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  1. Hattenkerl, Torsten [Other]; Nagel, Stefan [Other]




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    Salzburg: Fotohof, 2007

    Published in: Edition Fotohof ; 83

  2. Gershwin, George [Composer]; Claudianus Mamertus [Composer]; Wipo [Composer]; Ruuth, Anders [Composer]; Petzold, Johannes [Composer]; Luther, Martin [Composer]; Chilcott, Bob [Composer]; Nagel, Matthias [Composer] ; Laux, Torsten [Instrumentalist]; Steinmetz, Uwe [Instrumentalist]

    Abendklang : meditative Musik mit Orgel & Saxophon (1 CD)

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    Leipzig: St. Benno-Verlag GmbH, [2017]

    Published in: Vivat!

  3. Gershwin, George [Composer]; Claudianus Mamertus [Composer]; Wipo [Composer]; Ruuth, Anders [Composer]; Petzold, Johannes [Composer]; Luther, Martin [Composer]; Chilcott, Bob [Composer]; Nagel, Matthias [Composer] ; Laux, Torsten [Instrumentalist]; Steinmetz, Uwe [Instrumentalist]

    Abendklang : meditative Musik mit Orgel & Saxophon (1 CD)

    Sound Recordings


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    Leipzig: St. Benno-Verlag GmbH, [2018]

  4. Burow, Philipp [Author]; Meyer, Anneke [Author]; Nägel, Steffen [Author]; Watzke, Stefan [Author]; Zierz, Stephan [Author]; Kraya, Torsten [Author]

    Headache and migraine in mitochondrial disease and its impact on life : results from a cross-sectional, questionnaire-based study

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    Published in: Acta neurologica Belgica ; 121(2021), 5, Seite 1151-1156

  5. Nufer, Gerd [Author]; Bühler, André W. [Author]; Banke, Bernd [Author] ; Blaesen, Stefan [Other]; Reiche, Elena [Other]; Richter, Herrmann [Other]; Rohlmann, Peter [Other]; Sander, Matthias [Other]; Schaaf, Daniela [Other]; Schlesinger, Torsten [Other]; Schunk, Holger [Other]; Suchy, Günther [Other]; Walzel, Stefan [Other]; Nufer, Gerd [Other]; Bühler, André W. [Other]; Chatrath, Stefan [Other]; Digel, Helmut [Other]; Fahrner, Marcel [Other]; Fantapié Altobelli, Claudia [Other]; Häusel, Hans-Georg [Other]; Nagel, Siegfried [Other]

    Marketing im Sport : Grundlagen und Trends des modernen Sportmarketing - [3., völlig neu bearbeitete Auflage]

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    Berlin: Erich Schmidt Verlag GmbH & Co, 2013

    Published in: Sportmanagement ; 02

  6. Taubenböck, H. [Author]; Goseberg, Nils [Author]; Setiadi, N. [Author]; Lämmel, G. [Author]; Moder, F. [Author]; Oczipka, M. [Author]; Klüpfel, H. [Author]; Wahl, R. [Author]; Schlurmann, Torsten [Author]; Strunz, G. [Author]; Birkmann, J. [Author]; Nagel, K. [Author]; Siegert, F. [Author]; Lehmann, F. [Author]; Dech, S. [Author]; Gress, A. [Author]; Klein, R. [Author]

    "Last-Mile" preparation for a potential disaster - Interdisciplinary approach towards tsunami early warning and an evacuation information system for the coastal city of Padang, Indonesia - [published Version]

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    Göttingen : Copernicus GmbH, 2009

    Published in: Natural Hazards and Earth System Science 9 (2009), Nr. 4

  7. Taubenböck, H. [Author]; Goseberg, Nils [Author]; Setiadi, N. [Author]; Lämmel, G. [Author]; Moder, F. [Author]; Oczipka, M. [Author]; Klüpfel, H. [Author]; Wahl, R. [Author]; Schlurmann, Torsten [Author]; Strunz, G. [Author]; Birkmann, J. [Author]; Nagel, K. [Author]; Siegert, F. [Author]; Lehmann, F. [Author]; Dech, S. [Author]; Gress, A. [Author]; Klein, R. [Author]

    "Last-Mile" preparation for a potential disaster - Interdisciplinary approach towards tsunami early warning and an evacuation information system for the coastal city of Padang, Indonesia

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    Hannover: Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz Universität Hannover, 2009 ; Hannover: Technische Informationsbibliothek (TIB), 2009

    Published in: Natural Hazards and Earth System Science ; 9 (2009), Nr. 4 , S. 1509-1528

  8. Nägel, Steffen; Kraya, Torsten

    Trigeminoautonome Kopfschmerzen

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    Georg Thieme Verlag KG, 2022

    Published in: Fortschritte der Neurologie · Psychiatrie, 90 (2022) 3, Seite 121-134