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  1. Dasypodius, Petrus [Author] ; Vives, Juan Luis [Contributor]; Vives, Juan Luis [Other]; Sapidus, Johannes [Contributor]; Sapidus, Johannes [Other]; Bedrotus, Jacobus [Contributor]; Bedrotus, Jacobus [Other]; Hospinianus, Johannes [Contributor]; Hospinianus, Johannes [Other]; Rihel, Wendel [Printer]

    Dictionarium Latinogermanicum Et Vice Versa Germanicolatinum ex optimis Latinae linguae scriptoribus concinnatum. Nomina Praeterea Locorvm, Et Amnium in Germania, tum ponderum & alia quaedam, ... explicata



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    Argentorati: W. Rihel, 1537

  2. Sophie Charlotte Preußen, Königin [Other]; Pesarovius, Paul Pomian [Contributor]; Pesarovius, Paul Pomian [Other]; Goeritz, Christoph Konrad [Contributor]; Goeritz, Christoph Konrad [Other]; Schönfeld, Heinrich [Contributor]; Schönfeld, Heinrich [Other]; Amsel, Johann [Contributor]; Amsel, Johann [Other]; Stavinski, David [Contributor]; Stavinski, David [Other]; Zywicki, Simon [Contributor]; Zywicki, Simon [Other]; Schwenner, Peter [Contributor]; Schwenner, Peter [Other]; Hoyer, Johann Heinrich [Contributor]; Hoyer, Johann Heinrich [Other]; Tilesius, Balthasar [Contributor]; Tilesius, Balthasar [Other]; Stein, Konrad [Contributor]; Stein, Konrad [Other]; Boltz, Johann Christoph [Contributor]; Boltz, Johann Christoph [Other]; Wagner, Georg Friedrich [Contributor]; [...]

    Beatissimis Manibus, Augustissimae Atque Potentissimae Principissae Ac Dominae Dnae. Sophiae Charlottae, Reginae Prussiae ... Denatae In Electorali Sede Hanovera Kalend. Febr. Anno Aerae MDCCV. Cum Regales Exequiae, Die 28. Iunii Anno MDCCV. Berolini Regie Celebarentur, Lamenta haec, Ex devotissima mente profecta, consecravit Subiectissima, quae Regiomonti Prussorum est, Academia

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    Regiomonti: Typis Reusnerianis, 1705

  3. Rango, Immanuel [Other]; Schaper, Johann Ernst [Other]; Krakevitz, Albrecht Joachim von [Other]; Tielcke, Heinrich Christian [Other]; Friedrich I. Preußen, König [Other]; Barnstorff, Bernhard [Other]; Habichhorst, Andreas Daniel [Other]; Fecht, Johann [Other]; Quistorp, Johann Nicolaus [Other]; Grünenberg, Johann Peter [Other]; Stein, Matthias [Other]; Barnstorff, Johann [Other]; Schwiegerau, Nikolaus [Printer]

    Nobilissimo Planeque Eximio Viro-Iuveni, Dno. Immanueli Rangoni, Stargardia Pomerano ... Iam quoque Oratione Solenni Incrementa Potentissimae Domus Brandenburgicae celebranti, simulque Memoriam Coronationis Sceptrigeri Electoris, Domini Friderici In Regem Borussiae d. 18. Ian. A. 1701. Regiomonti factam, In Acad. Rostochiensi d. 18. Ian. Ann. 1703. recolenti ... applaudunt Dnn. Professores Ibidem

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    Rostochii: Schwiegerovius, 1703

  4. Mela, Pomponius [Author] ; Gronovius, Abraham [Editor]; Barbarus, Hermolaus Iunior [Commentator]; Vossius, Isaac [Commentator]; Perizonius, Jacobus [Commentator]; Nuñez, Pedro Juan [Other]

    Pomponii Melae De Situ orbis Libri III - [Editio altera]



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    Lugduni Batavorum: Luchtmans, 17XX-

  5. Becker, Carl Ferdinand [Author] ; Isaac, Heinrich [Other]; Schop, Johann [Other]; Köler, Martin [Other]; Rist, Johann [Other]; Ammerbach, Elias Nikolaus [Other]; Kuhnau, Johann [Other]; Bach, Johann Sebastian [Other]; Schein, Johann Hermann [Other]; Schicht, Johann Gottfried [Other]; Senfl, Ludwig [Other]; Lemlin, Lorenz [Other]; Heintz, Wolff [Other]; Hofhaimer, Paul [Other]; Haßler, Hans Leo [Other]; Albert, Heinrich [Other]

    Die Hausmusik in Deutschland in dem 16., 17. und 18. Jahrhundert : Materialien zu einer Geschichte derselben, nebst einer Reihe Vocal- und Instrumental-Compositionen ...



