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  1. Maeder, Pascal [Editor]; Chimienti, Milena [Editor]; Cretton, Viviane [Editor]; Maggiori, Christian [Editor]; Probst, Isabelle [Editor]; Rullac, Stéphane [Editor]

    Innovation et intervention sociales : Impacts, méthodes et mises en œuvre dans les domaines de la santé et de l'action sociale

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    [Erscheinungsort nicht ermittelbar]: Seismo, 2024

    Published in: Studies on the Social Question

  2. Abderhalden-Zellweger, Alessia [Author]; Probst, Isabelle [Author]; Mercier, Maria-Pia Politis [Author]; Danuser, Brigitta [Author]; Krief, Peggy [Author]

    Maternity protection at work and safety climate : the perceptions of managers and employees in three healthcare institutions in Switzerland

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    Published in: Scandinavian journal of work and organizational psychology ; 6(2021), 1/8, Seite 1-16

  3. Wijeyeratne, Yanushi [Author]; Tanck, Michael W. [Author]; Mizusawa, Yuka [Author]; Batchvarov, Velislav [Author]; Barc, Julien [Author]; Crotti, Lia [Author]; Bos, J. Martijn [Author]; Tester, David J. [Author]; Muir, Alison [Author]; Veltmann, Christian [Author]; Ohno, Seiko [Author]; Page, Stephen P. [Author]; Galvin, Joseph [Author]; Tadros, Rafik [Author]; Muggenthaler, Martina [Author]; Raju, Hariharan [Author]; Denjoy, Isabelle [Author]; Schott, Jean-Jacques [Author]; Gourraud, Jean-Baptiste [Author]; Skoric-Milosavljevic, Doris [Author]; Nannenberg, Eline A. [Author]; Redon, Richard [Author]; Papadakis, Michael [Author]; Kyndt, Florence [Author]; [...]

    SCN5A mutation type and a genetic risk score associate variably with Brugada Syndrome Phenotype in SCN5A families

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    December 2020

    Published in: Circulation. Genomic and precision medicine ; 13(2020), 6 vom: Dez., Artikel-ID e002911, Seite 599-608

  4. Bergeman, Auke T. [Author]; Lieve, Krystien V.V [Author]; Kallas, Dania [Author]; Bos, J. Martijn [Author]; Rosés i Noguer, Ferran [Author]; Denjoy, Isabelle [Author]; Zorio, Esther [Author]; Kammeraad, Janneke A.E [Author]; Peltenburg, Puck J. [Author]; Tobert, Katie [Author]; Aiba, Takeshi [Author]; Atallah, Joseph [Author]; Drago, Fabrizio [Author]; Batra, Anjan S. [Author]; Brugada, Ramon [Author]; Borggrefe, Martin [Author]; Clur, Sally-Ann B. [Author]; Cox, Moniek G.P.J [Author]; Davis, Andrew [Author]; Dhillon, Santokh [Author]; Etheridge, Susan P. [Author]; Fischbach, Peter [Author]; Franciosi, Sonia [Author]; Haugaa, Kristina [Author]; [...]

    Flecainide is associated with a lower incidence of arrhythmic events in a large cohort of patients with catecholaminergic polymorphic ventricular tachycardia : original research article

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    December 19, 2023

    Published in: Circulation ; 148(2023), 25 vom: Dez., Seite 2029-2037

  5. Peltenburg, Puck J. [Author]; Kallas, Dania [Author]; Bos, Johan M. [Author]; Lieve, Krystien V.V [Author]; Franciosi, Sonia [Author]; Roston, Thomas M. [Author]; Denjoy, Isabelle [Author]; Sorensen, Katrina B. [Author]; Ohno, Seiko [Author]; Roses-Noguer, Ferran [Author]; Aiba, Takeshi [Author]; Maltret, Alice [Author]; LaPage, Martin J. [Author]; Atallah, Joseph [Author]; Giudicessi, John R. [Author]; Clur, Sally-Ann B. [Author]; Blom, Nico A. [Author]; Tanck, Michael [Author]; Extramiana, Fabrice [Author]; Kato, Koichi [Author]; Barc, Julien [Author]; Borggrefe, Martin [Author]; Behr, Elijah R. [Author]; Sarquella-Brugada, Georgia [Author]; [...]

