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  1. Vollmann, Manja [Author]; Antoniw-Struckmann, Katja [Author]; Hartung, Freda-Marie [Author] ; Renner, Britta [Other]

    Social support as mediator of the stress buffering effect of optimism : The importance of differentiating the recipients' and providers' perspective

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    Konstanz: Bibliothek der Universität Konstanz, 2011

  2. Tejada, Ferran [Author]; Benito, Carlos [Author]; Renner, Katja [Author] ; Arquimea Deutschland GmbH

    "Entwurf und Evaluierung von strahlungsresistenten seriellen Hochgeschwindigkeitsschnittstellen (SECHIS-ARQ-D)" : Schlussbericht zum Vorhaben : im Rahmen des Eurostars Projekts E! 11270 SECHIS "SERDES-Chip für Raumfahrtanwendungen" : Projektlaufzeit: 01.12.2017-31.05.2020

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    Frankfurt (Oder): ARQUIMEA DEUTSCHLAND GmbH, [2020?]

  3. Renner, Vanessa [Author]; Joraschky, Peter [Author]; Kirschbaum, Clemens [Author]; Schellong, Julia [Author]; Petrowski, Katja [Author]

    Pro- and anti-inflammatory cytokines Interleukin-6 and Interleukin-10 predict therapy outcome of female patients with posttraumatic stress disorder

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    London: Nature Publishing Group, [2024]

    Published in: Translational Psychiatry ; 12, (2022)

  4. Pollmann, Stefan [Author]; Rosenblum, Lisa [Author]; Linnhoff, Stefanie [Author]; Porracin, Eleonora [Author]; Geringswald, Franziska [Author]; Herbik, Anne [Author]; Renner, Katja [Author]; Hoffmann, Michael [Author]

    Preserved contextual cueing in realistic scenes in patients with age-related macular degeneration

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    Published in: Brain Sciences ; Vol. 10.2020, 12, Art.-Nr. 941, insgesamt 12 Seiten

  5. Goeppert, Benjamin [Author]; Frauenschuh, Lena [Author]; Renner, Marcus [Author]; Rössler, Stephanie [Author]; Stenzinger, Albrecht [Author]; Warth, Arne [Author]; Vogel, Monika Nadja [Author]; Mehrabi, Arianeb [Author]; Hafezi, Mohammadreza [Author]; Böhmer, Katja [Author]; Deimling, Andreas von [Author]; Schirmacher, Peter [Author]; Weichert, Wilko [Author]; Capper, David [Author]

    BRAF V600E-specific immunohistochemistry reveals low mutation rates in biliary tract cancer and restriction to intrahepatic cholangiocarcinoma

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    July 2014

    Published in: Modern pathology ; 27(2014), 7, Seite 1028-1034

  6. Ludwig, Katja [Author]; Banaschewski, Tobias [Author]; Brandeis, Daniel [Author]; Dose, Christina [Author]; Hautmann, Christopher Jan [Author]; Holtmann, Martin [Author]; Jans, Thomas [Author]; Jendreizik, Lea [Author]; Jenkner, Carolin [Author]; John, Katja [Author]; Ketter, Johanna [Author]; Millenet, Sabina [Author]; Pauli-Pott, Ursula [Author]; Renner, Tobias [Author]; Romanos, Marcel [Author]; Treier, Anne-Katrin [Author]; Wirth, Elena von [Author]; Wermter, Anne-Kathrin [Author]; Döpfner, Manfred [Author]

    Individualised stepwise adaptive treatment for 3–6-year-old preschool children impaired by attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ESCApreschool): study protocol of an adaptive intervention study including two randomised controlled trials within the consortium ESCAlife

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    London: Springer Nature, 2020

    Published in: Trials ; 21, 1 (2020), 56

  7. Engelhardt, Christian [Author]; Föcker, Manuel [Author]; Bühren, Katharina [Author]; Dahmen, Brigitte [Author]; Becker, Katja [Author]; Weber, Linda [Author]; Correll, Christoph U. [Author]; Egberts, Karin M. [Author]; Ehrlich, Stefan [Author]; Rößner, Veit [Author]; Fleischhaker, Christian [Author]; Gontard, Alexander von [Author]; Hahn, Freia [Author]; Jenetzky, Ekkehart [Author]; Kaess, Michael [Author]; Legenbauer, Tanja [Author]; Renner, Tobias [Author]; Schulze, Ulrike M. E. [Author]; Sinzig, Judith [Author]; Wessing, Ida [Author]; Antony, Gisela [Author]; Herpertz-Dahlmann, Beate [Author]; Peters, Triinu [Author]; Hebebrand, Johannes [Author]

    Age dependency of body mass index distribution in childhood and adolescent inpatients with anorexia nervosa with a focus on DSM-5 and ICD-11 weight criteria and severity specifiers

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    Berlin: Springer Science+Business Media, 2021

    Published in: European child & adolescent psychiatry ; 30 (2021), 1081–1094

  8. Jaite, Charlotte [Author]; Bühren, Katharina [Author]; Dahmen, Brigitte [Author]; Dempfle, Astrid [Author]; Ludwig, Katja [Author]; Correll, Christoph U. [Author]; Egberts, Karin M. [Author]; Ehrlich, Stefan [Author]; Fleischhaker, Christian [Author]; Gontard, Alexander von [Author]; Hahn, Freia [Author]; Kolar, David [Author]; Kaess, Michael [Author]; Legenbauer, Tanja [Author]; Renner, Tobias [Author]; Schulze, Ulrike M. E. [Author]; Sinzig, Judith [Author]; Thomae, Ellen [Author]; Weber, Linda [Author]; Wessing, Ida [Author]; Antony, Gisela [Author]; Hebebrand, Johannes [Author]; Föcker, Manuel [Author]; Herpertz-Dahlmann, Beate [Author]

