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Swansea: The Classical Press of Wales, 2010
Powell, John
Damon, Matt
Vikander, Alicia
Jones, Tommy Lee
Greengrass, Paul
[Film director];
Rouse, Christopher
Buckley, David
[Musical director];
Ludlum, Robert
Zimmer, Hans
Powell, John
Bergeron, Bibo
[Film director];
Paul, Don
[Film director];
Elliott, Ted
Rossio, Terry
[Screenwriter]Dream Works Animation SKG Inc
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London: Duckworth, 1974
Greengrass, Paul
Damon, Matt
Kinnear, Greg
Gleeson, Brendan
Powell, John
Chandrasekaran, Rajiv
Ackroyd, Barry
Helgeland, Brian
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Hamburg: Universal Pictures Germany, 2010
Caradoc of Llancarfan
Powell, David
Wynne, William
Hübner, Philipp Georg
Hübner, Philipp Georg
Pfotenhauer, Paul Günther
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München: Sony Pictures Home Entertainment, 2010
Berns, Bert
Morrison, Van
Morrison, Van
Devins, George
Butler, Artie
Griffin, Paul
Kaplan, Artie
Powell, Seldon
Berry, Jeff
Gale, Eric
McCracken, Hugh
Gorgoni, Al
Thomas, Donald
Bushnell, Bob
Savakas, Russell
Lovelle, Herb
Chester, Gary
[Performer]Sweet Inspirations
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[S.l.]: WEB I.V. Music Inc., BMI, [1973]
Published in:Columbia
Mann, Daniel
Ford, Glenn
Ford, Paul
Brando, Marlon
Patrick, John
Sneider, Vern J.
Hershey, June
Swander, Don
Alton, John
Turner, Kerry
Williams, John
Jablonsky, Steve
Zimmer, Hans
Powell, John
Mahler, Gustav
Jones, Trevor
Mendelssohn Bartholdy, Felix
Šostakovič, Dmitrij Dmitrievič
Reuber, Alexander
Stertz, Norbert
[Conductor]Lake Brass Musikgruppe