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Leipzig: Klett-Kinderbuch, 2010
Lens, André Corneille
Martini, Georg Heinrich
Martini, Georg Heinrich
Balzer, Johann Heinrich
[Illustrator]Walther'sche Hofbuchhandlung Dresden
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Dresden: Walther, 1784
Lens, André Corneille
Martini, Georg Heinrich
Keyl, Michael
Dandré-Bardon, Michel-François
[Illustrator]Walther'sche Hofbuchhandlung Dresden
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Dresde: Walther, 1785
Saint-André, François
Arnold, Theodor
Arnold, Theodor
Hutchinson, Francis
Martini, Johann Christian
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Leipzig: Martini, 1727
Charpentier, Marc-Antoine
Angelici, Martha
Chamonin, Jocelyne
Mallabrera, André
Corazza, Rémy
Abdoun, Georges
Mars, Jacques
André, Maurice
Alain, Marie Claire
Martini, Louis
[Performer]Jeunesses Musicales de France Chorale,
Orchestre de chambre Jean-François Paillard
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[S.l.]: Erato, [ca. 1965]
Published in:Joyaux de la musique française
Heller, André
Borek, Vera
Qualtinger, Christian
Hader, Josef
Schuh, Franz
Martini, Louise
Podgorski, Thaddäus
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Leipzig: DVD-Kollektiv, 2005
Lemke, Tom
Heyn, Alexander
Schöbe, Matthias
Ott, Daniel
Jacob, Rene
Martini, Andre
Kreyßig, Lars
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Leipzig: DVD-Kombinat, 2004
Albinoni, Tomaso
Händel, Georg Friedrich
Corelli, Arcangelo
Bach, Johann Christian
Martini, Giovanni Battista
André, Maurice
Alain, Marie Claire
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Hamburg: Polygram Film Entertainment, P 1998
Tissot, Samuel Auguste André David
Rosén von Rosenstein, Nils
Baldinger, Ernst Gottfried
Murray, Johann Andreas
Murray, Johann Andreas
Martini, Johann Christian
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Langensalza: Martini, 1768
Tissot, Samuel Auguste André David
Rosén von Rosenstein, Nils
Baldinger, Ernst Gottfried
Hirzel, Hans Caspar
Hirzel, Hans Caspar
Murray, Johann Andreas
Murray, Johann Andreas
Martini, Johann Christian