    Clinical characteristics of inpatients with childhood vs. adolescent anorexia nervosa

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    Basel: MDPI, 2019

    Published in: Nutrients ; 11, 11 (2019), 2593

  9. Jaite, Charlotte [Author]; Bühren, Katharina [Author]; Dahmen, Brigitte [Author]; Dempfle, Astrid [Author]; Becker, Katja [Author]; Correll, Christoph U. [Author]; Egberts, Karin M. [Author]; Ehrlich, Stefan [Author]; Fleischhaker, Christian [Author]; Gontard, Alexander von [Author]; Hahn, Freia [Author]; Kolar, David [Author]; Kaess, Michael [Author]; Legenbauer, Tanja [Author]; Renner, Tobias [Author]; Schulze, Ulrike M. E. [Author]; Sinzig, Judith [Author]; Thomae, Ellen [Author]; Weber, Linda [Author]; Wessing, Ida [Author]; Antony, Gisela [Author]; Hebebrand, Johannes [Author]; Föcker, Manuel [Author]; Herpertz-Dahlmann, Beate [Author]

    Clinical Characteristics of Inpatients with Childhood vs. Adolescent Anorexia Nervosa

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    Basel: MDPI, 28 October 2019

    Published in: Nutrients ; 11,11 (2019), 2593

  10. Kolar, David [Author]; Bühren, Katharina [Author]; Herpertz-Dahlmann, Beate [Author]; Becker, Katja [Author]; Egberts, Karin M. [Author]; Ehrlich, Stefan [Author]; Fleischhaker, Christian [Author]; Gontard, Alexander von [Author]; Hahn, Freia [Author]; Huss, Michael [Author]; Jaite, Charlotte [Author]; Kaess, Michael [Author]; Legenbauer, Tanja [Author]; Renner, Tobias [Author]; Rößner, Veit [Author]; Schulze, Ulrike M. E. [Author]; Sinzig, Judith [Author]; Wessing, Ida [Author]; Hebebrand, Johannes [Author]; Föcker, Manuel [Author]; Jenetzky, Ekkehart [Author]

    Seasonal variation of BMI at admission in German adolescents with anorexia nervosa

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    San Francisco, California: PLOS, 2018

    Published in: PLOS ONE ; 13, 9 (2018), e0203844

  11. Hebebrand, Johannes [Author]; Seitz, Jochen [Author]; Föcker, Manuel [Author]; Viersen, Hanna Preuss-van [Author]; Huss, Michael [Author]; Bühren, Katharina [Author]; Dahmen, Brigitte [Author]; Becker, Katja [Author]; Weber, Linda [Author]; Correll, Christoph U. [Author]; Jaite, Charlotte [Author]; Egberts, Karin [Author]; Romanos, Marcel [Author]; Ehrlich, Stefan [Author]; Seidel, Maria [Author]; Roessner, Veit [Author]; Fleischhaker, Christian [Author]; Möhler, Eva [Author]; Hahn, Freia [Author]; Kaess, Michael [Author]; Legenbauer, Tanja [Author]; Hagmann, Daniela [Author]; Renner, Tobias J. [Author]; Schulze, Ulrike M. E. [Author]; [...]

    Premorbid body weight predicts weight loss in both anorexia nervosa and atypical anorexia nervosa : further support for a single underlying disorder

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    April 2024

    Published in: The international journal of eating disorders ; 57(2024), 4 vom: Apr., Seite 967-982

  12. Thöne, Ann-Kathrin [Author]; Dose, Christina [Author]; Junghänel, Michaela [Author]; Hautmann, Christopher [Author]; Jendreizik, Lea Teresa [Author]; Treier, Anne-Katrin [Author]; Vetter, Paula [Author]; von Wirth, Elena [Author]; Banaschewski, Tobias [Author]; Becker, Katja [Author]; Brandeis, Daniel [Author]; Dürrwächter, Ute [Author]; Geissler, Julia [Author]; Hebebrand, Johannes [Author]; Hohmann, Sarah [Author]; Holtmann, Martin [Author]; Huss, Michael [Author]; Jans, Thomas [Author]; Kaiser, Anna [Author]; Ketter, Johanna [Author]; Legenbauer, Tanja [Author]; Millenet, Sabina [Author]; Poustka, Luise [Author]; Renner, Tobias [Author]; [...]

    Identifying symptoms of ADHD and disruptive behavior disorders most strongly associated with functional impairment in children : a symptom-level approach

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    June 2023

    Published in: Journal of psychopathology and behavioral assessment ; 45(2023), 2 vom: Juni, Seite 277-293

  13. Renner, Vanessa; Henker, Jana; Joraschky, Peter; Keller, Andrea; Petrowski, Katja

    Originalbeiträge (Originals). High Young schema levels predict manualized confrontation therapy outcome in patients with panic disorder / Der Einfluss von Schemata nach Young auf das Therapieergebnis von Patienten mit Panikstörung

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    Brill Deutschland GmbH, 2024

    Published in: Zeitschrift für Psychosomatische Medizin und Psychotherapie, 70 (2024) 3, Seite 212-227