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  1. Herbold, Steffen [Author]; Trautsch, Alexander [Author]; Ledel, Benjamin [Author]; Aghamohammadi, Alireza [Author]; Ghaleb, Taher A. [Author]; Chahal, Kuljit Kaur [Author]; Bossenmaier, Tim [Author]; Nagaria, Bhaveet [Author]; Makedonski, Philip [Author]; Ahmadabadi, Matin Nili [Author]; Szabados, Kristof [Author]; Spieker, Helge [Author]; Madeja, Matej [Author]; Hoy, Nathaniel [Author]; Lenarduzzi, Valentina [Author]; Wang, Shangwen [Author]; Rodríguez-Pérez, Gema [Author]; Colomo-Palacios, Ricardo [Author]; Verdecchia, Roberto [Author]; Singh, Paramvir [Author]; Qin, Yihao [Author]; Chakroborti, Debasish [Author]; Davis, Willard [Author]; Walunj, Vijay [Author]; [...]

    A fine-grained data set and analysis of tangling in bug fixing commits

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    [Berlin; Heidelberg]: Springer, 2 July 2022

    Published in: Empirical software engineering ; 27 (2022), 125

  2. Makedonski, Philip; Grabowski, Jens; Philipp, Florian

    Quantifying the evolution of TTCN-3 as a language

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    Springer Science and Business Media LLC, 2014

    Published in: International Journal on Software Tools for Technology Transfer, 16 (2014) 3, Seite 227-246

  3. Makedonski, Philip; Adamis, Gusztáv; Käärik, Martti; Kristoffersen, Finn; Carignani, Michele; Ulrich, Andreas; Grabowski, Jens

    Test descriptions with ETSI TDL

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    Springer Science and Business Media LLC, 2019

    Published in: Software Quality Journal, 27 (2019) 2, Seite 885-917

  4. Herbold, Steffen; Trautsch, Alexander; Ledel, Benjamin; Aghamohammadi, Alireza; Ghaleb, Taher A.; Chahal, Kuljit Kaur; Bossenmaier, Tim; Nagaria, Bhaveet; Makedonski, Philip; Ahmadabadi, Matin Nili; Szabados, Kristof; Spieker, Helge; Madeja, Matej; Hoy, Nathaniel; Lenarduzzi, Valentina; Wang, Shangwen; Rodríguez-Pérez, Gema; Colomo-Palacios, Ricardo; Verdecchia, Roberto; Singh, Paramvir; Qin, Yihao; Chakroborti, Debasish; Davis, Willard; Walunj, Vijay; [...]

    A fine-grained data set and analysis of tangling in bug fixing commits

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    Springer Science and Business Media LLC, 2022

    Published in: Empirical Software Engineering, 27 (2022) 6