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  1. Junge, Frank [Author]; Schröer, Sebastian [Author]; Khurelbaatar, Ganbaatar [Author]; Zehnsdorf, Andreas [Author]; Otto, Peter [Author]; Stärk, Hans-Joachim [Author]; Zehnsdorf, Andreas [Author]

    Aquatische Makrophyten als Indikatoren für die Elementverteilung im Fließgewässer Mulde (Mitteldeutschland) = Aquatic marcophytes as indicators for element distribution in river water in the Mulde River (central Germany)



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    Published in: Hydrologie und Wasserbewirtschaftung ; 64(2020), 3, Seite 127-140

    Saxon Bibliography (Sächsische Bibliografie)

  2. Kretzschmar, Ingeburg [Other]; Thurm, Joachim [Other]; Tolstoj, Aleksej N. [Other]; Gorʹkij, Maksim [Other]; Rockstedt, Karl Hans [Other]; Spady, Margarete [Other]; Braun, Ursula [Other]; Müller-Lankow, Helmut [Performer]; Kamenik, Werner [Performer]; Dels, Irina [Performer]; Stark, Otto [Performer]; Körner, Dietrich [Performer]; Antoni, Carmen-Maja [Performer]; Glöss, Ruth [Performer]; Frank, Hans-Peter [Performer] ; Berliner Sinfonie-Orchester

    Geschichten von Alexei Tolstoi und Maxim Gorki (1 Schallpl)

    Sound Recordings


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    Berlin: Deutsche Schallplatten, [19]74

    Published in: Litera

  3. Fröhlich, Achim [Lyricist]; Golm, Willi [Lyricist]; Purbs, Gerhard [Lyricist]; Hampel, Wilhelm [Lyricist]; Lauckner, Heinz [Lyricist]; Geier, Gerhard [Lyricist]; Schäfer, Siegfried [Composer] ; Fröhlich, Achim [Arranger]; Golm, Willi [Arranger]; Spiller, Herbert [Director]; Knötzsch, Hans [Director]; Knötzsch, Hans [Speaker]; König, Dora [Director]; Gürtner, Joachim [Director]; Schäfer, Siegfried [Conductor]; Schäfer, Gerd E. [Speaker]; Thies, Hans-Georg [Speaker]; Naumann, Gisela [Speaker]; Bisetzki, Dieter [Speaker]; Bonacker, Heinz [Speaker]; Krabbe, Ingeborg [Speaker]; Lapuhs, Genia [Speaker]; Günther, Ernst [Speaker]; Troegner, Werner [Speaker]; Naß, Ingeborg [Speaker]; Küster, Harry [Speaker]; Lierck, Werner [Speaker]; Hanisch, Hans-Joachim [Speaker]; Raatz-Beer, Gerda [Speaker]; Aßmann, Robert [Speaker]; Göpelt, Erika [Speaker]; [...] Jürgen-Erbe-Chor

    Spaß am Spaß (1 Schallplatte)

    Sound Recordings


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    Berlin DDR: VEB Deutsche Schallplatten, 19[74]

  4. Natschinski, Gerd [Composer] ; Müller, Hans [Film director]; Porten, Henny [Actor]; Naumann, Horst [Actor]; Renn, Hans-Rüdiger Erich Helmut [Actor]; Marian, Edwin [Actor]; Kuhnert, Adolf Arthur [Screenwriter]

    Carola Lamberti - Eine vom Zirkus : ein erfolgreicher Zirkusfilm (1 DVD-Video)



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    Berlin: Icestorm Distribution GmbH, [2013]

  5. Natschinski, Gerd [Composer] ; Müller, Hans [Film director]; Kuhnert, Adolf Arthur [Screenwriter]; Porten, Henny [Actor]; Neumann, Horst [Actor]; Renn, Hans-Rüdiger Erich Helmut [Actor]

    Carola Lamberti - Eine vom Zirkus : DEFA-Spielfilm 1954 (1 Videokassette)



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    Berlin: Icestorm Distribution GmbH, [1993]

  6. Mishra, Seema [Author]; Stärk, Hans-Joachim [Author]; Küpper, Hendrik [Author]

    A different sequence of events than previously reported leads to arsenic-induced damage in Ceratophyllum demersum L

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    Konstanz: Bibliothek der Universität Konstanz, 2014

  7. Quin, Wen [Author]; Stärk, Hans-Joachim [Author]; Müller, Susann [Author]; Reemtsma, Thorsten [Author]

    Exploring the Extent of Phosphorus and Heavy Metal Uptake by Single Cells of Saccharomyces cerevisiae and Their Effects on Intrinsic Elements by SC-ICP-TOF-MS

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    Lausanne: Frontiers Media S.A., [2023]

    Published in: Frontiers in Microbiology ; 13, (2022)

  8. Anselmann, Sebastian [Author]; Löffler, Claudia [Author]; Stärk, Hans-Joachim [Author]; Jehmlich, Nico [Author]; von Bergen, Martin [Author]; Brüls, Thomas [Author]; Boll, Matthias [Author]

