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Düsseldorf: Pädag. Verl. Schwann, c 1982
Published in:Schwann musica sacra
Rameau, Jean-Philippe
Rivenq, Nicolas
Daneman, Sophie
Thompson, Jeffrey
Pitarch, Olga
Christie, William
[Performer]Les Arts florissants Musikgruppe
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[Redhill]: Naxos Rights (Europe) Ltd., [2019]
Bach, Johann Sebastian
Gomme, Andor H.
Keiser, Reinhard
Webber, Geoffrey
Ovenden, Jeremy
Mirfin, Timothy
Gomme, Ruth
Towers, William
Gilchrist, James
Thompson, Paul
[Performer]Gonville and Caius College Cambridge Choir,
Cambridge Baroque Camerata Cambridge
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London, England: ASV Digital, P 1999
Published in:Gaudeamus
Rameau, Jean-Philippe
Grimm, Thomas
[Television director];
Moritz, Reiner
[Television director];
Christie, William
[Musical director];
Rivenq, Nicolas
Daneman, Sophie
Thompson, Jeffrey
Pitarch, Olga
Martin, Beatrice
Cohën-Akenine, Patrick
Ben David, Nima
Saitta, Serge
[Instrumentalist]Les Arts florissants Musikgruppe
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Waldron, Heathfield: Opus Arte, [2011]
Cooder, Ry
Nichols, Mike
Travolta, John
Thompson, Emma
Thornton, Billy Bob
Lester, Adrian
Tierney, Maura
Guilfoyle, Paul
Hagman, Larry
Bates, Kathy
May, Elaine
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[München]: Concorde Home Entertainment GmbH, [1999]
Published in:Audio Video Foto Bild
Scorsese, Martin
Thompson, Emma
Fox, James
Ivory, James
Day-Lewis, Daniel
Pfeiffer, Michelle
Ryder, Winona
Wharton, Edith
Cocks, Jay
Bernstein, Elmer
Ballhaus, Michael
Hopkins, Anthony
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[S.l.], 2009
Published in:Konzert
Mikulášek, Miroslav
Majakovskij, Vladimir
Lunačarskij, Anatolij Vasilʹevič
Vedecké Sympózium Věnováno Osmdesátému Výročí Narození V. V. Majakovského a Čtyřicátému Výročí Úmrtí A. V. Lunačarského 1973, Brünn,
Univerzita J. E. Purkyně
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La Rochelle: par Noel de LaCroix, 1607
Haydn, Joseph
Swieten, Gottfried van
Thomson, James
Kubelík, Rafael
Mathis, Edith
Crass, Franz
Hollweg, Werner
[Performer]Rundfunkchor München,
Münchner Rundfunkorchester