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  1. Böhm, Miriam [Illustrator]; Thompson, Matthew [Other] ; Galerie Jan Wentrup Berlin

    Miriam Böhm



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    Berlin: Distanz-Verl., 2012 ; Berlin: Gestalten, 2012

  2. Kozák, Jan [Other]; Thompson, Marie-Claude [Other] ; Schweizerische Rückversicherungsgesellschaft

    Historische Erdbeben in Europa



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    Zürich: Schweizerische Rückversicherungs-Ges., 1991

  3. Vivaldi, Antonio [Author] ; Jansen, Janine [Performer]; Thompson, Candida [Performer]; Rubingh, Henk [Performer]; Rachlin, Julian [Performer]; Jansen, Maarten [Performer]; Watton, Stacey [Performer]; Kenny, Elizabeth [Performer]; Jansen, Jan [Performer]

    Die vier Jahreszeiten = Le quattro stagioni : op. 8 = The four seasons (1 CD)

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    [S.l.]: Decca Music Group, P 2004

    Published in: Universal Music - Universal Classics

  4. Stradella, Alessandro [Author]; Ansaldi, Girardo [Author] ; Müller-Brühl, Helmut [Performer]; Schlick, Barbara [Performer]; Keller, Helen [Performer]; Dalton, Andrew [Performer]; Thompson, Jan [Performer]; Studer, Ulrich [Performer] Tablater Sängergemeinschaft, Capella Clementina

    San Giovanni Battista : [oratorio in due parti a 5 voci, coro di discipuli e cortigiani, concertino e concerto grosso di Abbate Girardo Ansaldi] (2 Schallpl. in Album)

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    Zürich: Ex Libris-Verl., P 1980

  5. Stradella, Alessandro [Author] ; Schlick, Barbara [Performer]; Keller, Helen [Performer]; Dalton, Andrew [Performer]; Thompson, Jan [Performer]; Studer, Ulrich [Performer]; Müller-Brühl, Helmut [Performer]; Schmid, Marcel [Performer] Tablater Sängergemeinschaft, Capella Clementina

    San Giovanni Battista : szenisches Oratorium in zwei Teilen = Johannes der Täufer (2 Schallpl. in Kassette)

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    Düsseldorf: Pädag. Verl. Schwann, c 1982

    Published in: Schwann musica sacra

  6. Rameau, Jean-Philippe [Author] ; Rivenq, Nicolas [Performer]; Daneman, Sophie [Performer]; Thompson, Jeffrey [Performer]; Pitarch, Olga [Performer]; Christie, William [Performer] Les Arts florissants Musikgruppe

    In Convertendo (1 DVD-Video)



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    Waldron, Heathfield: Opus Arte, 2006

  7. Rameau, Jean-Philippe [Composer]; Rameau, Jean-Philippe [Author]; Cahusac, Louis de [Librettist]; Cahusac, Louis de [Author]; Curran, Seán [Choreographer]; Nehru, Anuradha [Choreographer]; Turocy, Catherine [Choreographer] ; Brown, Ryan [Conductor]; Brown, Ryan [Stage director]; Debono, Claire [Singer]; Debono, Claire [Other]; Thompson, Jeffrey [Singer]; Thompson, Jeffrey [Other]; Perruche, Ingrid [Singer]; Perruche, Ingrid [Other]; Lis, François [Singer]; Lis, François [Other]; Curran, Seán [Stage director]; Nehru, Anuradha [Stage director]; Turocy, Catherine [Stage director] The New York Baroque Dance Company, Kalanidhi Dance, The Seán Curran Company, Opera Lafayette Orchestra, Opera Lafayette Chorus

    Les fêtes de l'hymen et de l'amour : ou les dieux d'egypte (1 DVD)



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    [Redhill]: Naxos Rights (Europe) Ltd., [2019]

  8. Bach, Johann Sebastian [Author] ; Gomme, Andor H. [Other]; Keiser, Reinhard [Other]; Webber, Geoffrey [Performer]; Ovenden, Jeremy [Performer]; Mirfin, Timothy [Performer]; Gomme, Ruth [Performer]; Towers, William [Performer]; Gilchrist, James [Performer]; Thompson, Paul [Performer] Gonville and Caius College Cambridge Choir, Cambridge Baroque Camerata Cambridge

    St. Mark Passion (2 CDs)

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    London, England: ASV Digital, P 1999

    Published in: Gaudeamus

  9. Rameau, Jean-Philippe [Composer] ; Grimm, Thomas [Television director]; Moritz, Reiner [Television director]; Christie, William [Musical director]; Rivenq, Nicolas [Singer]; Daneman, Sophie [Singer]; Thompson, Jeffrey [Singer]; Pitarch, Olga [Singer]; Martin, Beatrice [Instrumentalist]; Cohën-Akenine, Patrick [Instrumentalist]; Ben David, Nima [Instrumentalist]; Saitta, Serge [Instrumentalist] Les Arts florissants Musikgruppe

    In convertendo (1 DVD-Video)

    Sound Recordings


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    Waldron, Heathfield: Opus Arte, [2011]