    The class II benzoyl-coenzyme A reductase complex from the sulfate-reducing Desulfosarcina cetonica

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    Oxford: Wiley, 2019

    Published in: Environmental microbiology ; 21, 11 (2019), 4241-4252

  9. Arold, Helmut [Contributor]; Bigl, Heidrun [Contributor]; Eckert, Manfred [Contributor]; Gersch, Manfred [Contributor]; Matthies, Hansjürgen [Contributor]; Niedrich, Hartmut [Contributor]; Ott, Tilmann [Contributor]; Richter, Klaus [Contributor]; Scheel, Heinrich [Editor]; Stark, Holger [Contributor]; Sterba, Günther [Contributor]; Ude, Joachim [Contributor]; Unger, Hans [Contributor]

    Hormonale und humorale Informationsübermittlung durch Peptide als Mediatoren - [Reprint 2021]

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    Berlin; Boston: De Gruyter, [2022]

    Published in: Sitzungsberichte der Akademie der Wissenschaften der DDR / N. Mathematik, Naturwissenschaften, Technik ; 1977, 5

  10. Bishup, Marian [Contributor]; Choroschkewitsch, A. L [Contributor]; Cieslak, Edmund [Contributor]; Donnert, Erich [Contributor]; Fritze, Konrad [Contributor]; Fritze, Konrad [Editor]; Góralci, Karol [Contributor]; Hoyer, Siegfried [Contributor]; Krause, Hans-Thomas [Contributor]; Kühles, Joachim [Contributor]; Langer, Herbert [Contributor]; Maiowist, Marian [Contributor]; Müller-Mertens, Eckhard [Contributor]; Müller-Mertens, Eckhard [Editor]; Samsonowicz, Henryk [Contributor]; Schildhauer, Johannes [Contributor]; Schildhauer, Johannes [Editor]; Schroeder, Horst-Dielher [Contributor]; Schultz, Helga [Contributor]; Spading, Klaus [Contributor]; Stark, Walter [Contributor]; Voigt, Erhard [Editor]; Zaske, Nikolaus [Contributor]; Zeids, Teodor [Contributor]; [...]

    Neue Hansische Studien - [Reprint 2021]

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    Berlin; Boston: De Gruyter, [2022] ; [Online-Ausgabe]

    Published in: Forschungen zur Mittelalterlichen Geschichte ; 17

  11. Ionescu, Danny [Author]; Siebert, Christian [Author]; Polerecky, Lubos [Author]; Munwes, Yaniv Y. [Author]; Lott, Christian [Author]; Häusler, Stefan [Author]; Bižić-Ionescu, Mina [Author]; Quast, Christian [Author]; Peplies, Jörg [Author]; Glöckner, Frank Oliver [Author]; Ramette, Alban [Author]; Rödiger, Tino [Author]; Dittmar, Thorsten [Author]; Oren, Aharon [Author]; Geyer, Stefan [Author]; Stärk, Hans-Joachim [Author]; Sauter, Martin [Author]; Licha, Tobias [Author]; Laronne, Jonathan B. [Author]; de Beer, Dirk [Author]; Bertilsson, Stefan [Author]

    Microbial and Chemical Characterization of Underwater Fresh Water Springs in the Dead Sea

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    GEO-LEOe-docs (FID GEO), 2012-06-05

  12. Vogelgsang, Jonathan [Author]; Hansen, Niels [Author]; Stark, Melina [Author]; Wagner, Michael [Author]; Klafki, Hans-Wolfgang [Author]; Morgado, Barbara Marcos [Author]; Jahn-Brodmann, Anke [Author]; Schott, Björn H. [Author]; Esselmann, Hermann [Author]; Bauer, Chris [Author]; Schuchhardt, Johannes [Author]; Kleineidam, Luca [Author]; Wolfsgruber, Steffen [Author]; Peters, Oliver Hubertus [Author]; Schneider, Luisa-Sophie [Author]; Wang, Xiao [Author]; Menne, Felix [Author]; Priller, Josef [Author]; Spruth, Eike Jakob [Author]; Altenstein, Slawek [Author]; Lohse, Andrea [Author]; Schneider, Anja [Author]; Fliessbach, Klaus [Author]; Vogt, Ina R. [Author]; [...]

    Plasma amyloid beta X-42/X-40 ratio and cognitive decline in suspected early and preclinical Alzheimer's disease

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    Published in: Alzheimer's and dementia ; 20(2024), 8, Seite 5132-5142

  13. Blömeke, Lara Anna [Author]; Rehn, Fabian [Author]; Kraemer-Schulien, Victoria [Author]; Kutzsche, Janine [Author]; Pils, Marlene [Author]; Bujnicki, Tuyen [Author]; Lewczuk, Piotr [Author]; Kornhuber, Johannes [Author]; Freiesleben, Silka Dawn [Author]; Schneider, Luisa-Sophie [Author]; Preis, Lukas [Author]; Priller, Josef [Author]; Spruth, Eike Jakob [Author]; Altenstein, Slawek [Author]; Lohse, Andrea [Author]; Schneider, Anja [Author]; Fliessbach, Klaus [Author]; Wiltfang, Jens [Author]; Hansen, Niels [Author]; Rostamzadeh, Ayda [Author]; Düzel, Emrah [Author]; Glanz, Wenzel [Author]; Incesoy, Enise I. [Author]; Butryn, Michaela [Author]; [...]

