Skip to contents Research and Technology Organization Applied Vehicle Technology Panel Task Group Design loads for future aircraft = Les charges de calcul pour de futurs aéronefs - [Elektronische Ressource] Electronic Resources Close > Bookmarks You can manage bookmarks using lists, please log in to your user account for this. Neuilly-sur-Seine: Research and Technology Organization, 2002 Published in: Research and Technology Organization: RTO technical report ; 4500 - AC/323(AVT)TP ; 3000 Research and Technology Organization Applied Vehicle Technology Panel Task Group Evaluation of methods for solid propellant burning rate measurements = (Evaluation des méthodes de mesure de la vitesse de combustion des propergols solides) Electronic Resources Close > Bookmarks You can manage bookmarks using lists, please log in to your user account for this. Neuilly-sur-Seine: RTO/NATO, 2002 Published in: Research and Technology Organization: RTO technical report ; 43 Research and Technology Organization Applied Vehicle Technology Panel Task Group Performance prediction and simulation of gas turbine engine operation = (La prévision des performances et la simulation du fonctionnement des turbomoteurs) Electronic Resources Close > Bookmarks You can manage bookmarks using lists, please log in to your user account for this. Neuilly-sur-Seine: RTO/NATO, 2002 Published in: Research and Technology Organization: RTO technical report ; 44 Research and Technology Organization Applied Vehicle Technology Panel Task Group Verification and validation data for computational unsteady aerodynamics = (Données de vérification et de validation pour l'aérodynamique instationnaire numérique) - [Elektronische Ressource] Electronic Resources Close > Bookmarks You can manage bookmarks using lists, please log in to your user account for this. Neuilly-sur-Seine: Research and Technology Organzation, 2000 Published in: Research and Technology Organization: RTO technical report ; 2600 - AC/323(AVT)TP ; 1900 Research and Technology Organization Active control of engine dynamics : Brussels, Belgium 14 - 18 May 2001 = Le contrôle actif pour la dynamique des moteurs Electronic Resources Close > Bookmarks You can manage bookmarks using lists, please log in to your user account for this. Neuilly-sur-Seine: Research and Technology Organization, 2002 Published in: Research and Technology Organization: RTO educational notes ; 20 Research and Technology Organization Gas turbine operation and technology for land, sea and air propulsion and power systems = (Conception, exploitation, technologie des turbomoteurs et technologies pour les systèmes terre. air et mer de propulsion et générateur de puissance) Electronic Resources Close > Bookmarks You can manage bookmarks using lists, please log in to your user account for this. Neuilly-sur-Seine: RTO/NATO, 2000 Published in: Research and Technology Organization: RTO meeting proceedings ; 34 Barth, Timothy J. [Editor] ; Research and Technology Organization High-order methods for computational physics Books View online Schließen Close > Bookmarks You can manage bookmarks using lists, please log in to your user account for this. Berlin; Heidelberg; New York; Barcelona; Hong Kong; London; Milan; Paris; Singapore; Tokyo: Springer, 1999 Published in: Lecture notes in computational science and engineering ; 9 Research and Technology Organization RTO technical report Journals / Newspapers / Series Close > Bookmarks You can manage bookmarks using lists, please log in to your user account for this. Neuilly-sur-Seine, 1999- / Nachgewiesen 4.1999 - Research and Technology Organization RTO educational notes Journals / Newspapers / Series Close > Bookmarks You can manage bookmarks using lists, please log in to your user account for this. Neuilly-sur-Seine: RTO/NATO, 19XX- Research and Technology Organization RTO lecture series Journals / Newspapers / Series Close > Bookmarks You can manage bookmarks using lists, please log in to your user account for this. Neuilly-sur-Seine: RTO/NATO, 19XX- Research and Technology Organization RTO meeting proceedings Journals / Newspapers / Series Close > Bookmarks You can manage bookmarks using lists, please log in to your user account for this. Neuilly-sur-Seine: RTO/NATO, 19XX- Research and Technology Organization Applied Vehicle Technology Panel Aging aircraft fleets - structural and other subsystems aspects : the material in this publication was assembled ... under the sponsorship of the Applied Vehicle Technology Panel (AVT) ... presented on 13 - 16 November 2000 in