  10. Cooder, Ry [Composer] ; Nichols, Mike [Director]; Travolta, John [Actor]; Thompson, Emma [Actor]; Thornton, Billy Bob [Actor]; Lester, Adrian [Actor]; Tierney, Maura [Actor]; Guilfoyle, Paul [Actor]; Hagman, Larry [Actor]; Bates, Kathy [Actor]; May, Elaine [Screenwriter]

    Mit aller Macht = Primary colors (1 DVD-Video)



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    [München]: Concorde Home Entertainment GmbH, [1999]

    Published in: Audio Video Foto Bild

  11. Scorsese, Martin [Other]; Thompson, Emma [Other]; Fox, James [Other]; Ivory, James [Other]; Day-Lewis, Daniel [Other]; Pfeiffer, Michelle [Other]; Ryder, Winona [Other]; Wharton, Edith [Other]; Cocks, Jay [Other]; Bernstein, Elmer [Other]; Ballhaus, Michael [Other]; Hopkins, Anthony [Other]

    Zeit der Unschuld = The age of innocence (1 DVD-Video)



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    München: Sony Pictures Home Enter, 2008 ; [S.l.]: Columbia Pictures Industries [Orig.-Prod.], 2008

    Published in: Best of Hollywood ; 2 movie collector's pack

  12. Schütz, Heinrich [Other]; Bach, Johann Sebastian [Other]; Buchenberg, Wolfram [Other]; Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus [Other]; Thompson, Barbara [Other]; Rosenblum, Mathew [Other]; Banter, Harald [Other]; Morgenstern, Christian [Other]; Rheinberger, Joseph [Other]; Jung, Fredo [Performer]; Erler, David [Performer]; Barthel, Ulrich [Performer]; Arnold, Markus [Performer] ; Calmus Ensemble Leipzig, Leipziger Concert, Raschèr Saxophone Quartet, MDR Kinderchor, Anton-Philipp-Reclam-Schule Leipzig Chor

    10 Jahre Calmus Ensemble : [Ausschnitte aus dem Jubiläumskonzert vom 25. Oktober 2009] (2 CD)

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    [S.l.], 2009

    Published in: Konzert

  13. Mikulášek, Miroslav [Adapter]; Majakovskij, Vladimir [Honoree]; Lunačarskij, Anatolij Vasilʹevič [Honoree] ; Vedecké Sympózium Věnováno Osmdesátému Výročí Narození V. V. Majakovského a Čtyřicátému Výročí Úmrtí A. V. Lunačarského 1973, Brünn, Univerzita J. E. Purkyně

    Literatura, umění a revoluce : sborník Vedeckého Sympozia Věnovaného Osmdesátému Výročí Narození V. V. Majakovského a Čtyřicátému Výročí Úmrtí A. V. Lunačarského, Brno 30. října - 2. listopadu 1973



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    V Brně, 1976

    Published in: Univerzita J. E. Purkyně: Opera Universitatis Purkynianae Brunensis, Facultas Philosophica ; 204

  14. Bakker, Egbert J. [Editor]

    A companion to the ancient Greek language



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    Chichester [u.a.]: Wiley-Blackwell, 2010

    Published in: Blackwell companions to the ancient world

  15. Napier, John [Author]; Johannes Evangelist, Heiliger [Author] ; Thomson, George [Translator]; Thomson, George [Other]

    Ovvertvre de tovs les secrets de l'Apocalypse ov révélation de S. Iean : en deux traités, l'un recerchant & prouvant la vraye interpretation d'icelle, l'autre appliquant au texte ceste interpretation paraphrastiquement & historiquement - [Ed. 3., amplifiée d'annot., & de Quatre harmonies sur l'Apocalypse par le translateur]



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    La Rochelle: par Noel de LaCroix, 1607

  16. Haydn, Joseph [Author]; Swieten, Gottfried van [Author] ; Thomson, James [Other]; Kubelík, Rafael [Performer]; Mathis, Edith [Performer]; Crass, Franz [Performer]; Hollweg, Werner [Performer] Rundfunkchor München, Münchner Rundfunkorchester

    Die Jahreszeiten : Oratorium Hob. XXI:3 (2 CD)

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    München: Orfeo International Music, P 1998

  17. Müller, Heiner [Author] ; Müller, Heiner [Other]; Pogodin, Nikolaj Fedorovič [Other]; Shakespeare, William [Other]; Molière [Other]; Césaire, Aimé [Other]; Čechov, Anton Pavlovič [Other]; Suchovo-Kobylin, Aleksandr Vasilʹevič [Other]; Majakovskij, Vladimir [Other]; Koltès, Bernard-Marie [Other]; Aeschylus [Other]

    Die Stücke / 5, Die Übersetzungen - [1. Aufl.]



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    Frankfurt am Main: Suhrkamp, 2004

    Published in: Die Stücke / Heiner Müller ; 5 - Müller, Heiner: Werke. ; 7

  18. Landfeldt, Erik [Author]; Thompson, Rachel [Author]; Sejersen, Thomas [Author]; McMillan, Hugh J. [Author]; Kirschner, Janbernd [Author]; Lochmüller, Hanns [Author]

    Life expectancy at birth in Duchenne muscular dystrophy: a systematic review and meta-analysis

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    Dordrecht [u.a.]: Springer Nature, 2020

    Published in: European journal of epidemiology ; 35, 7 (2020), 643-653