ; 2014,7

  6. Benndorf, Rosemarie [Author]; Bernicke, Maja [Author]; Bertram, Andreas [Author]; Butz, Wolfgang [Author]; Dettling, Folke [Author]; Drotleff, Johannes [Author]; Elsner, Cornelia [Author]; Fee, Eric [Author]; Gabler, Christopher [Author]; Galander, Christine [Author]; Hargita, Yvonne [Author]; Kuntze, David [Author]; Lambrecht, Martin [Author]; Lehmann, Christian [Author]; Lehmann, Harry [Author]; Leuthold, Sandra [Author]; Lütkehus, Insa [Author]; Martens, Kerstin [Author]; Müller, Felix [Author]; Müschen, Klaus [Author]; Nissler, Diana [Author]; Plickert, Sebastian [Author]; Purr, Katja [Author]; Reichart, Almut [Author]; [...] ; Nissler, Diana [Editor]; Purr, Katja [Editor]; Werner, Kathrin [Editor] Deutschland Umweltbundesamt

    Germany 2050 : a greenhouse gas-neutral country

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    Dessau-Roßlau: Federal Environment Agency, Oktober 2013

    Published in: Hintergrund ; 201310

  7. Benndorf, Rosemarie [Author]; Bernicke, Maja [Author]; Bertram, Andreas [Author]; Butz, Wolfgang [Author]; Dettling, Folke [Author]; Drotleff, Johannes [Author]; Elsner, Cornelia [Author]; Fee, Eric [Author]; Gabler, Christopher [Author]; Galander, Christine [Author]; Hargita, Yvonne [Author]; Kuntze, David [Author]; Lambrecht, Martin [Author]; Lehmann, Christian [Author]; Lehmann, Harry [Author]; Leuthold, Sandra [Author]; Lütkehus, Insa [Author]; Martens, Kerstin [Author]; Müller, Felix [Author]; Müschen, Klaus [Author]; Nissler, Diana [Author]; Plickert, Sebastian [Author]; Purr, Katja [Author]; Reichart, Almut [Author]; [...] ; Nissler, Diana [Editor]; Purr, Katja [Editor]; Werner, Kathrin [Editor] Deutschland Umweltbundesamt

    Treibhausgasneutrales Deutschland im Jahr 2050 - [Stand: Oktober 2013]

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    Dessau-Roßlau: Umweltbundesamt, Dezember 2013

    Published in: Hintergrund ; 201310

  8. Hagedorn, Gregor [Author]; Baasch, Stefanie [Author]; Blöbaum, Anke [Author]; Brendel, Heiko [Author]; Hardt, Judith Nora [Author]; Heiland, Stefan [Author]; Klinsmann, Markus [Author]; Matthies, Ellen [Author]; Pfennig, Andreas [Author]; West, Christina [Author]; Wipfler, Bruno [Author]; Altermatt, Pietro P. [Author]; Baumgarten, Simon [Author]; Bergmann, Melanie [Author]; Brendel, Esther [Author]; Bronswijk, Katharina van [Author]; Creutzig, Felix [Author]; Daub, Claus-Heinrich [Author]; Dohm, Lea [Author]; Engel, Stefanie [Author]; Feilner, Markus [Author]; Glawe, Christoph [Author]; Hentschel, Karl-Martin [Author]; Jetzkowitz, Jens [Author]; [...]

    Scientists for Future empfiehlt eine repräsentative Klima-Bürger:innenversammlung im Jahr 2021 / Scientists for Future recommends a representative Climate Citizens' Assembly in 2021 (Version 1.1)

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    Published in: Zenodo ; 2021

  9. Markard, Christiane; Angrick, Michael; Berger, Markus; Finkbeiner, Matthias; Frommer, Jakob; Irmer, Ulrich; Müschen, Klaus; Richter, Simone

    Vereinfachte Bewertung von Umweltbelastungen

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    Oekom Publishers GmbH, 2014

    Published in: Ökologisches Wirtschaften - Fachzeitschrift, 29 (2014) 4, Seite 39

  10. Klemm, Lars; Swaminathan, Srividya; Ford, Anthony M; Schwarz, Klaus; Schatz, David G.; Lieber, Michael R.; Greaves, Melvin F; Muschen, Markus

    Infectious Origins of Childhood Leukemia

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    American Society of Hematology, 2011

    Published in: Blood, 118 (2011) 21, Seite 751-751

  11. Berger, Markus; Finkbeiner, Matthias; Markard, Christiane; Angrick, Michael; Frommer, Jakob; Irmer, Ulrich; Müschen, Klaus; Richter, Simone; Szewzyk, Regine; Oehme, Ines; Gromke, Ulrich; Gohlisch, Gunnar

    Streamlined Environmental Assessments: Picking the Greenest Option Despite Limited Time and Data at the Federal Environment Agency in Germany

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    World Scientific Pub Co Pte Lt, 2015

    Published in: Journal of Environmental Assessment Policy and Management, 17 (2015) 3, Seite 1550024