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  1. Egk, Werner [Author] ; Gogolʹ, Nikolaj Vasilʹevič [Other]; Hauser, Markus [Other]; Ivaščenko, Dmitrij [Other]; Svatenko, Jurij [Other]; Rauer, Katerina [Other]; Koch, Kathrin [Other]; Werlitz, Gerhard [Other]; Bihlmaier, Hans Norbert [Performer]; Nasrawi, Douglas [Performer]; Galkin, Nikolaj [Performer]; Dries, Michael [Performer]; Walker, Janet [Performer]; Zink, Cornelia [Performer]; David, Nikola [Performer]; Peiró, Felipe [Performer] Philharmonisches Orchester Augsburg

    Der Revisor : komische Oper in fünf Akten nach Nikolai Gogol (2 CDs mit CD-ROM-Teil im Schuber)

    Sound Recordings


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    München: Arte Nova, P 2001