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Díaz Ardila, José Antonio [Author]; Barrera Ruiz, Sandra [Author]; Turbay de Liévano, Edith [Author]; Beatriz Gonzales, Maestra [Author]; Prada, Miguel Antonio [Author] ; Pérez Jaime, Yollerman Francisco, Vásquez López, Karen Patricia, Mecati Serrano, Marco, Pérez, María Camila, Sánchez Chinome, Dumar Raul, Badillo Gómez, Marco, Teatro Santander = Santander Theater documentaryView onlineClose
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Published in:
Martínez-Atienza de Dios, María [Editor]; Aparicio, Elena de Miguel [Contributor]; Dios, María Martínez-Atienza de [Contributor]; Escandell-Vidal, Victoria [Contributor]; Gracia, Bárbara Marqueta [Contributor]; Ruiz Granados, Beatriz [Contributor]; Hormigo, María Tadea Díaz [Contributor]; Jiménez, Carmen Conti [Contributor]; Lisowska, Monika [Contributor]; Pascua, Borja Alonso [Contributor]; Ramalle, Teresa María Rodríguez [Contributor]; Valente, Chiara [Contributor]En torno a la delimitación de determinadas categorías lingüísticasView onlineSchließen
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Published in: Beihefte zur Zeitschrift für romanische Philologie ; 468
Díaz-Ruíz, Clara [Author]; Santiago, Fernando Martínez [Author]; Montejo-Ráez, Arturo [Author]; Martín-Valdivia, María Teresa [Author]; López, Luis Alfonso Ureña [Author]; Díaz-Galiano, Manuel Carlos [Author]; Cumbreras, Miguel Ángel García [Author]; Vega, Manuel García [Author]; Arco, Flor Miriam Plaza del [Author]; Zafra, Salud M. Jiménez [Author]; Molina-González, María Dolores [Author]COBATO. Un chatbot orientado a asistir al pequeño comercio (COBATO. A chatbot aimed at assisting small retailers)View onlineClose
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Aaij, Roel [Author]; Bachmann, Sebastian [Author]; Carus, Leon [Author]; Caspary, Rowina [Author]; Cocha Toapaxi, Carlos [Author]; De Cian, Michel [Author]; Frau, Giulia [Author]; Glaser, Fabian [Author]; Günther, Paul André [Author]; Han, Xiaoxue [Author]; Hansmann-Menzemer, Stephanie [Author]; Hu, Jiangqiao [Author]; Kubat, Jakub [Author]; Langenbruch, Christoph [Author]; Leverington, Blake [Author]; Marks, Jörg [Author]; Morgenthaler, Maurice Pierre [Author]; Pais, Preema [Author]; Roy, Shreya [Author]; Ruiz Diaz, Miguel [Author]; Skuza, Raphael [Author]; Tuci, Giulia [Author]; Uecker, Lennart Henning [Author]; Unverzagt, Daniel Joachim [Author]; [...] ; LHCb CollaborationA model-independent measurement of the CKM angle γ in partially reconstructed B+- → D*h+- decays with D → K0Sh+h- (h = π, K)View onlineClose
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Published in: Journal of high energy physics ; (2024), 2, Artikel-ID 118, Seite 1-29
Aaij, Roel [Author]; Bachmann, Sebastian [Author]; Caspary, Rowina [Author]; Carus, Leon [Author]; Celani, Sara [Author]; Cocha Toapaxi, Carlos [Author]; De Cian, Michel [Author]; Esen, Sevda [Author]; Herrero Gascón, Paula [Author]; Frau, Giulia [Author]; Günther, Paul André [Author]; Han, Xiaoxue [Author]; Hansmann-Menzemer, Stephanie [Author]; Langenbruch, Christoph [Author]; Leverington, Blake [Author]; Marks, Joshua [Author]; Morgenthaler, Maurice Pierre [Author]; Pais, Preema [Author]; Roy, Shreya [Author]; Ruiz Diaz, Miguel [Author]; Tuci, Giulia [Author]; Uecker, Lennart Henning [Author]; Unverzagt, Daniel Joachim [Author]; Uwer, Ulrich [Author]; [...] ; LHCb CollaborationMomentum scale calibration of the LHCb spectrometerView onlineClose
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Published in: Journal of Instrumentation ; 19(2024), 02, Artikel-ID P02008, Seite [2], 1-19
