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  1. Wirth, Wilhelm [Author]; Neuhierl, Florian [Author]; Pohle, Thorsten [Author] ; Gerlach, Ulrich [Contributor]; Wagner, Hermann [Editor]; Heidemann, Jan [Contributor]; Kucharzik, Torsten [Contributor]; Ohms, Jürgen [Contributor] Georg Thieme Verlag KG

    Innere Medizin für Pflegeberufe - [8., vollständig überarbeitete und erweiterte Auflage]

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    Stuttgart; New York: Georg Thieme Verlag, [2015]

    Published in: Krankheitslehre - Reihe Krankheitslehre

  2. Böhme, Ullrich [Author]; Pohle, Lucas [Author]; Schmeding, Martin [Author]; Weber, Matthias [Author]; Werner, Helmut [Author]; Zepf, Markus [Author] ; Zepf, Markus [Editor]

    300 Jahre Hildebrandt-Orgel in Störmthal



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    Altenburg: Kamprad, 2024

    Saxon Bibliography (Sächsische Bibliografie)

  3. Wirth, Wilhelm [Author]; Neuhierl, Florian [Author]; Pohle, Thorsten [Author] ; Gerlach, Ulrich [Contributor]; Wagner, Hermann [Editor]; Heidemann, Jan [Contributor]; Kucharzik, Torsten [Contributor]; Ohms, Jürgen [Contributor] Georg Thieme Verlag KG

    Innere Medizin für Pflegeberufe - [8., vollständig überarbeitete und erweiterte Auflage]

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    Stuttgart; New York: Georg Thieme Verlag, [2015]

    Published in: Krankheitslehre - Reihe Krankheitslehre

  4. Damm, Gerd-Rainer [Author]; Eppmann, Helmut [Author]; Flöthmann, E.-Jürgen [Author]; Hein, Ekkehard [Author]; Höhnberg, Ulrich [Author]; Koch, Reinhold [Author]; Pohle, Hans [Author]; Schmitz, Gottfried [Author]; Türck, Matthias [Author]

    Notwendigkeit einer Volkszählung für Deutschland aus der Sicht von Raumentwicklungspolitik und raumwissenschaftlicher Forschung

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    Hannover: Verlag der ARL - Akademie für Raumforschung und Landesplanung, 2006

  5. von Suchodoletz, Hans [Author]; Pohle, Marco [Author]; Khosravichenar, Azra [Author]; Ulrich, Mathias [Author]; Hein, Michael [Author]; Tinapp, Christian [Author]; Schultz, Jonathan [Author]; Ballasus, Helen [Author]; Veit, Ulrich [Author]; Ettel, Peter [Author]; Werther, Lukas [Author]; Zielhofer, Christoph [Author]; Werban, Ulrike [Author]

    The fluvial architecture of buried floodplain sediments of the Weiße Elster River (Germany) revealed by a novel method combination of drill cores with two-dimensional and spatially resolved geophysical measurements

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    NY: Wiley, New York, [2023]

    Published in: Earth surface processes and landforms ; 47,4 (2022), Seite 955-976

  6. von Suchodoletz, Hans [Author]; Pohle, Marco [Author]; Khosravichenar, Azra [Author]; Ulrich, Mathias [Author]; Hein, Michael [Author]; Tinapp, Christian [Author]; Schultz, Jonathan [Author]; Ballasus, Helen [Author]; Veit, Ulrich [Author]; Ettel, Peter [Author]; Werther, Lukas [Author]; Zielhofer, Christoph [Author]; Werban, Ulrike [Author]; 2 Department of Monitoring and Exploration Technologies Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research ‐ UFZ Leipzig Leipzig Germany [Author]; 3 Department of Human Evolution Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology Leipzig Germany [Author]; 1 Institute of Geography Leipzig University Leipzig Germany [Author]; 4 Saxonian Archeological Heritage Office Dresden Germany [Author]; 5 Historical Seminar Leipzig University Leipzig Germany [Author]; 6 Seminar for Prehistoric and Early Archeology Friedrich Schiller University Jena Jena Germany [Author]; 7 Institute of Prehistory, Early History and Medieval Archaeology Tübingen University Tübingen Germany [Author]

    The fluvial architecture of buried floodplain sediments of the Weiße Elster River (Germany) revealed by a novel method combination of drill cores with two‐dimensional and spatially resolved geophysical measurements

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    GEO-LEOe-docs (FID GEO), 2022-01-05

  7. Pohle, Sabrina; Descloux, Alexandre; Schneider, Ulrich; Schramm, Beate; Nocito, Antonio

    Ileus nach traumatischer Zwerchfellruptur

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    EMH Swiss Medical Publishers, Ltd., 2015

    Published in: Forum Médical Suisse ‒ Swiss Medical Forum, 15 (2015) 49

  8. Pohle, Sabrina; Descloux, Alexandre; Schneider, Ulrich; Schramm, Beate; Nocito, Antonio

    Ileus nach traumatischer Zwerchfellruptur

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    EMH Swiss Medical Publishers, Ltd., 2015

    Published in: Swiss Medical Forum ‒ Schweizerisches Medizin-Forum, 15 (2015) 49

  9. Schröter, Philipp Jacob [Honoree]; Schröter, Margaretha [Honoree]; Steinmann, Tobias [Printer]; Rhodoman, Lorenz [Contributor]; Rhodoman, Lorenz [Other]; Faber, Abraham [Contributor]; Faber, Abraham [Other]; Nilostadius, Philipp [Contributor]; Nilostadius, Philipp [Other]; Bierdümpfel, Johann [Contributor]; Bierdümpfel, Johann [Other]; Gensterer, Florian [Contributor]; Gensterer, Florian [Other]; Ellinger, Andreas [Contributor]; Ellinger, Andreas [Other]; Rheder, Martin [Contributor]; Rheder, Martin [Other]

    GAMĒLIA,|| IN SECVNDVM || CONIVGIVM ... PHILIPPI IA-||COBI SCHROTERI ... || in Academia Ienensi Professoris ... || CVM || ... MARGARITA SELINGA ... IOHANNIS || SELINGI, SCHNEBERGII, pie || relicta filia:|| ... M.D.XCIII.|| ... SCRIPTA AB AMICIS. ||

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    Jena: Steinmann, Tobias, 1593 ; Online-Ausgabe, Gotha: Forschungsbibliothek Gotha, 2016