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  1. Thadden-Trieglaff, Reinold von [Author] ; Bismarck, Otto von [Other]

    War Bismarck Christ?



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    Hamburg; Berlin: Furche-Verl., 1950

  2. Bergande, Bettina [Author]; Butenschön, Sylvia [Author]; Eckert, Reinold [Author]; Gehrke, Brigitte [Author] ; Lesser, Katrin [Contributor]; Krosigk, Klaus von [Writer of introduction]

    Parkanlagen und Stadtplätze : Gartendenkmale in Berlin

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    Petersberg: Michael Imhof Verlag, [2013] ; Berlin: Landesdenkmalamt, [2013]

    Published in: Beiträge zur Denkmalpflege in Berlin ; 39

  3. Brichzin, Peter [Author]; Freiberger, Ulrich [Author]; Reinold, Klaus [Author]; Wiedemann, Albert [Author]

    Informatik : Natur und Technik



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    München: Oldenbourg Schulbuchverlag, 2018- ; Berlin: Cornelsen Verlag GmbH, 2018-

  4. Hermes, Hans [Author]; Hirzebruch, Friedrich [Author]; Koecher, Max [Author]; Mainzer, Klaus [Author]; Neukirch, Jürgen [Author]; Prestel, Alexander [Author]; Remmert, Reinhold [Author] ; Ebbinghaus, Heinz-Dieter [Other]

    Zahlen - [3., verbesserte Auflage]

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    Berlin; Heidelberg [u.a.]: Springer, 1992

    Published in: Grundwissen Mathematik- Springer-Lehrbuch

  5. Ahrens, Rüdiger [Editor]; Axel, Stähler [Contributor]; Daniela, Carpi [Contributor]; Denise, Burkhard [Contributor]; Florian, Klaeger [Contributor]; Holger, Lange [Contributor]; Ina, Batzke [Contributor]; Ivo, Ritzer [Contributor]; Jan B., Gordon [Contributor]; Janet M., Wilson [Contributor]; Jesper, Reddig [Contributor]; Klaus, Stierstorfer [Contributor]; Kläger, Florian [Editor]; Michael, Hauhs [Contributor]; Nicholas, Shrimpton [Contributor]; Nilufer E., Bharucha [Contributor]; Patrick, Gill [Contributor]; Reinold, Schmücker [Contributor]; Stefanie, Mueller [Contributor]; Stierstorfer, Klaus [Editor]; Susana, Onega [Contributor]

    Symbolism 2020 : Special Focus: Symbols of the Future. The Future of Symbolism

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    Berlin; Boston: De Gruyter, [2020] ; [Online-Ausgabe]

    Published in: Symbolism

  6. Wolf, Klaus [Author]; Bergmann, Tim [Author]; De Monte, Matthias [Author]; Strauch, Joachim [Author]; Haufe, André [Author]; Liebold, Christian [Author] ; Audi AG Werk Neckarsulm, Robert Bosch GmbH, DYNAmore GmbH, EDAG Engineering GmbH, ESI Software Germany GmbH, Fraunhofer-Institut für Algorithmen und Wissenschaftliches Rechnen, inuTech GmbH, Dr. Reinold Hagen Stiftung, Karlsruher Institut für Technologie Institutsteil für Leichtbau, RIKUTEC Richter Kunststofftechnik GmbH & Co. KG, simcon kunststofftechnische Software GmbH

    ITEA VMAP - ein neuer Schnittstellenstandard für die integrierte virtuelle Materialmodellierung im produzierenden Gewerbe : Abschlussbericht des deutschen Konsortiums zum Verbundprojekt: Laufzeit des Vorhabens: 1. September 2017-31.Oktober. 2020 = ITEA VMAP - A new interface standard for integrated virtual material modelling in manufacturing industry

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    [Sankt Augustin]: Fraunhofer SCAI, 20. September 2021

  7. Ebbinghaus, Heinz-Dieter [Author] ; Hermes, Hans [Other]; Hirzebruch, Friedrich [Other]; Koecher, Max [Other]; Mainzer, Klaus [Other]; Neukirch, Jürgen [Other]; Prestel, Alexander [Other]; Remmert, Reinhold [Other]


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    New York, NY: Springer, 1991

    Published in: Graduate Texts in Mathematics, Readings in Mathematics ; 123- Readings in Mathematics ; 123- SpringerLink ; Bücher- Springer eBook Collection ; Mathematics and Statistics

  8. Kirsch, Christoph; Takamiya-Wik, Monica; Reinold, Susanne; Hahlbrock, Klaus; Somssich, Imre E.

    Rapid, Transient, and Highly Localized Induction of Plastidial ω -3 Fatty Acid Desaturase mRNA at Fungal Infection Sites in Petroselinum crispum

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    National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 1997

    Published in: Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 94 (1997) 5, Seite 2079-2084

  9. Kirsch, Christoph; Takamiya-Wik, Monica; Reinold, Susanne; Hahlbrock, Klaus; Somssich, Imre E.

    Rapid, transient, and highly localized induction of plastidial ω-3 fatty acid desaturase mRNA at fungal infection sites in  Petroselinum crispum

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    Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 1997

    Published in: Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 94 (1997) 5, Seite 2079-2084

  10. Gloeckl, Rainer; Schneeberger, Tessa; Leitl, Daniela; Reinold, Tobias; Nell, Christoph; Jarosch, Inga; Kenn, Klaus; Koczulla, Andreas R.

    Whole-body vibration training versus conventional balance training in patients with severe COPD—a randomized, controlled trial

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    Springer Science and Business Media LLC, 2021

    Published in: Respiratory Research, 22 (2021) 1

  11. Hahlbrock, Klaus; Scheel, Dierk; Logemann, Elke; Nürnberger, Thorsten; Parniske, Martin; Reinold, Susanne; Sacks, Wendy R.; Schmelzer, Elmon

    Oligopeptide Elicitor-Mediated Defense Gene Activation in Cultured Parsley Cells

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    National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 1995

    Published in: Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 92 (1995) 10, Seite 4150-4157