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  1. Bulank, Jan [Performer]; Procházka, Pavel [Performer]; Hösl, Hans Wilhelm [Performer]; Frister, Wolfgang [Performer]; Janca, Alfons [Performer] ; Sorbisches National-Ensemble, Folkloregruppe Judahej, Slovenský L'udový Umelecký Kolektív

    Ja mam lubego : spěwanja Dolnołužyskich a Slěpjańskich Serbow = Ich hab einen Liebsten : Lieder Niederlausitzer und Schleifer Sorben (1 CD)

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    Fredersdorf: Servi Sound, c 1992

  2. Bellini, Vincenzo [Author]; Romani, Felice [Author] ; Valášková, Jana [Performer]; Kundlák, Jozef [Performer]; Mikuláš, Peter [Performer]; Saparová-Fischerová, Jitka [Performer]; Jenisová, Eva [Performer]; Gallay-Vigh, János [Performer]; Schrenkel, Vojtech [Performer]; Procházka, Pavel [Performer]; Lenárd, Ondrej [Performer] Slovenský Filharmonický Zbor, Československý Rozhlas Bratislava Symfonický Orchester

    La sonnambula : opera in two acts (2 CDs in Box)

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    Bratislava: Opus, 1987

  3. Bellini, Vincenzo [Author] ; Romani, Felice [Other]; Procházka, Pavel [Performer]; Lenárd, Ondrej [Performer]; Valášková, Jana [Performer]; Kundlák, Jozef [Performer]; Mikuláš, Peter [Performer]; Saparová-Fischerová, Jitka [Performer]; Jenisová, Eva [Performer]; Galla, Ján [Performer]; Schrenkel, Vojtech [Performer] Slovenský Filharmonický Zbor, Československý Rozhlas Bratislava Symfonický Orchester

    Námesačná : opera v dvoch dejstvách = Die Nachtwandlerin : Oper in zwei Akten = The sleep-walker : opera in two acts = La sonnambula (3 Schallpl. in Kassette)

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    Bratislava: Opus, ℗ 1988

  4. Prochazka, Vit [Author] ; Wallace, Stein W. [Other]

    Stochastic Programs with Binary Distributions : Structural Properties of Scenario Trees and Algorithms

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    [S.l.]: SSRN, [2017]

    Published in: NHH Dept. of Business and Management Science Discussion Paper ; No. 2017/12

  5. Prochazka, Vit [Author] ; Adland, Roar [Other]; Wallace, Stein W. [Other]

    The Value of Foresight in the Drybulk Freight Market

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    [S.l.]: SSRN, [2018]

    Published in: NHH Dept. of Business and Management Science Discussion Paper ; No. 2018/1

  6. Procházka, Ales [Author] ; Uhliř, Jan [Editor]; Rayner, P. W. J. [Editor]; Kingsbury, N. G. [Editor]

    Signal Analysis and Prediction

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    Boston, MA: Birkhäuser, 1998

    Published in: Applied and Numerical Harmonic Analysis - SpringerLink ; Bücher - Springer eBook Collection ; Mathematics and Statistics

  7. Procházka, Petr [Author]; Reif, Jiří [Author]; Horak, David [Author]; Klvaňa, Petr [Author]; Lee, Raymond [Author]; Yohannes, Elizabeth [Author]

    Using stable isotopes to trace resource acquisition and trophic position in four Afrotropical birds with different diets

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    Konstanz: Bibliothek der Universität Konstanz, 2010

  8. Gamer, U. [Contributor]; Glodde, B. [Contributor]; Gröger, K. [Contributor]; Heinrich, H. [Editor]; Loakimidis, N. [Contributor]; Mundl, R. [Contributor]; Pop, I. [Contributor]; Prochazka, W. [Contributor]; Ramkissoon, H. [Contributor]; Rao, K. [Contributor]; Shukla, K. [Contributor]; Stehmel, K. [Contributor]; Weiner, R. [Contributor]; Werner, H. [Contributor]

    Zeitschrift für Angewandte Mathematik und Mechanik - [Reprint 2021]

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    Berlin; Boston: De Gruyter, [2022]

    Published in: Zeitschrift für Angewandte Mathematik und Mechanik ; Band 63, Heft 11

