Bertling, Ernst August
Raufseysen, Philipp Ernst
Schröder, Christian Gabriel von
Groddeck, Carl
Schmidt, Michael
Schumann, Gabriel
Schumann, Johann Friedrich
Weickhmann, Gabriel Gottlieb
Fichtel, Friedrich Gottlieb
Gralath, Daniel
Zerneke, Heinrich
Leuschner, Christoph Ernst
Ehler, Carl Ludwig
Ferber, Johann Samuel
Kulmus, Johann Ernst
Ehrmann, Georg Philipp
Groddeck, Michael
Waszkowitz, Michael
[Writer of added text];
Waszkowitz, Michael
Weinholz, Johann Gottlieb
[Writer of added text];
Weinholz, Johann Gottlieb
Danov, Ernst Jakob
[Writer of added text];
Danov, Ernst Jakob
Schreibersche Druckerey