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    Leipzig: Fest, 1840

  6. Becker, Carl Ferdinand [Author]; Isaac, Heinrich [Composer]; Schop, Johann [Composer]; Köler, Martin [Composer]; Ristori, Giovanni Alberto [Composer]; Ammerbach, Elias Nikolaus [Composer]; Kuhnau, Johann [Composer]; Bach, Johann Sebastian [Composer]; Schein, Johann Hermann [Composer]; Schicht, Johann Gottfried [Composer]; Senfl, Ludwig [Composer]; Lemlin, Lorenz [Composer]; Heintz, Wolff [Composer]; Hofhaimer, Paul [Composer]; Haßler, Hans Leo [Composer]; Albert, Heinrich [Composer]

    Die Hausmusik in Deutschland in dem 16., 17. und 18. Jahrhunderte : Materialien zu einer Geschichte derselben, nebst einer Reihe Vocal- und Instrumental-Compositionen von H. Isaac, L. Senfl, L. Lemlin, W. Heintz, H. L. Haßler, J. H. Schein, H. Albert u. A. zur näheren Erläuterung - [Nachdr. der Ausg. Leipzig 1840]



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    Hildesheim [u.a.]: Olms, 1973

  7. Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von [Other]; Dorn, Dieter [Other]; Griem, Helmut [Other]; Pekny, Romuald [Other]; Melles, Sunnyi [Other]; Roll, Gernot [Other]; Jannotta, Roger [Other]

    Faust : vom Himmel, durch die Welt, zur Hölle (1 DVD-Video)



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    [Ismaning]: EuroVideo, 2004

  8. Dorn, Dieter [Other]; Griem, Helmut [Other]; Pekny, Romuald [Other]; Melles, Sunnyi [Other]; Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von [Other]; Roll, Gernot [Other]; Jannotta, Roger [Other]

    Faust (1 Videokassette [VHS])



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    [Ismaning bei München]: EuroVideo, 1989 ; [S.l.]: Bavaria-Film [Orig.-Prod.], 1989

  9. Wunderlich, Werner [Editor]; Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus [Other]; Schikaneder, Emanuel [Other]; Vulpius, Christian August [Other]; Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von [Other]; Zuccalmaglio, Anton Wilhelm Florentin von [Other]; Perinet, Joachim [Other]

    Mozarts Zauberflöte und ihre Dichter : Schikaneder, Vulpius, Goethe, Zuccalmaglio; Faksimiles und Editionen von Textbuch, Bearbeitungen und Fortsetzungen der Mozart-Oper

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    Anif/Salzburg: Mueller-Speiser, 2007

    Published in: Wort und Musik / Reihe Libretti ; 4 - Wort und Musik ; 60

  10. Mendelssohn Bartholdy, Albrecht [Composer]; Keller, Gottfried [Author]; Rückert, Friedrich [Author]; Dauthendey, Max [Author]; Eichendorff, Joseph von [Author]; Frank, Bruno [Author]; Storm, Theodor [Author]; Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von [Author]; Field, Eugene [Author]; Galsworthy, John [Author]; Marmontel, Jean François [Author]; Hugo, Victor [Author]; Horatius Flaccus, Quintus [Author] ; Mengelkoch, Eva [Editor]

    Songs for Lena - Partitur

    Notated Music


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    Middleton, Wisconsin: A-R Editions, Inc., [2024]

    Published in: Recent researches in the music of the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries ; 92

  11. Schubert, Franz [Composer]; Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von [Lyricist]; Mayrhoffer, Johann Nepomuk [Lyricist]; Bruchmann, Franz von [Lyricist]; Schreiber, Alois Wilhelm [Lyricist]; Metastasio, Pietro [Lyricist]; Schumann, Robert [Composer]; Müller von Königswinter, Wolfgang [Lyricist]; Uhland, Ludwig [Lyricist]; Kerner, Justinus [Lyricist]; Schöpff, Wilhelm [Lyricist]; Wolf, Hugo [Composer]; Mörike, Eduard [Lyricist] ; Hann, Georg [Singer]; Raucheisen, Michael [Instrumentalist]

    Georg Hann singt Lieder (1 Schallplatte)

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    [Wien]: Austro Mechana, [1975?]

  12. Schubert, Franz [Composer]; Metastasio, Pietro [Lyricist]; Goldoni, Carlo [Lyricist]; Rückert, Friedrich [Lyricist]; Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von [Lyricist]; Craigher, Jakob Nikolaus [Lyricist]; Scott, Walter [Lyricist]; Collin, Matthäus von [Lyricist]; Pfitzner, Hans [Composer]; Bürger, Gottfried August [Lyricist]; Eichendorff, Joseph von [Lyricist]; Keller, Gottfried [Lyricist] ; Berger, Erna [Singer]; Raucheisen, Michael [Instrumentalist]

    Erna Berger : Lieder von Franz Schubert und Hans Pfitzner (1 Schallplatte)

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    [Frankfurt am Main]: Bellaphon-Records, ℗ 1983

  13. Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus [Composer]; Metastasio, Pietro [Librettist]; Da Ponte, Lorenzo [Librettist]; Campe, Joachim Heinrich [Lyricist]; Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von [Lyricist]; Fliess, Bernhard [Composer]; Gotter, Friedrich Wilhelm [Lyricist]; Strauss, Richard [Composer]; Bürger, Gottfried August [Lyricist]; Heine, Heinrich [Lyricist]; Bierbaum, Otto Julius [Lyricist]; Henckell, Karl [Lyricist]; Schack, Adolf Friedrich von [Lyricist] ; Schumann, Elisabeth [Singer]; Hayward, Marjorie [Instrumentalist]; Byng, George W. [Conductor]; Alwin, Karl [Conductor]; Alwin, Karl [Instrumentalist] Wiener Staatsoper Orchester

    Elisabeth Schumann : Arias andSong recital (1 Schallplatte)

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    Hayes, Middlesex, England: EMI Records Limited, [1963?]