Sofia, Bulgaria = (Le vieillissement des flottes d'avions militaires - aspects structures et autres sous-systèmes) Electronic Resources Close > Bookmarks You can manage bookmarks using lists, please log in to your user account for this. Neuilly-Sur-Seine: RTO/Nato, 2001 Published in: Research and Technology Organization: RTO educational notes ; 15 - Research and Technology Organization: RTO lecture series ; 218 bis Research and Technology Organization Applied Vehicle Technology Panel Supercavitating flows : the material in this publication was assembled to support a RTO/VKI lecture series under the sponsorship of the Applied Vehicle Technology Panel (AVT) and the von Kármán Institute for Fluid Dynamics (VKI) presented from 12 - 16 February 2001, in Brussels, Belgium = (Les ecoulements supercavitants) Electronic Resources Close > Bookmarks You can manage bookmarks using lists, please log in to your user account for this. Neuilly-sur-Seine: RTO/NATO, 2002 Published in: Research and Technology Organization: RTO educational notes ; 10 - Research and Technology Organization: RTO lecture series ; 5 Research and Technology Organization Applied Vehicle Technology Panel Unmanned vehicles (UV) for aerial, ground and naval military operations : papers presented at the symposium of the RTO Applied Vehicle Technology Panel (AVT), held in Ankara, Turkey, 9 - 13 October 2000 = Véhicules sans pilote pour opérations militaires aériennes, terrestres et maritimes Electronic Resources Close > Bookmarks You can manage bookmarks using lists, please log in to your user account for this. Neuilly-sur-Seine: RTO/NATO, 2002 Published in: Research and Technology Organization: RTO meeting proceedings ; 52 Research and Technology Organization Applied Vehicle Technology Panel Aging engines, avionics, subsystems and helicopters : the material in this publication was assembled ... under the sponsorship of the Applied Vehicle Technology Panel (AVT) ... presented on 23 - 24 October 2000 in Atlantic City, USA and 26 - 27 October 2000 in Madrid, Spain = (Moteurs, avionique, sous-systèmes et hélicoptères de générations précédentes) Electronic Resources Close > Bookmarks You can manage bookmarks using lists, please log in to your user account for this. Neuilly-Sur-Seine: RTO/Nato, 2000 Published in: Research and Technology Organization: RTO educational notes ; 14 - Research and Technology Organization: RTO lecture series ; 218 Research and Technology Organization Applied Vehicle Technology Panel Design for low cost operation and support : papers presented at the RTO Applied Vehicle Technology Panel (AVT) specialist's meeting, held in Ottawa, Canada, 21 - 22 October 1999 = (La conception en vue d'une exploitation et d'un soutien à coût réduit) Electronic Resources Close > Bookmarks You can manage bookmarks using lists, please log in to your user account for this. Neuilly-sur-Seine: RTO/NATO, 2000 Published in: Research and Technology Organization: RTO meeting proceedings ; 37 Research and Technology Organization Applied Vehicle Technology Panel New metallic materials for the structure of aging aircraft : papers presented at the Applied Vehicle Technology Panel (AVT) workshop, held in Corfu, Greece, 19 - 20 April 1999 = (Les nouveaux matériaux métalliques pour les structures des aéronefs d'ancienne génération) Electronic Resources Close > Bookmarks You can manage bookmarks using lists, please log in to your user account for this. Neuilly-sur-Seine: RTO/NATO, 2000 Published in: Research and Technology Organization: RTO meeting proceedings ; 25 Strudwick, C. P. [Other] ; ERA Technology Ltd, European Space Agency Laser heterojunction screen for "SOMSEM" : final report; ERA project 32-01-0389 confidential-in-confidence Books Close > Bookmarks You can manage bookmarks using lists, please log in to your user account for this. Leatherhead, 1989 Published in: European Space Agency contract report Tun, S. [Other] ; ERA Technology Ltd, European Space Agency Shaped dual offset reflector abtennas for contoured beam spacecraft applications : final report; ERA project 53-01-1895; ESTEC contract no. 5487/83/NL/JG(SG) Books Close > Bookmarks You can manage bookmarks using lists, please log in to your user account for this. Leatherhead, 1989 Published in: European Space Agency contract report NATO Defence Research Group Defense research series Journals / Newspapers / Series Close > Bookmarks You can manage bookmarks using lists, please log in to your user account for this. New York, NY [u.a.]: Plenum Press, 1987- / 1.1987 -