ICAL, Instituto de Ciencias Alejandro Lipschutz [Author]; Alcayaga Olivares, Julián [Author]; Álvarez, Graciela [Author]; Amarano, Lucía Fátima [Author]; Arduengo, Joaquín [Author]; Arriagada, Juan Carlos [Author]; Astudillo, Fernando [Author]; Aznárez, Carlos [Author]; Azócar, Oscar [Author]; Bell, Ana [Author]; Berkins, Lohana [Author]; Betto, Frei [Author]; Bonafini, Hebe de [Author]; Borón, Atilio [Author]; Caicedo, Jaime [Author]; Caputo, Orlando [Author]; Carmona, Lautaro [Author]; Castellanos Guerrero, Alicia [Author]; Castro, Edwin [Author]; Cezimbra, Elemar [Author]; Chile, Carlos [Author]; Cockroft, James [Author]; Coñomán, Patricia [Author]; Crome, Erhard [Author]; [...]Allende vive 30 añosView onlineClose
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You can manage bookmarks using lists, please log in to your user account for this.s.l.: Ediciones ICAL, Instituto de Ciencias Alejandro Lipschutz, 2004
Sauvant, Karl P. [Author] ; Mallampally, Padma [Other]; McAllister, Geraldine [Other]; Xian, Guoming [Other]; Bellak, Christian [Other]; Mayer, Susanne [Other]; De Beule, Filip [Other]; Van Den Bulcke, Daniel(Danny) [Other]; Bitzenis, Aristidis P [Other]; Acharya, Ram C. [Other]; Rao, Someshwar [Other]; Bhattacharjee, Subrata [Other]; Wright, Leila [Other]; Gammeltoft, Peter [Other]; Steinbock, Dan [Other]; Jost, Thomas [Other]; Hirdina, Ralph [Other]; Vlachos, Vasilios A. [Other]; Sass, Magdolna [Other]; Kalotay, Kalman [Other]; Czako, Erzsebet [Other]; Brennan, Louis [Other]; Verma, Rakhi [Other]; Aharoni, Yair [Other]; Mutinelli, Marco [Other]; [...]Inward and Outward FDI Country Profiles, Second EditionView onlineClose
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Cruz, Raquel [Author]; Diz-de Almeida, Silvia [Author]; Heredia, Miguel López de [Author]; Quintela, Inés [Author]; Ceballos, Francisco C. [Author]; Pita, Guillermo [Author]; Lorenzo-Salazar, José M. [Author]; González-Montelongo, Rafaela [Author]; Gago-Domínguez, Manuela [Author]; Porras, Marta Sevilla [Author]; Castaño, Jair Antonio Tenorio [Author]; Nevado, Julian [Author]; Aguado, Jose Maria [Author]; Aguilar, Carlos [Author]; Aguilera-Albesa, Sergio [Author]; Almadana, Virginia [Author]; Almoguera, Berta [Author]; Alvarez, Nuria [Author]; Andreu-Bernabeu, Álvaro [Author]; Arana-Arri, Eunate [Author]; Arango, Celso [Author]; Arranz, María J. [Author]; Artiga, Maria-Jesus [Author]; Baptista-Rosas, Raúl C. [Author]; [...]Novel genes and sex differences in COVID-19 severityView onlineClose
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Published in: Human molecular genetics ; 31(2022), 22, Seite 3789-3806
Velo Higueras, Carlos; Ruiz Díaz, Miguel ÁngelAttitudes towards Sexual Behaviour: an Exploratory Analysis of a Comprehensive ModelView onlineSchließen
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Published in: International Journal of Psychological Research, 17 (2024) 1, Seite 40-52
Corrales Díaz, Jesús; Gámez Ruiz, MiguelCrónica del II Simposio Internacional de Historia en el territorio del Guadalteba. Las sociedades neandertales del Sur de la Península ibérica y Sima de las Palomas de Teba. Universidad de Cádiz y Ayuntamiento de Teba, 26 y 27 noviembre de 2022View onlineSchließen
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Published in: Revista Atlántica-Mediterránea de Prehistoria y Arqueología Social, 25 (2023)
Alonso-Tapia, Jesús; Ruiz-Díaz, MiguelSchool Climate and Teachers’ Motivational Variables: Effects on Teacher Satisfaction and Classroom Motivational Climate Perceived by Middle School Students. A Cross-cultural StudyView onlineSchließen
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Published in: Psicología Educativa, 28 (2022) 2, Seite 151-163
