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Milano: Officina Libraria, 2008
Castagnoli, Pier Giovanni
Matino, Lucia
Mattirolo, Anna
Mulas, Ugo
Museo nazionale delle arti del XXI secolo,
Pac, Padiglione d'arte contemporanea,
GAM - Galleria Civica d’Arte Moderna e Contemporanea di Torino
Joblin, Christine
Tielens, Alexander Godfried Gerardus Maria
Acke, B
Allamandola, L. J
Andersen, M
Balog, R
Baouche, S
Basire, M
Bauschlicher, C. W
Bergin, E
Bernard, J. P
Berne, O
Berné, O
Biennier, L
Bierbaum, V. M
Boersma, C
Bolatto, A. D
Bot, C
Boulanger, F
Bouwman, J
Brechignac, Ph
Bréchignac, Ph
Calvo, F
Calzetti, D
Cami, J
Candian, A
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Les Ulis: EDP Sciences, [2021]
Published in:EAS Publication Series
Sunn Pedersen, Thomas
Abramovic, I.
Allen, N.
Dittmar, T.
Dreval, M.
Drevlak, M.
Drewelow, P.
Drews, P.
Dunai, D.
Edlund, E.
Effenberg, F.
Ehrke, G.
Endler, M.
Alonso, A.
Ennis, D. A.
Escoto, F. J.
Estrada, T.
Fable, E.
Fahrenkamp, N.
Fanni, A.
Faustin, J.
Fellinger, J.
Feng, Y.
Figacz, W.