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New York, NY [u.a.]: Simon and Schuster, 1977
Swolinsky, Jutta Sybille
Tuvshinbat, Enkhtuvshin
Leistner, David
Edelmann, Frank
Knebel, Fabian
Nerger, Niklas P.
Lemke, Caroline
Roehle, Robert
Haase, Michael
Costanzo, Maria Rosa
Rauch, Geraldine
Mitrovic, Veselin
Gašanin, Edis
Meier, Daniel
McCullough, Peter A.
Eckardt, Kai-Uwe
Molitoris, Bruce A.
Schmidt-Ott, Kai Martin
Swolinsky, Jutta Sybille
Nerger, Niklas P.
Leistner, David
Edelmann, Frank
Knebel, Fabian
Tuvshinbat, Enkhtuvshin
Lemke, Caroline
Roehle, Robert
Haase, Michael
Costanzo, Maria Rosa
Rauch, Geraldine
Mitrovic, Veselin
Gašanin, Edis
Meier, Daniel
McCullough, Peter A.
Eckardt, Kai-Uwe
Molitoris, Bruce A.
Schmidt-Ott, Kai Martin