  9. Faff, Robert W. [Author] ; Walsh, Kathleen D. [Other]; Deng, Zhiming [Other]; Dhawam, Ani [Other]; Dong, Yue [Other]; Dronova, Natalia [Other]; Duong, Hung [Other]; Gain, Alexndria [Other]; Guan, Rongjun [Other]; Guo, Shijun [Other]; Holm, Lars [Other]; Klein, Kerstin [Other]; Kolouchova, Daniela [Other]; Krupka, Lukas [Other]; Kusz, Lawrence [Other]; Lee, Alex [Other]; Liu, Anqi [Other]; Mehrotr, Vishal [Other]; Mohan, Ritu [Other]; Pokorny, Lukas [Other]; Qvist-Soerensen, Peter [Other]; Procházka, David Anthony [Other]; Raut, Sneha [Other]; Stevens, Elle [Other]; Sun, Wei [Other]; [...]

    Fantasy Pitching V : Doraemon, Handshaking, Spiders, Misery…

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    [S.l.]: SSRN, [2018]

  10. Asbroeck, Ph. van [Contributor]; Bockstiegel, G. [Contributor]; Botha, L. [Contributor]; Bryjak, E. [Contributor]; Bujok, J. [Contributor]; Cegiulskt, W. [Contributor]; Dietz, H. [Contributor]; Domșa, A. [Contributor]; Dufek, V. [Contributor]; Dübel, W. [Contributor]; Eisenkolb, F. [Contributor]; Elssner, L. [Contributor]; Exner, H. E. [Contributor]; Fedorčenko, I . M. [Contributor]; Flurschütz, W. [Contributor]; Francevič, I. N. [Contributor]; Grasme, Christa-Maria [Contributor]; Grewe, H. [Contributor]; Hampe, E. [Contributor]; Hauska, N. [Contributor]; Henkel, H. [Contributor]; Horn, H. [Contributor]; Jesionek, B. [Contributor]; Kassner, P. [Contributor]; [...]

    Bericht über die III. Internationale Pulvermetallurgische Tagung in Eisenach, vom 13.-15. Mai 1965 : Gemeinsam herausgegeben von der "Gesellschaft Deutscher Berg- und Hüttenleute" und dem "Zentralen Arbeitskreis für Forschung und Technik »Pulvermetallurgie« beim Forschungsrat der DDR" - [Reprint 2022]

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    Berlin; Boston: De Gruyter, [2022]

    Published in: Abhandlungen der Deutschen Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Berlin / Klasse für Mathematik, Physik und Technik ; 1966, 1

  11. Adlercreutz, H [Contributor]; Baulibu, E. E [Contributor]; Baulieu, E. E [Contributor]; Böhme, K.-H [Contributor]; Caspi, E [Contributor]; Conner, R. L [Contributor]; Coulter, A. W [Contributor]; De Flines, J [Contributor]; Doodewaabd, J [Contributor]; Fujiwaka, T [Contributor]; Galli, G [Contributor]; Gallwitz, D [Contributor]; Göndös, G [Contributor]; Hanč, O [Contributor]; Hashimoto, S [Contributor]; Hayakawa, S [Contributor]; Hekbmann, I [Contributor]; Homoki, J [Contributor]; Horhold, C [Contributor]; Hökhold, C [Contributor]; Hörhold, C [Contributor]; Katjfmann, G [Contributor]; Kellie, A. E [Contributor]; Kogan, L. M [Contributor]; [...]

    Symposium über biochemische Aspekte der Steroidforschung : Jena, 18. bis 21. September 1967 - [Reprint 2021]

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    Berlin; Boston: De Gruyter, [2022] ; [Online-Ausgabe]

    Published in: Abhandlungen der Deutschen Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Berlin ; 1968, 2 ; Klasse für Medizin

  12. Ambeus, S [Contributor]; Biebing, U [Contributor]; Bock, W [Contributor]; Brunneb, B [Contributor]; Bruns, B. P [Contributor]; Böhm, R [Contributor]; Ciz, K [Contributor]; Dickel, G [Contributor]; Diehlmann, J [Contributor]; Dongowski, G [Contributor]; Drobyscheva, I. V [Contributor]; Dumitrescu, M [Contributor]; Eckert, S [Contributor]; Exner, J [Contributor]; Fedtke, M [Contributor]; Förster, W [Contributor]; Gatzmanga, H [Contributor]; Gbanowskaja, G. L [Contributor]; Gebhardt, G [Contributor]; Gregor, H . P [Contributor]; Griessbach, Robert [Other]; Gürtleb, O [Contributor]; Haupt, D [Contributor]; Hauptmann, R [Contributor]; [...]