Research and Technology Organization Applied Vehicle Technology Panel Task Group Design loads for future aircraft = Les charges de calcul pour de futurs aéronefs - [Elektronische Ressource] Electronic Resources Close > Bookmarks You can manage bookmarks using lists, please log in to your user account for this. Neuilly-sur-Seine: Research and Technology Organization, 2002 Published in: Research and Technology Organization: RTO technical report ; 4500 - AC/323(AVT)TP ; 3000
Research and Technology Organization Applied Vehicle Technology Panel Task Group Evaluation of methods for solid propellant burning rate measurements = (Evaluation des méthodes de mesure de la vitesse de combustion des propergols solides) Electronic Resources Close > Bookmarks You can manage bookmarks using lists, please log in to your user account for this. Neuilly-sur-Seine: RTO/NATO, 2002 Published in: Research and Technology Organization: RTO technical report ; 43
Research and Technology Organization Applied Vehicle Technology Panel Task Group Performance prediction and simulation of gas turbine engine operation = (La prévision des performances et la simulation du fonctionnement des turbomoteurs) Electronic Resources Close > Bookmarks You can manage bookmarks using lists, please log in to your user account for this. Neuilly-sur-Seine: RTO/NATO, 2002 Published in: Research and Technology Organization: RTO technical report ; 44
Research and Technology Organization Applied Vehicle Technology Panel Task Group Verification and validation data for computational unsteady aerodynamics = (Données de vérification et de validation pour l'aérodynamique instationnaire numérique) - [Elektronische Ressource] Electronic Resources Close > Bookmarks You can manage bookmarks using lists, please log in to your user account for this. Neuilly-sur-Seine: Research and Technology Organzation, 2000 Published in: Research and Technology Organization: RTO technical report ; 2600 - AC/323(AVT)TP ; 1900
Research and Technology Organization Active control of engine dynamics : Brussels, Belgium 14 - 18 May 2001 = Le contrôle actif pour la dynamique des moteurs Electronic Resources Close > Bookmarks You can manage bookmarks using lists, please log in to your user account for this. Neuilly-sur-Seine: Research and Technology Organization, 2002 Published in: Research and Technology Organization: RTO educational notes ; 20
Research and Technology Organization Gas turbine operation and technology for land, sea and air propulsion and power systems = (Conception, exploitation, technologie des turbomoteurs et technologies pour les systèmes terre. air et mer de propulsion et générateur de puissance) Electronic Resources Close > Bookmarks You can manage bookmarks using lists, please log in to your user account for this. Neuilly-sur-Seine: RTO/NATO, 2000 Published in: Research and Technology Organization: RTO meeting proceedings ; 34
Barth, Timothy J. [Editor] ; Research and Technology Organization High-order methods for computational physics Books View online Schließen Close > Bookmarks You can manage bookmarks using lists, please log in to your user account for this. Berlin; Heidelberg; New York; Barcelona; Hong Kong; London; Milan; Paris; Singapore; Tokyo: Springer, 1999 Published in: Lecture notes in computational science and engineering ; 9
Research and Technology Organization RTO technical report Journals / Newspapers / Series Close > Bookmarks You can manage bookmarks using lists, please log in to your user account for this. Neuilly-sur-Seine, 1999- / Nachgewiesen 4.1999 -
Research and Technology Organization RTO educational notes Journals / Newspapers / Series Close > Bookmarks You can manage bookmarks using lists, please log in to your user account for this. Neuilly-sur-Seine: RTO/NATO, 19XX-
Research and Technology Organization RTO lecture series Journals / Newspapers / Series Close > Bookmarks You can manage bookmarks using lists, please log in to your user account for this. Neuilly-sur-Seine: RTO/NATO, 19XX-
Research and Technology Organization RTO meeting proceedings Journals / Newspapers / Series Close > Bookmarks You can manage bookmarks using lists, please log in to your user account for this. Neuilly-sur-Seine: RTO/NATO, 19XX-
