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New York: Aperture [u.a.], 2009
Mercadante, Saverio
Romani, Felice
Miricioiu, Nelly
Servile, Roberto
Ford, Bruce
Nocentini, Maria Costanza
Lee, Colin
Lipinski, Rebecca von
Parry, David
[Performer]Geoffrey Mitchell Choir London,
London Philharmonic Orchestra,
Peter Moores Foundation
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London: Opera Rara, c 2003
Published in:Peter Moores Foundation
Blume, Karl
Löns, Hermann
Lindemann, Otto
Alpar, Gitta
Domgraf-Fassbaender, Willi
Parry, Lee
Jöken, Carl
Paulsen, Harald
Alexander, Georg
Eggerth, Marta
Bohnen, Michael
Burawoy, Michael
Carswell, Grace
De Neve, Geert
Fang, I-Chieh
Hann, Chris
Hann, Chris
Hinz, Sarah
Hoffmann, Michael Peter
Kesküla, Eeva
Kofti, Dimitra
Lee, Ching Kwan
Makram-Ebeid, Dina
Morris, Jeremy
Parry, Jonathan
Parry, Jonathan
Prentice, Rebecca
Rudnyckyj, Daromir
Sanchez, Andrew
Schober, Elisabeth
Strümpell, Christian
Trevisani, Tommaso