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  1. Dixson-Declève, Sandrine [Author]; Gaffney, Owen [Author]; Ghosh, Jayati [Author]; Randers, Jørgen [Author]; Rockström, Johan [Author]; Stoknes, Per Espen [Author] ; Seuß, Rita [Translator]; Steckhan, Barbara [Translator] Club of Rome, Club of Rome

    Earth for all : ein Survivalguide für unseren Planeten : der neue Bericht an den Club of Rome, 50 Jahre nach "Die Grenzen des Wachstums"

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    München: oekom, [2022]

  2. Henry, Claude [Editor]; Rockström, Johan [Editor]; Stern, Nicholas H. [Editor]

    Standing up for a sustainable world : voices of change

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    Cheltenham, UK; Northampton, MA, USA: Edward Elgar Publishing, 2020

  3. Sureth, Michael [Author]; Kalkuhl, Matthias [Author]; Edenhofer, Ottmar [Author]; Rockström, Johan [Author]

    A welfare economic approach to planetary boundaries

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    Published in: Jahrbücher für Nationalökonomie und Statistik ; 243(2023), 5, Seite 477-542

  4. Lawrence, Michael [Author]; Homer-Dixon, Thomas [Author]; Janzwood, Scott [Author]; Rockstrom, Johan [Author]; Renn, Ortwin [Author]; Donges, Jonathan F. [Author]

    Global polycrisis : The causal mechanisms of crisis entanglement

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    [S.l.]: SSRN, [2023]

  5. Homer-Dixon, Thomas [Author]; Renn, Ortwin [Author]; Rockstrom, Johan [Author]; Donges, Jonathan F. [Author]; Janzwood, Scott [Author]

    A Call for An International Research Program on the Risk of a Global Polycrisis

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    [S.l.]: SSRN, [2022]

  6. Randers, Jørgen [Author]; Rockström, Johan [Author]; Stoknes, Per Espen [Author]; Golüke, Ulrich [Author]; Collste, David [Author]; Cornell, Sarah E. [Author]

    Transformation is feasible : how to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals within planetary boundaries : a report to the Club of Rome, for its 50 years anniversary 17 October 2018

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    Stockholm, Sweden: Stockholm Resilience Centre, October 2018

    Published in: Report / Stockholm Resilience Centre

  7. Folke, Carl [Author]; Carpenter, Stephen R. [Author]; Chapin, III, F. Stuart (Terry) [Author]; Gaffney, Owen [Author]; Galaz, Victor [Author]; Hoffmann, Holger [Author]; Lamont, Michèle [Author]; Polasky, Stephen [Author]; Rockstrom, Johan [Author]; Scheffer, Marten [Author]; Westley, Frances [Author]; Österblom, Henrik [Author]

    Our Future in the Anthropocene Biosphere : Global sustainability and resilient societies

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    [S.l.]: SSRN, 2020

    Published in: Folke, Carl, et al ; 2020.“Our Future in the Anthropocene Biosphere: Global sustainability and resilient societies.” in Nobel Prize Summit: Our Planet, Our Future. Stockholm, Sweden: Beijer Discussion Paper Series No. 272

  8. Hansen, James [Author]; Kharecha, Pushker [Author]; Sato, Makiko [Author]; Masson-Delmotte, Valerie [Author]; Ackerman, Frank [Author]; Beerling, David [Author]; Hearty, Paul [Author]; Hsu, Shi-Ling [Author]; Hoegh-Guldberg, Ove [Author]; Parmesan, Camille [Author]; Rockstrom, Johan [Author]; Sachs, Jeffrey D. [Author]; Smith, Pete [Author]; Steffen, Konrad [Author]; Van Susteren, Lise [Author]; von Schuckmann, Karina [Author]; Zachos, James [Author]

    Assessing 'Dangerous Climate Change' : Required Reduction of Carbon Emissions to Protect Young People, Future Generations and Nature

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    [S.l.]: SSRN, 2014

  9. Richardson, Katherine [Author]; Steffen, Will [Author]; Lucht, Wolfgang [Author]; Bendtsen, Jørgen [Author]; Cornell, Sarah E. [Author]; Donges, Jonathan F. [Author]; Drüke, Markus [Author]; Fetzer, Ingo [Author]; Bala, Govindasamy [Author]; von Bloh, Werner [Author]; Feulner, Georg [Author]; Fiedler, Stephanie [Author]; Gerten, Dieter [Author]; Gleeson, Tom [Author]; Hofmann, Matthias [Author]; Huiskamp, Willem [Author]; Kummu, Matti [Author]; Mohan, Chinchu [Author]; Nogués-Bravo, David [Author]; Petri, Stefan [Author]; Porkka, Miina [Author]; Rahmstorf, Stefan [Author]; Schaphoff, Sibyll [Author]; Thonicke, Kirsten [Author]; [...]

    Earth beyond six of nine planetary boundaries

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    AAAS (American Association for the Advancement of Science), 2023-09-13

  10. Martin, Maria A. [Author]; Sendra, Olga Alcaraz [Author]; Bastos, Ana [Author]; Bauer, Nico [Author]; Bertram, Christoph [Author]; Blenckner, Thorsten [Author]; Bowen, Kathryn [Author]; Brando, Paulo M. [Author]; Rudolph, Tanya Brodie [Author]; Büchs, Milena [Author]; Bustamante, Mercedes [Author]; Chen, Deliang [Author]; Cleugh, Helen [Author]; Dasgupta, Purnamita [Author]; Denton, Fatima [Author]; Donges, Jonathan F. [Author]; Donkor, Felix Kwabena [Author]; Duan, Hongbo [Author]; Duarte, Carlos M. [Author]; Ebi, Kristie L. [Author]; Edwards, Clea M. [Author]; Engel, Anja [Author]; Fisher, Eleanor [Author]; Fuss, Sabine [Author]; [...]

    Ten new insights in climate science 2021 – a horizon scan

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    Cambridge Univ. Press, 2021-10-18

  11. Nakicenovic, Nebojsa [Author]; Grubler, Arnulf [Author]; Leininger, Julia [Author]; Zimm, Caroline [Author]; Clarke, Geoff [Author]; Ebi, Kristie [Author]; Messner, Dirk [Author]; Rockstrom, Johan [Author]; van der Leeuw, Sander [Author]; Wilson, Charlie [Author]; Zusman, Eric [Author]; Sachs, Jeffrey [Author]; Aguiar, Ana P. [Author]; Khourdajie, Alaa Al [Author]; Arent, Doug [Author]; Arimoto, Taeo [Author]; Bhowmik, Avit K. [Author]; Boza-Kiss, Benigna [Author]; Breuer, Anita [Author]; Carlsen, Henrik [Author]; Carrero-Martinez, Franklin [Author]; Stancova, Katerina Ciampi [Author]; Chabay, Ilan [Author]; Chao, Chia-Wei [Author]; [...]

    Innovations for Sustainability: Pathways to an efficient and post-pandemic future

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    International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis (IIASA), 2020-07