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  1. Reddy, Dr. P. Raghunadha [Author] ; Sankara Reddy, V.G. Siva [Other]

    Mathematical Modelling and the Empirical Validation of Organisational Financial Performance – Conceptual Insights into the Inferential Focus of the Analytical Perspectives in the Finance Discipline

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    [S.l.]: SSRN, [2020]

  2. Gunasekhar, T. [Editor]; Rao, K. Thirupathi [Editor]; Kiran, P. Sai [Editor]; Reddy, V. Krishna [Editor]; Rao, B. Thirumala [Editor]

    Detection and mitigation of insider attacks in a cloud infrastructure : emerging research and opportunities

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    Hershey, PA: IGI Global, [2019]

    Published in: Advances in information security, privacy, and ethics (AISPE) book series

  3. Mondal, Anirban [Editor]; Gupta, Himanshu [Editor]; Srivastava, Jaideep [Editor]; Reddy, P. Krishna [Editor]; Somayajulu, D.V.L.N [Editor]

    Big Data Analytics : 6th International Conference, BDA 2018, Warangal, India, December 18–21, 2018, Proceedings

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    Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2018

    Published in: Information Systems and Applications, incl. Internet/Web, and HCI ; 11297 - SpringerLink ; Bücher

  4. Krishna, Dasari Siva [Author]; Srinivas, Gorla [Author]; Reddy, P. V. G. D. Prasad [Author]

    A Deep Parallel Hybrid Fusion Model for disaster tweet classification on Twitter data

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    Published in: Decision analytics journal ; 11(2024) vom: Juni, Artikel-ID 100453, Seite 1-13

  5. Mohapatra, Partha Sarathi [Author]; Reddy, Puduru Viswanadha [Author]; Zaccour, Georges [Author]

    Feedback Stackelberg-Nash equilibria in difference games with quasi-hierarchical interactions and inequality constraints

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    Montréal (Québec), Canada: GERAD, HÉC Montréal, [2024]

    Published in: Les cahiers du GERAD ; 2024,16

  6. Hatswell, David Todd [Author]; Ramiah, Vikash [Author]; Wallace, Damien [Author]; Krishna, P. P. Nithi [Author]; Muschert, Glenn W. [Author]; Biju, Ajithakumari Vijayappan Nair [Author]; Reddy, Krishna [Author]

    The influence of trauma insurance on quality of life among cancer survivors

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    Published in: Journal of behavioral and experimental finance ; 42(2024) vom: Juni, Artikel-ID 100929, Seite 1-14

  7. Zhao, Zihua [Author]; Hui, Cang [Author]; Peng, Shuo [Author]; Yi, Shanqing [Author]; Li, Zhihong [Author]; Reddy, Gadi V. P. [Author]; Kleunen, Mark van [Author]

    The world's 100 worst invasive alien insect species differ in their characteristics from related non‐invasive species

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    Konstanz: KOPS Universität Konstanz, 2023

  8. Agarwal, R. P [Contributor]; Aylawadi, D. R [Contributor]; Balke, H [Contributor]; Bert, C. W [Contributor]; De, T. K [Contributor]; Gampert, B [Contributor]; Heinrich, H [Contributor]; Heinrich, W [Editor]; Henderson, L. F [Contributor]; Hiremath, P. S [Contributor]; Nakagawa, T [Contributor]; Prechtl, A [Contributor]; Reddy, J. N [Contributor]; Sinha, S. M [Contributor]; Slawianowski, J. J [Contributor]; Srivastava, B. M [Contributor]; Srivastava, V. P [Contributor]; Takeuti, Y [Contributor]; Tanigawa, Y [Contributor]; Tischer, W [Contributor]; Wagner, P [Contributor]; Wang, C. Y [Contributor]; Weinert, H [Editor]

    Zeitschrift für Angewandte Mathematik und Mechanik : Band 62, Heft 6: Juni 1982 - [Reprint 2021]

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    Berlin; Boston: De Gruyter, [2022] ; [Online-Ausgabe]

    Published in: Zeitschrift für Angewandte Mathematik und Mechanik ; Band 62, Heft 6

  9. Arkhipov, V. E. [Contributor]; Arkhipov, V. I. [Contributor]; Arustamyan, A. M. [Contributor]; Badwal, S. P. S. [Contributor]; Baeri, P. [Contributor]; Ball, C. A. B. [Contributor]; Basson, J. H. [Contributor]; Blanohin, M. G. [Contributor]; Blasse, G. [Contributor]; Booykns, H. [Contributor]; Bouteit, C. [Contributor]; Brazis, R. S. [Contributor]; Bruin, H. J. de [Contributor]; Brümmer, O. [Contributor]; Burmeister, H. -J [Contributor]; Campisano, S. U. [Contributor]; Carter, C. B. [Contributor]; Cho, D. D. [Contributor]; Chowdart, B. V. R. [Contributor]; Chugunova, S. I. [Contributor]; Chukhovskii, F. X. [Contributor]; Coldea, M. [Contributor]; Dawar, A. L. [Contributor]; Dekhtyar, I. Ya [Contributor]; [...]

