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Chicago; London: The University of Chicago Press, 2012
Brett, John
Brett, John
Chrzan, Janet
Chrzan, Janet
Devine, Sharon
Dufour, Darna L.
Goodman, Alan H.
Jenike, Mark
Johnson, Caley A.
Lieberman, Leslie Sue
Livengood, Sarah V.
Metheny, Karen Bescherer
Monge, Janet M.
Moore, Katherine M.
Piperata, Barbara A.
Rothman, JessicaM.
Turner, Bethany L.
Tuthill, Emily
Wiley, Andrea S.
Wright, Patti J.
Young, Sera
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New York; Oxford: Berghahn Books, [2017]
Published in:Research Methods for Anthropological Studies of Food and Nutrition ; 1
Albala, Ken
Arias-Steele, Sara
Black, Rachel E.
Borre, Kristen
Brenton, Barrett P.
Brett, John
Brett, John
Cavanaugh, Jillian R.
Chaiken, Miriam S.
Chrzan, Janet
Chrzan, Janet
Counihan, Carole
Devine, Sharon
Dufour, Darna L.
Esterik, Penny Van
Goodman, Alan H.
Gross, Joan
Hadley, Craig
Himmelgreen, David A.
Jenike, Mark
Johnson, Caley A.
Lieberman, Leslie Sue
Livengood, Sarah V.
Long, Lucy M.