García-Díaz, Miguel A.; Ruiz-Castro, ManuelUltrasound-Guided Infraclavicular Axillary Vein CannulationView onlineSchließen
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Published in: International Journal of Clinical Medicine, 8 (2017) 4, Seite 227-235
Ruiz, Lidia; Miguel, Alberto; Dı́az-Laviada, InésΔ9‐Tetrahydrocannabinol induces apoptosis in human prostate PC‐3 cells via a receptor‐independent mechanismView onlineSchließen
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Published in: FEBS Letters, 458 (1999) 3, Seite 400-404
Phelps, Nowell H [Author]; Singleton, Rosie K [Author]; Zhou, Bin [Author]; Heap, Rachel A [Author]; Mishra, Anu [Author]; Bennett, James E [Author]; Paciorek, Christopher J [Author]; Lhoste, Victor PF [Author]; Carrillo-Larco, Rodrigo M [Author]; Stevens, Gretchen A [Author]; Rodriguez-Martinez, Andrea [Author]; Bixby, Honor [Author]; Bentham, James [Author]; Di Cesare, Mariachiara [Author]; Danaei, Goodarz [Author]; Rayner, Archie W [Author]; Barradas-Pires, Ana [Author]; Cowan, Melanie J [Author]; Savin, Stefan [Author]; Riley, Leanne M [Author]; Aguilar-Salinas, Carlos A [Author]; Baker, Jennifer L [Author]; Barkat, Amina [Author]; Bhutta, Zulfiqar A [Author]; [...]Worldwide trends in underweight and obesity from 1990 to 2022: a pooled analysis of 3663 population-representative studies with 222 million children, adolescents, and adultsView onlineSchließen
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Valencia Mora, Maria; Ruiz-Ibán, Miguel Ángel; Heredia, Jorge Diaz; Diaz, Raquel Ruiz; Cuéllar, RicardoManagement of Humeral Defects in Anterior Shoulder InstabilityView onlineSchließen
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Published in: The Open Orthopaedics Journal, 11 (2017) Suppl-6, M18, Seite 1011-1022
Valencia Mora, Maria; Diaz Heredia, Jorge; Ruiz Diaz, Raquel; Ruiz-Ibán, Miguel ÁngelExploración y evaluación radiológica de la articulación acromioclavicularView onlineSchließen
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Published in: Revista Española de Artroscopia y Cirugía Articular, 22 (2015) 1, Seite 11-17
Díaz Heredia, Jorge; Ruiz Díaz, Raquel; Valencia Mora, María; Ruiz Ibán, Miguel Angel¿Por qué tratamiento conservador de las luxaciones acromioclaviculares tipo iii?View onlineSchließen
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Published in: Revista Española de Artroscopia y Cirugía Articular, 22 (2015) 1, Seite 28-32
Ruiz Ibán, Miguel Angel; Díaz Heredia, Jorge; Ruiz Díaz, Raquel; Cuellar Ayestarán, Adrian; Valencia Mora, MariaTécnica de remplissage para defectos humerales grandes. Un estudio a medio plazo de cohortes emparejadasView onlineSchließen
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Published in: Revista Española de Artroscopia y Cirugía Articular, 21 (2014) 2, Seite 85-89
Haro Ruiz, Miguel Angel; Díaz García, Luis FranciscoLos Activos digitales que emplean cifrado criptográfico: Implicaciones en materia del Impuesto Sobre la Renta, en México, en el año 2022View onlineSchließen
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Published in: Diagnóstico FACIL Empresarial, Finanzas, Auditoria, Contabilidad, Impuestos, Legal (2022) 18, Seite 45-54
MiguelÁngelHaroRuiz; Luis Francisco Díaz GarcíaActivosdigitales:efectosenmateriadeImpuestoSobrelaRentaenMéxico,año2022The digital assets that use cryptographic encryption:ImplicationsintermsofIncomeTax,inMexico,intheyear2022View onlineSchließen
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Published in: Diagnóstico FACIL Empresarial Finanzas Auditoria Contabilidad Impuestos Legal (2022), Seite 45-54