    Aβ oligomers peak in early stages of Alzheimer's disease preceding tau pathology

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    Published in: Alzheimer's & dementia. Diagnosis, assessment & disease monitoring ; 16(2024), 2, Artikel-ID e12589

  14. Stark, Melina [Author]; Wolfsgruber, Steffen [Author]; Kleineidam, Luca [Author]; Frommann, Ingo [Author]; Altenstein, Slawek [Author]; Bartels, Claudia [Author]; Brosseron, Frederic [Author]; Buerger, Katharina [Author]; Burow, Lena [Author]; Butryn, Michaela [Author]; Ewers, Michael [Author]; Fliessbach, Klaus [Author]; Gabelin, Tatjana [Author]; Glanz, Wenzel [Author]; Görß, Doreen [Author]; Gref, Daria [Author]; Hansen, Niels [Author]; Heneka, Michael Thomas [Author]; Hinderer, Petra [Author]; Incesoy, Enise I. [Author]; Janowitz, Daniel [Author]; Kilimann, Ingo [Author]; Kimmich, Okka [Author]; Laske, Christoph [Author]; [...]

    Relevance of minor neuropsychological deficits in patients with subjective cognitive decline

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    Published in: Neurology ; 101(2023), 21, Seite e2185-e2196

  15. Aarstad, Kjell [Contributor]; Akashi, Katsuhiko [Contributor]; Altmann, Michael [Contributor]; Aust, Hans Jürgen [Contributor]; Bauer, Karl [Contributor]; Bernhard, Thomas [Contributor]; Bose, Susil Kumar [Contributor]; Bothe, Dagmar [Contributor]; Chandrasekaran, G. N. [Contributor]; Chiu, Chung-Wai [Contributor]; Christiansen, Cath [Contributor]; Danders, Wolf [Contributor]; De Buyser, Dirk [Contributor]; De Visscher, Patrick [Contributor]; Dellweg, Hans Werner [Contributor]; Demain, Arnold L. [Contributor]; Döhren, H. v. [Contributor]; Döhren, Hans von [Contributor]; Döhren, Hans von [Editor]; Ebert, Marion [Contributor]; El-Samaraie, Ali [Contributor]; Elander, Richard P. [Contributor]; Frøyshov, Øystein [Contributor]; Gerhardt, Sabine [Contributor]; [...]

    Peptide Antibiotics Biosynthesis and Functions : Enzymatic Formation of Bioactive Peptidesand Related Compounds - [Reprint 2019]

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    Berlin; Boston: De Gruyter, 2023

  16. Shao, Kai [Author]; Hu, Xiaochen [Author]; Kleineidam, Luca [Author]; Stark, Melina [Author]; Altenstein, Slawek [Author]; Amthauer, Holger [Author]; Boecker, Henning [Author]; Buchert, Ralph [Author]; Buerger, Katharina [Author]; Butryn, Michaela [Author]; Cai, Yanning [Author]; Cai, Yue [Author]; Cosma, Nicoleta-Carmen [Author]; Chen, Guanqun [Author]; Chen, Zhigeng [Author]; Daamen, Marcel Matthias [Author]; Drzezga, Alexander Eduard [Author]; Düzel, Emrah [Author]; Essler, Markus [Author]; Ewers, Michael [Author]; Fliessbach, Klaus [Author]; Gärtner, Florian C. [Author]; Glanz, Wenzel [Author]; Guo, Tengfei [Author]; [...]

    Amyloid and SCD jointly predict cognitive decline across Chinese and German cohorts

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    Published in: Alzheimer's and dementia ; 20(2024), 9, Seite 5926-5939

  17. Baumeister, Hannah [Author]; Vogel, Jacob W. [Author]; Insel, Philip S. [Author]; Kleineidam, Luca [Author]; Wolfsgruber, Steffen [Author]; Stark, Melina [Author]; Gellersen, Helena [Author]; Yakupov, Renat [Author]; Schmid, Matthias [Author]; Lüsebrink-Rindsland, Jann Falk Silvester [Author]; Brosseron, Frederic [Author]; Ziegler, Gabriel [Author]; Freiesleben, Silka Dawn [Author]; Preis, Lukas [Author]; Schneider, Luisa-Sophie [Author]; Spruth, Eike Jakob [Author]; Altenstein, Slawek [Author]; Lohse, Andrea [Author]; Fliessbach, Klaus [Author]; Vogt, Ina R. [Author]; Bartels, Claudia [Author]; Schott, Björn H. [Author]; Rostamzadeh, Ayda [Author]; Glanz, Wenzel [Author]; [...]

    A generalizable data-driven model of atrophy heterogeneity and progression in memory clinic settings

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    Published in: Brain ; 147(2024), 7, Seite 2400-2413