    Kunstharz-Ionenaustauscher : Plenar- und Diskussionsvorträge des vom 4. bis 7. Juni 1968 in Leipzig veranstalteten Symposiums "30 Jahre Kunstharz-Ionenaustauscher" - [Reprint 2021]

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    Berlin; Boston: De Gruyter, [2022] ; [Online-Ausgabe]

    Published in: Ionenaustauscher in Einzeldarstellungen ; 8

  13. Tanaka, Y. K. [Author]; Bagchi, S. [Author]; Haettner, E. [Author]; Harakeh, M. N. [Author]; Hayano, R. S. [Author]; Hirenzaki, S. [Author]; Hornung, C. [Author]; Igarashi, Y. [Author]; Ikeno, N. [Author]; Itahashi, K. [Author]; Iwasaki, M. [Author]; Jido, D. [Author]; Benlliure, J. [Author]; Kalantar-Nayestanaki, N. [Author]; Kanungo, R. [Author]; Kindler, B. [Author]; Knöbel, R. [Author]; Kostyleva, D. [Author]; Kurz, N. [Author]; Kuzminchuk, N. [Author]; Lommel, B. [Author]; Ma, Y. [Author]; Matsumoto, S. Y. [Author]; Dickel, T. [Author]; [...]

    Search for η'-mesic nuclei using (p,d) reaction with FRS/Super-FRS at GSI/FAIR

    Conference Proceedings
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    IOP Publ., 2020

    Published in: Journal of physics / Conference series 1643, 012181 - (2020). doi:10.1088/1742-6596/1643/1/012181 ; 27th International Nuclear Physics Conference (INPC2019), Glasgow, UK, 2019-07-27 - 2019-08-02

  14. Tanaka, Y. K. [Author]; Bagchi, S. [Author]; Haettner, E. [Author]; Harakeh, M. N. [Author]; Hayano, R. S. [Author]; Hirenzaki, S. [Author]; Hornung, C. [Author]; Igarashi, Y. [Author]; Ikeno, N. [Author]; Itahashi, K. [Author]; Iwasaki, M. [Author]; Jido, D. [Author]; Benlliure, J. [Author]; Kalantar-Nayestanaki, N. [Author]; Kanungo, R. [Author]; Kindler, B. [Author]; Knöbel, R. [Author]; Kostyleva, D. [Author]; Kurz, N. [Author]; Kuzminchuk, N. [Author]; Lommel, B. [Author]; Ma, Y. [Author]; Matsumoto, S. Y. [Author]; Dickel, T. [Author]; [...]

    Spectroscopy of η'-mesic Nuclei with WASA at GSI/FAIR

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    Inst. of Physics, Jagellonian Univ., 2020

    Published in: Acta physica Polonica / B 51(1), 39 - 44 (2020). doi:10.5506/APhysPolB.51.39

  15. Aliev, M. K [Contributor]; Anand-Srivastava, M. B [Contributor]; Bartel, S [Contributor]; Becker, C [Contributor]; Benevolensky, D . S [Contributor]; Blasig, I . E [Contributor]; Block, H [Contributor]; Bodewei, R [Contributor]; Bohmer, P [Contributor]; Bolke, L [Contributor]; Braselmann, H [Contributor]; Brückner, R [Contributor]; Carafoli, E [Contributor]; Catfier, G [Contributor]; Chernousov, G. B [Contributor]; David, H [Contributor]; Dhalla, N . S [Contributor]; Dhalla, N. S [Contributor]; Eckert, K [Contributor]; Emilsson, A [Contributor]; England, P. J [Contributor]; Fermum, R [Contributor]; Ferrari, R [Contributor]; Feyer, P [Contributor]; [...]

    Cellular and Molecular Aspects of the Regulation of the Heart : Proceedings of the Symposium held in Berlin from 26.-28. August 1982 The Symposium was organized by The Central Institute of Heart and Circulation Research of the Academy of Sciences of the GDR The Society of Cardiology and Angiology of the GDR - [Reprint 2021]

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    Berlin; Boston: De Gruyter, [2022] ; [Online-Ausgabe]

    Published in: Abhandlungen der Akademie der Wissenschaften der DDR/ N. Mathematik, Naturwissenschaften, Technik ; 1984, 1