    Published in: Great recordings of the century

  14. Beethoven, Ludwig van [Composer]; Tiedge, Christoph August [Lyricist]; Metastasio, Pietro [Lyricist]; Sauter, Samuel Friedrich [Lyricist]; Matthisson, Friedrich von [Lyricist]; Schubert, Franz [Composer]; Rellstab, Ludwig [Lyricist]; Rückert, Friedrich [Lyricist]; Shakespeare, William [Lyricist]; Bruchmann, Franz von [Lyricist]; Uhland, Ludwig [Author]; Schmidt, Georg Philipp [Lyricist]; Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von [Lyricist]; Schumann, Robert [Composer]; Eichendorff, Joseph von [Lyricist]; Kerner, Justinus [Lyricist]; Andersen, Hans Christian [Lyricist]; Loewe, Carl [Composer]; Seidl, Johann Gabriel [Lyricist]; Alexis, Willibald [Lyricist]; Kopisch, August [Lyricist]; Liszt, Franz [Composer]; Lenau, Nikolaus [Lyricist]; Hugo, Victor [Lyricist]; [...] ; Bauernfeld, Eduard von [Translator]; Cornelius, Peter [Translator]; Schlusnus, Heinrich [Singer]; Raucheisen, Michael [Instrumentalist]; Peschko, Sebastian [Instrumentalist]

    Heinrich Schlusnus Liederalbum : Volume 2 (2 CD)

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    [Wien]: Lebendige Vergangenheit, [1993]

  15. Emmenius, Gallus [Author] ; Lotichius, Petrus [Contributor]; Lotichius, Petrus [Other]; Stein, Simon [Contributor]; Stein, Simon [Other]

    Prognosticon Astrologicum. Auff die Vier Zeiten vnd Andere bedeutungen der Planeten vnnd Finsternissen des Jars ... 1570. zu ehren vnd wolgefallen Den ... Herren Buergermeistern vnd Radtsverwandten der Koeniglichen Stadt Budissin

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    Budissin: Wolrab, [circa 1570] ; Online-Ausg., Leipzig: UBL, 2012

  16. Rebhan, Johann [Author]; Schmidt, Andreas Christian [Author] ; Weiß, Joh-Fridericus [Dedicatee]; Weiß, Joh-Fridericus [Other]; Amling, Joh-Philippus [Dedicatee]; Amling, Joh-Philippus [Other]; Mahler, Balthasarus [Dedicatee]; Mahler, Balthasarus [Other]; Nölling, Joh-Davidus [Dedicatee]; Nölling, Joh-Davidus [Other]; Draco, Joh- Jacobus [Dedicatee]; Draco, Joh- Jacobus [Other]; Amling, Joh. Christianus [Dedicatee]; Amling, Joh. Christianus [Other]; Wolffrum, Andr: Petrus [Dedicatee]; Wolffrum, Andr: Petrus [Other]; Piccartus, Guolfg. Jac [Contributor]; Piccartus, Guolfg. Jac [Other]; Stein, Johannes Theobaldus [Contributor]; Stein, Johannes Theobaldus [Other]; Schmidt, Hannibal Guilielmus [Contributor]; Schmidt, Hannibal Guilielmus [Other]; Spoor, Friedrich [Printer] Universität Straßburg

    Disputatio Iuridica De Beneficio Inventarii Quod Heredi

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    Argentorati: Spoor, 1646 ; Online-Ausg., Halle, Saale: Universitäts- und Landesbibliothek Sachsen-Anhalt, 2013

  17. Dasypodius, Petrus [Author] ; Bedrotus, Jacobus [Contributor]; Bedrotus, Jacobus [Other]; Sapidus, Johannes [Contributor]; Sapidus, Johannes [Other]; Vives, Juan Luis [Contributor]; Vives, Juan Luis [Other]; Hospinianus, Johannes [Contributor]; Hospinianus, Johannes [Other]; Rihel, Wendel [Printer]

    DICTIONARI=||VM LATINOGERMANICVM || et Vice uersa Germanicolatin~u, ex optimis || Latinae linguae scriptoribus || concinnatum.|| ACCESSERVNT NOMINA LOCORVM ET || Amnium in Germania, et alia quaedam ... || Authore Petro Dasypodio.|| IAM QVARTO RECOGNITVM ET MVLTIS VO=||cabulis locupletatum per authorem ipsum ... || PRAETEREA.|| Adiecta sunt Forensia ... ||

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    Straßburg: Rihel, Wendelin d.Ä., 1548 ; Online-Ausg., Berlin: Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin - Preußischer Kulturbesitz, 2011