    Physica status solidi / A : Volume 54, Number 1, July 1979 - [Reprint 2021]

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    Berlin; Boston: De Gruyter, [2022]

    Published in: Physica status solidi / A ; Volume 54, Number 1

  10. Abdel-Raaheim, A. E. E [Contributor]; Abushov, S. A [Contributor]; Aidaev, F. Sh [Contributor]; Aleksasdrov, L. N [Contributor]; Altshuler, E [Contributor]; Andriesh, A. M [Contributor]; Andrä, W [Contributor]; Armigliato, A [Contributor]; Aronov, D. A [Contributor]; Asainov, O. Kh [Contributor]; Ascheron, C [Contributor]; Azimov, S. A [Contributor]; Bagdoev, A. G [Contributor]; Balyko, L. V [Contributor]; Baranskii, P. I [Contributor]; Barkalov, O.I [Contributor]; Bashkirov, L. A [Contributor]; Batisi, R. de [Contributor]; Bauer, C [Contributor]; Belash, I. T [Contributor]; Bivol, V. V [Contributor]; Blanchin, M. G [Contributor]; Blythe, H. J [Contributor]; Bondarenko, A. G [Contributor]; [...]

    Physica status solidi : Volume 89, Number 2: June 16 - [Reprint 2021]

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    Berlin; Boston: De Gruyter, [2022] ; [Online-Ausgabe]

    Published in: Physica status solidi ; Volume 89, Number 2 ; A

  11. Schoen, Jay M. [Author]; Neelakantan, Amrita [Author]; Cushman, Samuel A. [Author]; Dutta, Trishna [Author]; Habib, Bilal [Author]; Jhala, Yadvendradev V. [Author]; Mondal, Indranil [Author]; Ramakrishnan, Uma [Author]; Reddy, P. Anuradha [Author]; Saini, Swati [Author]; Sharma, Sandeep [Author]; Thatte, Prachi [Author]; Yumnam, Bibek [Author]; DeFries, Ruth [Author]

    Synthesizing habitat connectivity analyses of a globally important human-dominated tiger-conservation landscape

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    Published in: Conservation biology ; 36(2022), 4, Artikel-ID e13909

  12. Abistov, V. V [Contributor]; Agarwal, M. K [Contributor]; Anagnostopoulos, A. N [Contributor]; Anderson, E. E [Contributor]; Arajs, S [Contributor]; Ashwell, G. J [Contributor]; Aymerioh-Humet, X [Contributor]; Babu, V. Hari [Contributor]; Bandyopadhyay, A [Contributor]; Baranova, G. K [Contributor]; Barbashov, V. I [Contributor]; Beck, W [Contributor]; Bederka, Š [Contributor]; Berger, G. W [Contributor]; Bergner, H [Contributor]; Bewlay, S. L [Contributor]; Biskupska, K [Contributor]; Boeuf, A [Contributor]; Brehme, S [Contributor]; Brightwell, J. W [Contributor]; Brückner, V [Contributor]; Bullemer, B [Contributor]; Bărbulescu, Doina [Contributor]; Caciuffo, R [Contributor]; [...]

    Physica status solidi : Volume 79, Number 1: Septemmber 16 - [Reprint 2021]

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    Berlin; Boston: De Gruyter, [2022] ; [Online-Ausgabe]

    Published in: Physica status solidi ; Volume 79, Number 1 ; A

  13. Appa Rao, K. Ch [Contributor]; Baburao, Gadudasu [Contributor]; Bannaravuri, Praveen Kumar [Contributor]; Bobba, PhaneendraBabu [Contributor]; Chandrasekhara Rao, P. V. [Contributor]; Charan Kumar, K Samuel [Contributor]; Cheepu, Murali Mohan [Contributor]; Dasari, Sai Naresh [Contributor]; Davim, J. Paulo [Editor]; Dirisenapu, Gopichand [Contributor]; Dumpala, Lingaraju [Contributor]; Gangisetti, Srinivasu [Contributor]; Gohil, Bhagyarajsinh [Contributor]; Gopi Rakesh, Sunkara [Contributor]; Kishore Mugada, Krishna [Contributor]; Kolli, Murahari [Contributor]; Kolli, Murahari [Editor]; Kosaraju, Satyanarayana [Contributor]; Kumar Birru, Anil [Contributor]; Kumar, Adepu [Contributor]; Kumar, Remalle Ranjith [Contributor]; Lokesh, Pagoti [Contributor]; Mallapu, Satyanarayana [Contributor]; Mugada, Krishna Kishore [Contributor]; [...]

    Waste Residue Composites

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    Berlin; Boston: De Gruyter, 2023

    Published in: Advanced Composites ; 16

  14. Abou El Ela, A. H [Contributor]; Acharya, S [Contributor]; Aksenov, O. E [Contributor]; Allen, J. W [Contributor]; Aluker, E. D [Contributor]; Amelinckx, S [Contributor]; Arnold, G [Contributor]; Aust, K. T [Contributor]; Babu, M. V [Contributor]; Badr, S. T [Contributor]; Bagratishvili, G. D [Contributor]; Ballandovich, V. S [Contributor]; Bara, J. J [Contributor]; Batirov, T. M [Contributor]; Bohmhammel, K [Contributor]; Bostanjoglo, O [Contributor]; Bukreev, V. A [Contributor]; Chang, S.-L [Contributor]; Charan, Sh [Contributor]; Chen, H. S [Contributor]; Danilin, A. B [Contributor]; Dehe, G [Contributor]; Delafond, J [Contributor]; Deus, P [Contributor]; [...]

    Physica status solidi : Volume 65, Number 2: June 16 - [Reprint 2021]

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    Berlin; Boston: De Gruyter, [2022] ; [Online-Ausgabe]

    Published in: Physica status solidi ; Volume 65, Number 2 ; A