    An international multicenter cohort atudy on β-blockers for the treatment of symptomatic children with catecholaminergic polymorphic ventricular tachycardia

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    February 1, 2022

    Published in: Circulation ; 145(2022), 5 vom: Feb., Seite 333-344

  6. Probst, Isabelle

    La dimension de genre dans la reconnaissance des TMS comme maladies professionnelles The gender dimension in the recognition of MSDs as occupational diseases La dimensión de género en el reconocimiento de las lesiones músculo esqueléticas (LMS) como enfermedades profesionales

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    OpenEdition, 2009

    Published in: Perspectives interdisciplinaires sur le travail et la santé (2009) 11-2

  7. Probst, Isabelle; Salerno, Silvana

    Biais de genre dans la reconnaissance des maladies professionnelles : l’exemple des troubles musculosquelettiques (TMS) en Italie et en Suisse Gender Bias in the Recognition of Occupational Diseases: The Case of Musculoskeletal Disorders in Italy and Switzerland Sesgo de género en el reconocimiento de las enfermedades profesionales : el ejemplo de los trastornos musculoesqueléticos (TME) en Italia y Suiza

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    OpenEdition, 2016

    Published in: Perspectives interdisciplinaires sur le travail et la santé (2016) 18-2

  8. Moschetti, Karine; Brunner, Loïc; Abderhalden-Zellweger, Alessia; Probst, Isabelle; Renteria, Saira-Christine; Vonlanthen, Julien; Krief, Peggy

    Predictors of the return to work for pregnant employees on preventive leave: Patients from an occupational medicine consultation in Switzerland

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    Public Library of Science (PLoS), 2024

    Published in: PLOS ONE, 19 (2024) 3, Seite e0300686

  9. Laberge, Marie; Lefrançois, Mélanie; Chadoin, Martin; Probst, Isabelle; Riel, Jessica; Casse, Christelle; Messing, Karen

    Gender and work in ergonomics: recent trends

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    Informa UK Limited, 2022

    Published in: Ergonomics, 65 (2022) 11, Seite 1451-1455

  10. Berger, Gregor; Häberling, Isabelle; Lustenberger, Alana; Probst, Fabian; Franscini, Maurizia; Pauli, Dagmar; Walitza, Susanne

    The mental distress of our youth in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic : A retrospective cohort study of child and adolescent psychiatric emergency contacts before and during the COVID-19 pandemic in the Canton of Zurich from 2019 to 2021 : A retrospective cohort study of child and adolescent psychiatric emergency contacts before and during the COVID-19 pandemic in the Canton of Zurich from 2019 to 2021

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    SMW Supporting Association, 2022

    Published in: Swiss Medical Weekly, 152 (2022) 708, Seite w30142

  11. Flütsch, Nicole; Hilti, Nadine; Schräer, Christiane; Soumana, Mariama; Probst, Fabian; Häberling, Isabelle; Berger, Gregor; Pauli, Dagmar

    Feasibility and acceptability of home treatment as an add‐on to family based therapy for adolescents with anorexia nervosa. A case series

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    Wiley, 2021

    Published in: International Journal of Eating Disorders, 54 (2021) 9, Seite 1707-1710

  12. Abderhalden-Zellweger, Alessia; Probst, Isabelle; Mercier, Maria-Pia Politis; Danuser, Brigitta; Krief, Peggy

    Maternity Protection at Work and Safety Climate: The Perceptions of Managers and Employees in Three Healthcare Institutions in Switzerland

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    Stockholm University Press, 2021

    Published in: Scandinavian Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology, 6 (2021) 1