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  1. Ozpetek, Ferzan [Other]; Buy, Margherita [Other]; Accorsi, Stefano [Other]; Guerra, Andrea [Other]; Mari, Pasquale [Other]; Romoli, Gianni [Other]

    Le fate ignoranti (1 DVD-Video)



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    Milano: Medusa, [2002]

  2. Ramírez, Mari Carmen [Other]; Pacheco, Marcelo Eduardo [Other]; Pacheco, Marcelo E. [Other]; Giunta, Andrea [Other] ; Jack S. Blanton Museum of Art, Phoenix Art Museum, Banco de la República Biblioteca Luis Ángel Arango, Museo Nacional de Bellas Artes Buenos Aires

    Cantos paralelos : la parodia plástica en el arte argentino contemporáneo ; [exhibition Schedule: Jack S. Blanton Museum of Art, Austin, Texas, January 22 - March 7, 1999 ...]



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    Austin, Tex.: Jack S. Blanton Museum of Art [u.a.], 1999

  3. Rainer, Arnulf [Illustrator]; Catoir, Barbara [Editor]; Firmenich, Andrea [Editor]; Hugo, Victor [Illustrator] ; Altana AG Kulturforum, Kloster Cismar, Altana Kulturstiftung, Stiftung Schleswig-Holsteinische Landesmuseen Schloss Gottorf, Sinclair-Haus Bad Homburg v. d. Höhe

    Schichten der Nacht : Arnulf Rainer - Victor-Hugo-Übermalungen ; Victor Hugo - Zeichnungen ; Sinclair-Haus und Kulturforum der ALTANA AG, Bad Homburg v.d. Höhe, 22. Mai bis 8. Juli 2001, Stiftung Schleswig-Holsteinischer Landesmuseen, Schloß Gottorf, Dependance Kloster Cismar, 29. Juli bis 30. September 2001



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    Bad Homburg v. d. Höhe: Sinclair-Haus, 2001

  4. Campra, André [Other]; Blankenburg, Quirinus van [Other]; Leclair, Jean-Marie [Other]; Koningsberger, Maarten [Performer] ; Academy of the Begynhof Amsterdam

    Les femmes (1 CD)

    Sound Recordings


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    Castricum, The Netherlands [u.a.]: Globe, P 1992

  5. Verdi, Giuseppe [Composer]; Bizet, Georges [Composer]; Puccini, Giacomo [Composer]; Ponchielli, Amilcare [Composer]; Gounod, Charles [Composer]; Mascagni, Pietro [Composer]; Donizetti, Gaetano [Composer]; Giordano, Umberto [Composer] ; Gigli, Beniamino [Singer]; Casazza, Elvira [Singer]; Caniglia, Maria [Singer]

    Benjamino Gigli : singt Arien aus (1 Schallplatte)

    Sound Recordings


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    Berlin: VEB Deutsche Schallplatten, [19]68

    Published in: Grosse Sänger der Vergangenheit

  6. Donizetti, Gaetano [Author] ; Romani, Felice [Other]; Hugo, Victor [Other]; Pascoe, John [Other]; Frizza, Riccardo [Performer]; Vieira, Igor [Performer]; Montenegro, Daniel [Performer]; Kuster, Ryan [Performer]; Hampton, Blanche [Performer]; Fleming, Renée [Performer]; Fabiano, Michael [Performer]; DeShong, Elizabeth [Performer]; Kowaljow, Vitalij [Performer]; Kness, Austin [Performer]; Li, Ao [Performer]; Jackson, Christopher [Performer]; Jagde, Brian [Performer] San Francisco Opera Orchestra, San Francisco Opera Chorus, San Francisco Opera Ballet

    Lucrezia Borgia (2 DVD-Video)



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    [S.l.]: EuroArts Music, c 2013

  7. Schlund-Vials, Cathy J. [Editor]

    Keywords for Asian American studies



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    New York NY [u.a.]: New York University Press, 2015

  8. Shimbov, Bojan [Author]; Elteto, Andrea [Author]; Alguacil Marí, Maite [Author]

    Global Value Chain Participation and the Technology Structure of Exports : Experience from the Central and Eastern European and Western Balkan Countries

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    [S.l.]: SSRN, 2023

  9. Oo, Zaw [Author] ; Joelene, Cindy [Other]; Minoletti, Paul [Other]; Phyu, Phoo [Other]; Saw, Kyi Pyar Chit [Other]; Win, Ngu Wah [Other]; Porter, Ian [Other]; Oye, Mari [Other]; Smurra, Andrea [Other]

    Fiscal Management in Myanmar

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    [S.l.]: SSRN, [2015]

    Published in: Asian Development Bank Economics Working Paper Series ; No. 434

  10. Tye, Mari [Author]; Wilhelmi, Olga V. [Author]; Boehnert, Jennifer [Author]; Faye, Emily [Author]; Milestad, Rebecka [Author]; Pierce, Andrea [Author]; Laborgne, Pia [Author]

    Examining Urban Resilience Through a Food-Water-Energy Nexus Lens to Understand the Effects of Climate Change

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    [S.l.]: SSRN, [2023]

  11. Vacchini, Bassano [Author]; Smirne, Andrea [Author]; Laine, Elsi-Mari [Author]; Piilo, Jyrki [Author]; Breuer, Heinz-Peter [Author]

    Markovianity and non-Markovianity in quantum and classical systems

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    [Bad Honnef]: Dt. Physikalische Ges., 2011 ; [London]: IOP, 2011

    Published in: New journal of physics ; Volume 13, issue 9 (2011), article no. 093004

  12. Pretelli, Ilaria [Contributor]; Heckendorn Urscheler, Lukas [Contributor]; Bonomi, Andrea [Contributor]; Mari, Luigi [Contributor]; Romano, Gian Paolo [Contributor]; Di Orio, Raffaella [Contributor]; Fötschl, Andreas [Contributor]; Nishitani, Yuko [Contributor]; Skala, Joseph [Contributor]; Solenik, Daria [Contributor]; Sychold, Martin [Contributor] ; European Parliament Directorate-General for Internal Policies of the Union

    Possibility and terms for applying Brussels I regulation (recast) to extra-EU disputes

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    [Luxembourg]: [Publications Office], [2014]

  13. Suessle, Philipp [Author]; Taucher, Jan [Author]; Goldenberg, Silvan [Author]; Baumann, Moritz [Author]; Spilling, Kristian [Author]; Noche-Ferreira, Andrea [Author]; Vanharanta, Mari [Author]; Riebesell, Ulf [Author]

    Particle fluxes by subtropical pelagic communities under ocean alkalinity enhancement

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    Copernicus Publications (EGU), 2024-11-12

  14. Oo, Zaw [Author]; Joelene, Cindy [Author]; Minoletti, Paul [Author]; Saw, Kyi Pyar Chit [Author]; Win, Ngu Wah [Author]; Porter, Ian [Author]; Oye, Mari [Author]; Smurra, Andrea [Author]

    Fiscal Management in Myanmar

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    Manila: Asian Development Bank (ADB), 2015