Research and Technology Organization Applied Vehicle Technology Panel Aging aircraft fleets - structural and other subsystems aspects : the material in this publication was assembled ... under the sponsorship of the Applied Vehicle Technology Panel (AVT) ... presented on 13 - 16 November 2000 in Sofia, Bulgaria = (Le vieillissement des flottes d'avions militaires - aspects structures et autres sous-systèmes) Electronic Resources Close > Bookmarks You can manage bookmarks using lists, please log in to your user account for this. Neuilly-Sur-Seine: RTO/Nato, 2001 Published in: Research and Technology Organization: RTO educational notes ; 15 - Research and Technology Organization: RTO lecture series ; 218 bis
Research and Technology Organization Applied Vehicle Technology Panel Supercavitating flows : the material in this publication was assembled to support a RTO/VKI lecture series under the sponsorship of the Applied Vehicle Technology Panel (AVT) and the von Kármán Institute for Fluid Dynamics (VKI) presented from 12 - 16 February 2001, in Brussels, Belgium = (Les ecoulements supercavitants) Electronic Resources Close > Bookmarks You can manage bookmarks using lists, please log in to your user account for this. Neuilly-sur-Seine: RTO/NATO, 2002 Published in: Research and Technology Organization: RTO educational notes ; 10 - Research and Technology Organization: RTO lecture series ; 5
Research and Technology Organization Applied Vehicle Technology Panel Unmanned vehicles (UV) for aerial, ground and naval military operations : papers presented at the symposium of the RTO Applied Vehicle Technology Panel (AVT), held in Ankara, Turkey, 9 - 13 October 2000 = Véhicules sans pilote pour opérations militaires aériennes, terrestres et maritimes Electronic Resources Close > Bookmarks You can manage bookmarks using lists, please log in to your user account for this. Neuilly-sur-Seine: RTO/NATO, 2002 Published in: Research and Technology Organization: RTO meeting proceedings ; 52
Research and Technology Organization Applied Vehicle Technology Panel Aging engines, avionics, subsystems and helicopters : the material in this publication was assembled ... under the sponsorship of the Applied Vehicle Technology Panel (AVT) ... presented on 23 - 24 October 2000 in Atlantic City, USA and 26 - 27 October 2000 in Madrid, Spain = (Moteurs, avionique, sous-systèmes et hélicoptères de générations précédentes) Electronic Resources Close > Bookmarks You can manage bookmarks using lists, please log in to your user account for this. Neuilly-Sur-Seine: RTO/Nato, 2000 Published in: Research and Technology Organization: RTO educational notes ; 14 - Research and Technology Organization: RTO lecture series ; 218
Research and Technology Organization Applied Vehicle Technology Panel Design for low cost operation and support : papers presented at the RTO Applied Vehicle Technology Panel (AVT) specialist's meeting, held in Ottawa, Canada, 21 - 22 October 1999 = (La conception en vue d'une exploitation et d'un soutien à coût réduit) Electronic Resources Close > Bookmarks You can manage bookmarks using lists, please log in to your user account for this. Neuilly-sur-Seine: RTO/NATO, 2000 Published in: Research and Technology Organization: RTO meeting proceedings ; 37
Research and Technology Organization Applied Vehicle Technology Panel New metallic materials for the structure of aging aircraft : papers presented at the Applied Vehicle Technology Panel (AVT) workshop, held in Corfu, Greece, 19 - 20 April 1999 = (Les nouveaux matériaux métalliques pour les structures des aéronefs d'ancienne génération) Electronic Resources Close > Bookmarks You can manage bookmarks using lists, please log in to your user account for this. Neuilly-sur-Seine: RTO/NATO, 2000 Published in: Research and Technology Organization: RTO meeting proceedings ; 25
Strudwick, C. P. [Other] ; ERA Technology Ltd, European Space Agency Laser heterojunction screen for "SOMSEM" : final report; ERA project 32-01-0389 confidential-in-confidence Books Close > Bookmarks You can manage bookmarks using lists, please log in to your user account for this. Leatherhead, 1989 Published in: European Space Agency contract report
Tun, S. [Other] ; ERA Technology Ltd, European Space Agency Shaped dual offset reflector abtennas for contoured beam spacecraft applications : final report; ERA project 53-01-1895; ESTEC contract no. 5487/83/NL/JG(SG) Books Close > Bookmarks You can manage bookmarks using lists, please log in to your user account for this. Leatherhead, 1989 Published in: European Space Agency contract report
NATO Defence Research Group Defense research series Journals / Newspapers / Series Close > Bookmarks You can manage bookmarks using lists, please log in to your user account for this. New York, NY [u.a.]: Plenum Press, 1987- / 1.1987 -
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